Moving with AAS, safest option?


New Member
I'm moving about 7 hours away(by car) from where I currently live, with both raws and a much smaller amount of finished product. Plan on renting a small box truck to move everything (furniture and stuff as well obviously). Have never sold to anyone nor have the intention of doing so. What is the wisest thing to get my stash from point A to point B? Mail it to myself? Or should risk driving it over? No prior convictions, issues with my license, etc. I know how to stay the speed limit and not be an imbecile on the road. Just looking for the best options as a homebrewer who is trying to avoid tossing what I've got. Driving through mostly conservative areas.
I've moved 7 times over the last 25 years from Texas to Maine and back, always stashed my raws, oils and brewing equipment in with furniture. Just don't speed or drive like an asshole and don't get pulled over Make sure all of your lights work on the truck