MuscleCandy - US Domestic

Did you just try to tell him he's wrong about Nolvadex by saying the same thing he said then doing math to further prove what he said?

Maybe you should reread his comment.
you’re not understanding something here, I’m not sure what it is. But the math I laid out clearly states that the advertised 20mg Nolva is actually 11.48mg. Im confident in what I stated.

Maybe you should work on comprehension, math skills, or attention to detail. Not sure.
you’re not understanding something here, I’m not sure what it is. But the math I laid out clearly states that the advertised 20mg Nolva is actually 11.48mg. Im confident in what I stated.

Maybe you should work on comprehension, math skills, or attention to detail. Not sure.
Let me help you.

I'll paste his comments below:

1. The same goes for your Nolvadex. It’s even more underdosed.
- This sentence here is @SkankHunt telling him that his Nolvadex is under dosed. Even more than his Viagra.

2. Fortunately you could easily change the label and sell it as 10mg tabs and it’s nearly on the money.
-Here Mr Skank has suggested that his Nolvadex is so under dosed he could relabel it as 10mg instead of 20mg

3. tamoxifen is available as 10 mg and 20 mg tablets (each tablet contains 15.2 mg and 30.4 mg, respectively, of tamoxifen citrate
-Here he goes into further detail by explaining that Nolvadex is typically offered in 10 or 20mg tablets. The 10mg contains 15.2mg(t. citrate)and the 20mg contains 30.4 (t..citrate)

Now let's look at what you said in response to Skankhunt.:

.the Viagra you’re correct but you’re switched around on the Nolva
-See 1

30.4mg Tamoxifen Citrate = 20mg Tamoxifen
-See 3

So 20/30.4*100%= 65.7% of Tamoxifen Citrate is actually Tamoxifen
-You've calculated what he has said in 2 and 3

Therefore 17.48mg Tamoxifen Citrate * 0.657 = 11.48mg Tamoxifen
-See 2
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Let me help you.

I'll paste his comments below:

1. The same goes for your Nolvadex. It’s even more underdosed.
- This sentence here is @SkankHunt telling him that his Nolvadex is under dosed. Even more than his Viagra.

2. Fortunately you could easily change the label and sell it as 10mg tabs and it’s nearly on the money.
-Here Mr Skank has suggested that his Nolvadex is so under dosed he could relabel it as 10mg instead of 20mg

3. tamoxifen is available as 10 mg and 20 mg tablets (each tablet contains 15.2 mg and 30.4 mg, respectively, of tamoxifen citrate
-Here he goes into further detail by explaining that Nolvadex is typically offered in 10 or 20mg tablets. The 10mg contains 15.2mg(t. citrate)and the 20mg contains 30.4 (t..citrate)

Now let's look at what you said in response to Skankhunt.:

.the Viagra you’re correct but you’re switched around on the Nolva
-See 1

30.4mg Tamoxifen Citrate = 20mg Tamoxifen
-See 3

So 20/30.4*100%= 65.7% of Tamoxifen Citrate is actually Tamoxifen
-You've calculated what he has said in 2 and 3

Therefore 17.48mg Tamoxifen Citrate * 0.657 = 11.48mg Tamoxifen
-See 2
You are correct, he did say that about the 10mg. I missed that in the comment.

But the Jano test and advertisement said 20mg Novla. The dose is way off target, regardless of if they chose to relabel. There’s a pattern of muscle candy being far off target.

"When you purchase from us, you can rest assured knowing that what you bought has been manufactured by professionals who follow proper procedures in the lab; our lead brewer has years of experience behind him in the pharmaceutical industry!"

I highly doubt that according to your test results. Just a phony gimmick to lure in customers. Phony gimmick in this case AKA a lie.

Now that we established that you lie, why would anyone consider your service when there are so many more well established labs that brew proper? Rhetorical question, please do not try to answer.


"When you purchase from us, you can rest assured knowing that what you bought has been manufactured by professionals who follow proper procedures in the lab; our lead brewer has years of experience behind him in the pharmaceutical industry!"​

I highly doubt that according to your test results. Just a phony gimmick to lure in customers. Phony gimmick in this case AKA a lie.

Now that we established that you lie, why would anyone consider your service when there are so many more well established labs that brew proper? Rhetorical question, please do not try to answer.

