I saw this thing.
Is that guy's video the only one available or has the gym released any cctv footage?
There was this video Mike did where he was saying "science based" trainers were mediocre, without mentioning names.
Whatshisface then had to generate a bit of content aimed straight back at Mike to say look at me I am amazing.
Idk, I suppose nobody condones violence.
However, it seems Mike was training a client and that Jeff guy arrives there with cameras/phones pointing left right and centre, to do what he does best (make a bit of content to put online).
I am just wondering whether there is any more to this we have not seen, like Mike was asked to be left alone and was not, for example.
Not saying the guy that got attacked was necessarily fishing for an interaction and a bit of controversy, but maybe he was.
The next thing you know is we have a selfie in front of an MRI machine, proudly displayed on Instagram.
I have to say, this guy is everything I hate about what fitfluencers do.
Gyms should ban the bs of people doing this stuff in there.
They are not in that space alone and not everyone wants to end up on a random social media, just because they happen to want to train (whilst paying to be there).
I suppose this does not justify the reaction, but I do understand him getting unnerved by the situation.
This is a massive problem for Mike, financial as well. I think the gym banned him, too.
Do you know what may happen to him next?
He is in Canada, idk how the law differs from the States, for something like this.