MONSTRO1977 has passed away

it is high in the general scheme of things... But its not unmanageable.

If you getting bloods done, having some cruise periods in between the blasts, Personally, I think those AAS dosages are manageable for someone taking a serious shot (each person IS different however!)

Would I expect someone to have issues if they went straight to a 4,000mg/wk cycle.... You bet! They haven't learned their bodies signals to make changes on the fly to stop issues before they really start.

Insulin carries some risks, that's 100iu/d min he is using.

Now, if he is just blasting full time, 100% there is going to come a time to pay a price. You body just can't maintain turbo indefinitely.

Where I had issues become apparent REALLY quickly was went on a bender and got into rec's for 12mths.... Body was able to handle the PED's but rec's were the straw that broke the camels back! Everyone's bodies are different and everyone has a personal tolerance, exceed that and your body will let you know real quick!
Definitely recs and PEDs are a very dangerous mix.
Chase irons will be next
Oh you're one of those idiots, the predictor of death.. I hope you know you're weird and stupid for posting shit like this. Like If it was up to me someone who posts something like this should be severely punished, It's just senseless. So what's next?? If he dies are you gonna say "I knew It, I told you guys" Go fuck yourself piece of shit.
Oh you're one of those idiots, the predictor of death.. I hope you know you're weird and stupid for posting shit like this. Like If it was up to me someone who posts something like this should be severely punished, It's just senseless. So what's next?? If he dies are you gonna say "I knew It, I told you guys" Go fuck yourself piece of shit.
Don't get too bent out of shape lol.
No wonder why he died. Here I am 36yo and about three weeks ago I started taking some juice and that’s 125mg Test E a week. If it doesn’t do much, I’ll jump to 175mg. I have trained my entire life natural and blessed with good genetics and I am only taking some juice for recovery now that I have gotten really old recovery hasn’t been the same.
3-6g of gear isnt high?

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No wonder why he died. Here I am 36yo and about three weeks ago I started taking some juice and that’s 125mg Test E a week. If it doesn’t do much, I’ll jump to 175mg. I have trained my entire life natural and blessed with good genetics and I am only taking some juice for recovery now that I have gotten really old recovery hasn’t been the same.

Would you like a cookie? Or how about a carrot to feed the horse you sit so high on?