Moving with AAS, safest option?


New Member
I'm moving about 7 hours away(by car) from where I currently live, with both raws and a much smaller amount of finished product. Plan on renting a small box truck to move everything (furniture and stuff as well obviously). Have never sold to anyone nor have the intention of doing so. What is the wisest thing to get my stash from point A to point B? Mail it to myself? Or should risk driving it over? No prior convictions, issues with my license, etc. I know how to stay the speed limit and not be an imbecile on the road. Just looking for the best options as a homebrewer who is trying to avoid tossing what I've got. Driving through mostly conservative areas.
I've moved 7 times over the last 25 years from Texas to Maine and back, always stashed my raws, oils and brewing equipment in with furniture. Just don't speed or drive like an asshole and don't get pulled over Make sure all of your lights work on the truck
Don't carry any other (smellable by canine) drugs.

Don't drive drunk or high(ever).

Make sure you have a valid license.

Keep it in a closed, preferably locked container and not in "plain sight".

Don't park illegally. If towed into police custody they can inventory it.

Then you'll have nothing whatsoever to worry about, as they have no cause to search.

One crime at a time...
How many times in your life have you been pulled over and your car randomly searched?

Literally never happened to me.
Don't be an asshole and you'll be fine, save your protein tubs for your raws so you can claim it's protein powder/supplements. No local pd has the resources or motivation to test it
If you’re really this paranoid: slap a blue lives matter sticker on your box of roids and another on the back of your vehicle….for good measure.
I'm moving about 7 hours away(by car) from where I currently live, with both raws and a much smaller amount of finished product. Plan on renting a small box truck to move everything (furniture and stuff as well obviously). Have never sold to anyone nor have the intention of doing so. What is the wisest thing to get my stash from point A to point B? Mail it to myself? Or should risk driving it over? No prior convictions, issues with my license, etc. I know how to stay the speed limit and not be an imbecile on the road. Just looking for the best options as a homebrewer who is trying to avoid tossing what I've got. Driving through mostly conservative areas.
There are a couple of ways you can proceed here. First, I like how you out of nowhere made the statement "I've never sold to anyone nor have the intention of doing so".
You're thinking ahead to where you're pulled over and your raws are discovered and you see the eyes of the young patrolman light up realizing that he has himself a career making case with the manufacturing charge that goes hand in hand when raw powders or precursors are discovered.

You've set the scene for a plausible deniability defense(or so you believe) when you made the post I quoted above when you said you've never sold etc etc etc. That pipe dream had a heartbeat until your world implodes around you with the superseding Indictment that is handed down after Fentanyl and several of its analogues are discovered in measurable amounts in your raw powders. They are there. Trace amounts be damned! "Measurable" amounts is all that matters. Granules are killing children!

The centerpiece of that nightmarish Federal Indictment(yes, the feds will pick your case up) is the Attempted Murder charge we're seeing in these types of cases. You deal in Fentanyl you deal with life without or better yet, the Death Penalty.

I say "better yet" because with the death penalty in play you'll most likely be able to summon the ACLU and its deep War Chest for assistance. While co-founder Helen Keller is no longer with us(she made for an intimidating friend of the Defense as she perfected the "Strong Silent Type" attitude.) Her indomitable spirit prevails even today.

I've seen this exact scenario play out time and time again. The only real option is to NOT have police contact. Hopefully OP reads this post before its lost in cyber space. The information can't be left on this Google indexed Forum so it will go to the Boneyard along with my posts on how to safely accept shipped pkg's containing contraband.

The only guaranteed(ok...9.5 out of 10) way to keep LE from going "Hands On" in a traffic stop is to have a Chase Car within 10 car lengths of the Target Car. Should you see those flashing blue lights creep up and onto your bumper, the Chase Car does his thing. It is his responsibility to draw LE's attention away from the vehicle promising 20 years min onto itself.

That's the Chase Car's only mission in life, and it has to be done by any means necessary. If it has to slam into the back of the car attempting to pull over our hero, then so be it.

If there are pedestrians within striking distance then by all means, pick a large group to run down as a dense target makes for a much easier target to blend with.

This is what your dealing with OP. If you don't have the stomach for it we which case, creatine is scientifically proven to aid in protein synthesis.