We hear you loud and clear. We’ll get the numbers dialed in. We’ll also continue to be transparent with the community as we strive to improve upon our operation in all aspects.
We hear you loud and clear. We’ll get the numbers dialed in. We’ll also continue to be transparent with the community as we strive to improve upon our operation in all aspects.
Was your lead brewer a pharmacy tech? Cause the math, recipe and chemistry isn’t that hard to accurately dose everything.
I've ordered from muscle candy several times now on another forum. Always great service. They answered my emails quickly. Shipping is some of the fastest I've received too. I also appreciate the honesty with posting test results even if they aren't happy with them
We hear you loud and clear. We’ll get the numbers dialed in. We’ll also continue to be transparent with the community as we strive to improve upon our operation in all aspects.
I, as do many others, appreciate transparency. However, trying to pretend like you have some super brewer with pharmaceutical experience in your “lab” as if he was the chemist or brewer or whatever they are called for a legit pharmaceutical company is called perpetrating a fraud. It didn’t happen. If you say he was the person at the register checking me out I’d believe that. Quit trying to be slick.
I, as do many others, appreciate transparency. However, trying to pretend like you have some super brewer with pharmaceutical experience in your “lab” as if he was the chemist or brewer or whatever they are called for a legit pharmaceutical company is called perpetrating a fraud. It didn’t happen. If you say he was the person at the register checking me out I’d believe that. Quit trying to be slick.
I don’t really think it’s necessary to list all of his credentials or go into specifics on his previous work experience, but he does have a degree in chemistry and years of experience.

Regardless, future testing will be a lot better. We’ll be sending another round off this week. Good or bad, they’ll be posted. We look forward to proving ourselves and bringing value to this community.:)
I've ordered from muscle candy several times now on another forum. Always great service. They answered my emails quickly. Shipping is some of the fastest I've received too. I also appreciate the honesty with posting test results even if they aren't happy with them
Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. Glad you’re enjoying the service. :)
I don’t really think it’s necessary to list all of his credentials or go into specifics on his previous work experience, but he does have a degree in chemistry and years of experience.

Regardless, future testing will be a lot better. We’ll be sending another round off this week. Good or bad, they’ll be posted. We look forward to proving ourselves and bringing value to this community.:)
Tell him to brush up on his algebra, the calculations/recipes are ridiculously incorrect.

It only takes algebra 1, chem 1 and attention to detail to make a brew within 2% consistently.
I, as do many others, appreciate transparency. However, trying to pretend like you have some super brewer with pharmaceutical experience in your “lab” as if he was the chemist or brewer or whatever they are called for a legit pharmaceutical company is called perpetrating a fraud. It didn’t happen. If you say he was the person at the register checking me out I’d believe that. Quit trying to be slick.
well, the issue could also be the raws used were crappy and not tested prior to brewing.
In this case, the brewer could actually doing an excellent job but the underdosed or overdosed raws lead to the inaccuracy
@MuscleCandy maybe you should explain more about your manufacturing process. Are all raws tested prior to brewing? i just see tests of finished products, not one raw over there
well, the issue could also be the raws used were crappy and not tested prior to brewing.
In this case, the brewer could actually doing an excellent job but the underdosed or overdosed raws lead to the inaccuracy
@MuscleCandy maybe you should explain more about your manufacturing process. Are all raws tested prior to brewing? i just see tests of finished products, not one raw over there
Honestly, the raws were not tested by us prior to brewing. We trusted our suppliers testing but clearly there were some discrepancies between their testing and the batches we received.
Honestly, the raws were not tested by us prior to brewing. We trusted our suppliers testing but clearly there were some discrepancies between their testing and the batches we received.
I'm hoping now that you've learned, for your sake, not to trust your supplier's testing? I mean, 40%+ out of range is comical.
Honestly, the raws were not tested by us prior to brewing. We trusted our suppliers testing but clearly there were some discrepancies between their testing and the batches we received.
you definitely should start doing that. Not for harm reduction or cutomer reasons (they buy the tested finished product) but to keep your manufacturing process accurate and your own quality control in tact (imagine raws where tested and the engineer is 40% off... in such a case discussions with the engineer would be necessary)