My natty IGF-1 came back at 181 at 43 years old. Is this high enough that I wouldn't necessarily benefit from 2 units of GH daily?


New Member
My natty IGF-1 came back at 181 at 43 years old. Is this high enough that I wouldn't necessarily benefit from 2 units of GH daily? Is the multiplier to shoot for when using HGH at an HRT level 100 IGF-1 per unit? I just don't want to blow a ton on GH inject 2 units and end up with 200 IGF-1 if I'm already at 183 IGF-1 w/no GH on just TRT. Am I thinking correct on this?

I'm on 20mg of test cyp per day = 140 weekly
My natty IGF-1 came back at 181 at 43 years old. Is this high enough that I wouldn't necessarily benefit from 2 units of GH daily? Is the multiplier to shoot for when using HGH at an HRT level 100 IGF-1 per unit? I just don't want to blow a ton on GH inject 2 units and end up with 200 IGF-1 if I'm already at 183 IGF-1 w/no GH on just TRT. Am I thinking correct on this?

I'm on 20mg of test cyp per day = 140 weekly
imo 2 iu is a mere replacement dose "at best"
Why would extrogenous GH not just build on his naturally high level? It's not testosterone, there's no feedback axis that would cut down natural production. Am I missing something here?
You'd probably see some benefit to 2iu, but it wouldn't be game changing because like others said it's really just a replacement dose

I think 4iu/day would do you well honestly

You can get a kit of 400iu gh for $135, or $0.3375/iu, so 4iu/day cost $1.35 a day, or about $40/month.

Should be able to run 4iu without breaking the bank. It's less than a cup of coffee per day, price wise
hgh and igf1 score has alot of variables , including "diet" it seems to have an affect on igf1 numbers, Also age, idk theres alot more than just ius in and igf1 numbers that i still dont understand myself , i know im taking 5 ius a day of good hgh and my igf1 number is barely over 200, granted i have been in calorie deficit for 16 months , hmmmm "more variables" aha
My natty IGF-1 came back at 181 at 43 years old. Is this high enough that I wouldn't necessarily benefit from 2 units of GH daily? Is the multiplier to shoot for when using HGH at an HRT level 100 IGF-1 per unit? I just don't want to blow a ton on GH inject 2 units and end up with 200 IGF-1 if I'm already at 183 IGF-1 w/no GH on just TRT. Am I thinking correct on this?

I'm on 20mg of test cyp per day = 140 weekly
what are your goals with adding hgh anyway? Serious question, are you just chasing a number? fat loss , well being, antiaging( lol be careful believing that) anyway a goal of what you are trying to accomplish
what are your goals with adding hgh anyway? Serious question, are you just chasing a number? fat loss , well being, antiaging( lol be careful believing that) anyway a goal of what you are trying to accomplish

I'd like to have the added fat loss benefit and perhaps a bit more hypertrophy without having to take my androgen load up past TRT. I want to feel as good as possible for as long as possible and age well.
My natty IGF-1 came back at 181 at 43 years old. Is this high enough that I wouldn't necessarily benefit from 2 units of GH daily? Is the multiplier to shoot for when using HGH at an HRT level 100 IGF-1 per unit? I just don't want to blow a ton on GH inject 2 units and end up with 200 IGF-1 if I'm already at 183 IGF-1 w/no GH on just TRT. Am I thinking correct on this?

I'm on 20mg of test cyp per day = 140 weekly
My IGF-q is 260 on TRT only, age 55 (same Test dose of 140 mg per week but pinned every 3rd day). Average 450 on 2.4iu GH so yes, I think you will definitely benefit from 2 iu per day, even 5/2. But you would have to try it and the test to be sure as everyone is different.
It's difficult to guess how much natural GH you produce based on IGF but a good average is about 100 IGF per 1iu GH. Most are around that, but there are outliers You could take 2iu daily and after 6 weeks pull an IGF 1 to see if it's worth it. I would work up to 2.5 or 3iu, stay at the same dose for 6 weeks, then pull IGF.