MKULLTRA58 [Pharmacom] Test E/Deca Cycle [Nov2015]


New Member
Hello my Meso friends. Welcome to my first cycle log on Meso. I actually started pinning almost two weeks ago but finally decided to put the cycle log together.

31 y/o
5' 9.5"
Currently 191.6 lbs
About 16% bf

I am 31 years old and on TRT at 100 mgs Test Cyp per week. My TT levels prior to TRT put my natural levels at about 320. I was depressed, had no energy, and my libido was low. After a few weeks of TRT, my libido had increase. A couple more weeks later and my mood was much better. I might be on TRT for life but I feel much better now.

I have been lifting since a teenager on and off. I started training and competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu about five years ago. After a couple years of competing, my body was worn out and broken so I took some time off. Then I got back into lifting and have been in the gym since. The reason I got my Testosterone checked was because despite working hard naturally, I could never achieve good results in the gym (my program at the time sucked too looking back). I then got on TRT and a good program and have seen awesome changes to my physique. I have been having pain in my joints lately which is why I am adding Deca into this cycle. I have had gyno symptoms in the past and am using Walgreens Adex prescribed by doctor.

Week 1-3 Test Prop 75mg EOD (as a kickstart)
Week 1-12 Test E 500mg pinned as 300mg 2x Monday and Thursday
Week 12-14 Test Prop 75mg EOD
Week 1-14 Deca 300mg pinned 150mg 2x Monday and Thursday
Week 1-14 Test Cyp 100mg for TRT on Thursday
Adex .5 mg EOD

All products were purchased in Nov 2015 from @Pharmacom Labs (can provide batch numbers if requested)

Pre-cycle bloods have been done and everything looks good. Will be doing bloods at end of Week 6 and adjust dosages as needed.

I am looking to do a lean bulk and cut/recomp in this cycle. Beginning of cycle, I will be putting on some lean mass through mostly clean eating then reduce calories and cut down to a lower body fat by the end of cycle. I would like to end at about 190-195 lbs with about 12% bf. I hope this is all possible but will adjust goals as needed depending on how I think it's going.

Not going to go into too much detail and break everything down but I will be eating around 3000 calories for the lean bulk portion of cycle then reduce them to about 2300 for the cut. Macros 40p/40c/20f.

Food list: Oatmeal, eggs, whey protein, protein bars, bananas, apples, melon, salad with chicken or ahi tuna, tuna fish, Ezekiel bread, black olives, avocado, grilled chicken, turkey, brown rice, shrimp, salmon, broccoli, sweet potato. These are my staples. I also do steak every once in a while.

Most work is done at 80% 1RM max and in 4-6 rep range but also change it up with higher rep work. Focus is on heavy compound lifts first then follow with isolation work. I also do HIIT cardio 3-4 days a week for 25-30 minutes per session.

Exercise list: Bench Press, Close Grip, Incline Barbell, Deadlift, Military Press, Squat, Pull Ups, Dips, DB Press, DB Flyes, DB Rows, DB Curls, BB Curls, Skull Crushers, Delt Raise, Lat Raise, Front Raises, Cable Cross, Low Cable Fly, Cable Row, Tri Pulldown, Cable Front Lat Pulldown, Shrugs, etc. etc.

As I said, I started pinning almost two weeks ago. The prop has been really kicking in. My workouts have been really good. I've broken out with some acne on my temples but am treating this with some prescription cream and don't think it will be a problem. My body temp has been up and have been sweating some at night. My appetite has also been up. Libido is doing pretty well also.

The pip from the prop has sucked. This is my first time using prop. I was pinning only in my quads and they were so sore for a couple days that I stopped doing cardio. Saturday, I hit my delt which was rock hard the next day but not as sore as my quads. I was able to start doing cardio again this weekend. Probably going to hit my other delt today with the prop and put the rest in quad.

I think that is it for now. I will be updating this thread with progress, workouts, sides, changes, etc. throughout the cycle. Maybe I'll even through in some fine ladies and workout tracks for those that subscribe. Thanks for reading!
Sub'd. Getting ready to finish up my order from Pharmacom and will be doing a log myself. :)
Had a solid workout yesterday. Incline DB Press, Flat DB Press, Flat BB Press, DB Curls, Dips. Pinned Deca in different injection site than Test E and Prop. Wanted to see if there was any pip from Deca. Absolutely no pip and smooth as can be. I did the same with Test E last week which was smooth with very minor pip. The prop is the only major pip and I will be done with it in a week until end of cycle. I think I could get used to it though if I run it for a full cycle.
I can say the Pharmacom Test E 300 has ZERO pip so far. I've heard they use Ethyl Oleate which supposedly reduces pip but I don't know a lot about that. I'm on week 3 so no noticeable results yet from test, but def felt a big difference on 40mg/day of Pharmacom dbol for 4 week kickstart. Noticeable strength gain and def put on a few pounds so hopefully the test is good as well.
What are the orals? Didn't see any mention of them in your cycle plan.

That's some extra/backup Adex I got for free with my order. I believe it's underdosed from my experience and others though. I think it is about half of pharmacy grade dose in my opinion. Would like to hear others thoughts on this.
I can say the Pharmacom Test E 300 has ZERO pip so far. I've heard they use Ethyl Oleate which supposedly reduces pip but I don't know a lot about that. I'm on week 3 so no noticeable results yet from test, but def felt a big difference on 40mg/day of Pharmacom dbol for 4 week kickstart. Noticeable strength gain and def put on a few pounds so hopefully the test is good as well.

The prop has kicked in nicely with strength gains, energy and libido. I'm not too worried about the Test E since I have the same batch as many of the test results that have been posted. I believe there will also be another test on it. I'm really looking forward to the joint benefits from the Deca in a couple weeks. I'm killing it now in the gym but when joints feel better I am looking to hit some new PR's this cycle. Especially on bench and squats.
whats your opinion on the prop? underdosed? properly dosed. I'm waiting on my prop cycle from pharmacom. Gunna wait for anaboliclabs newest installment of pharmacom products before i start
whats your opinion on the prop? underdosed? properly dosed. I'm waiting on my prop cycle from pharmacom. Gunna wait for anaboliclabs newest installment of pharmacom products before i start

Without bloods, it's just anecdotal but I believe it's properly dosed.