A little update, i'm still in high surplas of 4800kcal on TD and 3500 on NTD, macros are 700C 300P 75F.
Gear wise i'm on 3,5IU HGH ED, 500 Test, 300 EQ, 150 NPP (week) and 75mg anadrol on training days.
My workout split is Pull-Push-Rest-Legs-Upper-Rest-Rest.
I had some partial bloodwork today, checked CBC, metabolic panel and e2. My CBC is weird given the amount and compounds i'm taking.
HGB is 15, RBC is 5,05 and my HCT 45 on 1gr of oils and 300mg anadrol. I mean, if i had a severe anemia, how much would i need to get my HCT to 50? I was scared of people saying Test, EQ, NPP and anadrol is a recipe for turning your blood into a syrup and thankfully nothing of these affects me. Unless i have fake gear lmao.
My fasted sugar was 96 and i'm waiting for my fasted insulin result (probably tomorrow) to calculate my HOMA IR.
Thankfully my HbA1c is 4,9 which is exactly the same as it was in July after the end of my cut (lowest i've seen it so far). Truth is i have less than 3 months that i blast carbs that high, but i think it would still rise a bit if something bad was starting to happen. I'm taking 500mg berberine twice on my training days and once in NTD.
Estradiol came out 37pg/ml
@Trenbolonetax in ECLIA and unfortunately i have no access to e1 testing or LCMS e2. I thought it would be crashed TBH because my whole body hurts, maybe it's due to increased intensity from gear and the fact that i haven't took a deload since August lol.
Pics are from today, my bodyweight holds at 233lbs which means around 23lbs up from the start of my off season. I'm going to continue for 3-4 weeks, and then go to cruise. Excuse my flabby skin on tits and low abs.