Mint Anabolics - US Domestic Source

Thank you for the insightful thoughts. I def am seeing that the patience and lengthy research has been so far the way to go. I have a few cycles under my belt but always sourced stuff through a mutual acquaintance. Lately been trying to go solo, less baggage and less connection this way.

To sum up, last year or two years ago when I started lurking more heavily on the boards, I would have def pulled a trigger on a lot of bad sources and some good ones that got busted (cat). Waiting it out and watching the currents flow has been interesting and very eye opening.
Helps to find one concrete source, and stock up. Then keep an eye on who does what after. It’s usually kids who are pressed to buy gear that prop up shit sources.
Helps to find one concrete source, and stock up. Then keep an eye on who does what after. It’s usually kids who are pressed to buy gear that prop up shit sources.
Tons of wanna be influencers ordering from all kind of sources, zero care of sterility or coms, as long as it’s in their hands in less than a week they are good. Blame social media and the likes of Togi for the current trajectory. Shit I sound old as fuck.
@Abolik can you post that minty email pic here. So someone with constructive criticism can help you out. @readalot what do you think? I can’t see pics in full res on sst and I refuse to register on there atm. Seems like might have been hit by a scam email somehow but can’t be sure. Sucks if true bro.
Here they are


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Yeah, never had this issue ever in all my time of ordering. Hopefully if something did happen he will just send the order to me. It was only a couple hundred bucks to try a few items.
Yeah, never had this issue ever in all my time of ordering. Hopefully if something did happen he will just send the order to me. It was only a couple hundred bucks to try a few items.
Take it as a hard lesson and I advise to wait for Minty to respond. Delete that whole email thread, start a new one with proper email and explain the situation, hopefully you get a response. I wouldn’t entertain the sst peeps anymore, doesn’t help the case.
Yeah, never had this issue ever in all my time of ordering. Hopefully if something did happen he will just send the order to me. It was only a couple hundred bucks to try a few items.
You need to get another email address as well. You just showed your email to every scammer on here. Sorry about that. You have to be very careful when replying as scammer can insert into the email thread very easily once they know the MO of the vendor. Especially if vendor puts multiple "i" / "L" 's in the email.

I wonder if vendors ever spoof themselves to provide cover or other scam value?
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You need to get another email address as well. You just showed your email to every scammer on here. Sorry about that. You have to be very careful when replying as scammer can insert into the thread very easily once they know the MO of the vendor.
What he said! I should have told you to edit out your details. That’s on me. Also it’s strongly advised to not use same handle as your board handle, change it up. You’ll be too easy to track down by anyone, scammers and anyone else with interest in mind.
Why does the source seem to have so many middlemen trying to do his communications? If he only cares about SST and responds there then, great, stay over there. So far this guy is crashing and burning on Meso.
Most do this. Their cash cow is with the teenagers on sst so they have a dozen representatives who just bought gear for the first time. So excited they received a package in the mail they feel the need to defend the sources honor and rep for him. There must be a dozen of these people per source over there. It’s seriously embarrassing watching them love every source comments they make.
This is why I love MESO. Everyone can see through the bullshit and isn’t swayed by sales or lies. A new sst source can literally show up with zero testing and as long as fedboy captain America gives the thumbs up then they have dozens of people blindly buying what in all reality maybe might not even be steroids. There was at least two sources on sst who were selling bunk somewhat recently (like 2-3yrs) Imperial lion and brawnyboys, that shit would not fly here not for 1 minute. And these people were allowed to peddle their bunk test because they showed 1 picture of a Whatman zapcap and a dresser covered in printer paper because captain America got his 7k.
This is why I love MESO. Everyone can see through the bullshit and isn’t swayed by sales or lies. A new sst source can literally show up with zero testing and as long as fedboy captain America gives the thumbs up then they have dozens of people blindly buying what in all reality maybe might not even be steroids. There was at least two sources on sst who were selling bunk somewhat recently (like 2-3yrs) Imperial lion and brawnyboys, that shit would not fly here not for 1 minute. And these people were allowed to peddle their bunk test because they showed 1 picture of a Whatman zapcap and a dresser covered in printer paper because captain America got his 7k.
So you don't recommend donating to the SST fund over there with the posted BTC address?

Strange they would leave open a single BTC address indefinitely for donations. Not best practice in this hobby.
So you don't recommend donating to the SST fund over there with the posted BTC address?

Strange they would leave open a single BTC address indefinitely for donations. Not best practice in this hobby.
It was speculated even on the reddit days that sst was a honeypot. Idk if it’s true but between the site being down every other day and the same bitcoin address it’s clear there are true geniuses working over there lol. Pretty sure swoleguacmole or whatever his name was ate paint as a kid because even though he was a mod, He couldn’t manage to do the most basic tasks like deleting posts or approving posts lol. Eventually he quit or gave up, or succumbed to lead poisoning lol.
Source loyalty is as dumb as forum loyalty, drug sources don't care about you other than your precious crypto shiny coins. Meso lacks good NA sources, There's only Stan?, the others have questionable past incidents yet people still buy from them (similar sst behavior).
SST has a couple of good sources, regardless of the forum they are.
In the end, China still shits on them. People love cheap shit and most na sources are just resellers.
As for minty, dood gives Hunter pharma vibes so I never ordered from them. He'll probably ghost me just like my ex-gf and take my money.