My First Cycle results TEST+TREN+ANAVAR+ANADROL +20KG

You didn't comprehend anything that was said.

I'm not ignoring anyone, it's a forum that is designed for discussion so I'm giving my opinion since this is the first time I've heard that Tren doesn't make you gain muscle.
No one said tren doesn't build muscle, that's stupid.
They are saying the androgenic ratios are entirely meaningless info and tren is not "5x as strong as testosterone"

And what you say is not entirely true because a lot of very experienced people will say that Tren is very powerful. Everyone has a different experience, we all have a different metabolism and the use of products is ultimately something personal.
It is very powerful, but not for building muscle at whatever bullshit ratio to test.
exactly what BigTom said, you have to also understand that sometimes side effects ruin a potentially perfect AAS....take for example EQ on paper its supposed to be less androgenic than TEST and but for some people it gives horrible acne to such an extent they cannot use it at any meaningfull dose...

same with tren ,if tou can't sleep,are pissed off all of the time and sweat like an innuit in Sahara how many gains do you think you will make if you don't last the month? and this gets worse when bulking than cutting... hence tren being used mostly for cutting and the drieness it offers not how much it builds muscle...
didn't say I didn't grow I said I was not impressed because 900 test +500mast was better then the tren cycle you illiterate amoeba :)
almost everyone agrees that they did not get growth from tren even at high dosages
You said that "everyone agrees that they did not get growth from tren even at high dosages". And then you actually said you weren't impressed.
Don't play with words and go back to school.
You didn't comprehend anything that was said.

No one said tren doesn't build muscle, that's stupid.
They are saying the androgenic ratios are entirely meaningless info and tren is not "5x as strong as testosterone"

It is very powerful, but not for building muscle at whatever bullshit ratio to test.
so what is the sentence "almost everyone agrees that they did not get growth from tren even at high dosages" that he said actually means ?

Of course, this ratio is purely theoretical and probably wrong in practice, but the fact remains that the tren is considered more powerful than test.
You said that "everyone agrees that they did not get growth from tren even at high dosages". And then you actually said you weren't impressed.
Don't play with words and go back to school.
holy shit dude, I was expecting just like you that tren was great but it isn't,at least not for building muscle...most run it with a shit load of test and then they say they have gains....sure...but test does the heavy lifting that is why I !added! it to a cycle to see the difference and it was mostly strength and more vascular look....exactly what the pros use it for....go figure...

Find me an example of a guy that ran trt+ 500-1000mg tren and grew like a weed...I'll wait...

Anyway i'm done i've said I'm all for freedom try it and see you limp biscuit arm noddle!
If you can't grow with tren, stop taking steroids
If you need to use tren to grow, stop using steroids.

I can’t grow because I can’t use it bulking, who can grow if you can’t sleep then your gym performance suffers and so on.

You keep arguing your point, some grow with it sure, some don’t. It’s always the guys who don’t have experience that try to tell people who do.
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Hey guys How is going ? updating here the results of the show tysm for evryone who helped me and who texted me here was a really nice moment of my life and i loved it and compete again and again but we need open a off season

The results
We win the overall
we won the newcomers the overall, the category and the best of the night this was completely outside of my expectations I was confident but I didn't imagine I would be able to "clear" everything I participated in it was incredible to be on stage and I really want to continue with this I hope I can stay in the bodybuilding for longer

After a good offseason the next one will be a pro qualifier no doubt

Tysm for everyone who helped here
@trtbuilder @BigTomJ @ILikeExperiments @Mac11wildcat @DECLAN @Jsdaking1 @Eddie. @Goingstronger

And sorry if i miss someone was too much people helping me here i will post also my first meal after the prep LMAO was a good one i swear
2 chicago pizzas and a 1 L milk shake oreo

i will post some updates about my physique here during the offseason too so hope this thread still alive tysm for everyone again Take care Team!
Way to go dude!! Awesome work. Looking forward to seeing what's coming up next
If you need to use tren to grow, stop using steroids.

I can’t grow because I can’t use it bulking, who can grow if you can’t sleep then your gym performance suffers and so on.

You keep arguing your point, some grow with it sure, some don’t. It’s always the guys who don’t have experience that try to tell people who do.
Tren isn't for everyone, and that's fine. I’m not telling anyone what they should or shouldn’t use. My point is that Tren can be a powerful tool for those who can manage its sides effectively. It’s all about understanding your own body and finding what works best for you. Everyone's journey is different.
At 38, If I ran this cycle, my liver would fall out.

Maybe not at 20 - as sides weren't nearly as bad, but fuck...

I bet... Same results with half those doses and 4-6 weeks of Orals at the tail end instead of 24 whole week, considering all other major factors are the same.