Good morning gentlemen, I hope everyone is doing well this morning. I wanted to contribute to the post. It’s my understanding that Tren is and has never been a direct cause for gyno . Therefore if someone was going to run Tren by itself, there should be no worry. However, when accompanied alongside A compound that has the ability to convert, that is when you need to prepare. You guys will have to forgive me because I don’t know the name of the mechanism by which this occurs. However, it seems to be tried and true. Studies??? Sorry I don’t have paperwork to provide, I go by personal experience, and feel it is far more important for me to share with you MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, than shit I have heard. I hate hearsay, which unfortunately, takes place most of the time inside forums. It has been years since I have used Tren and even longer for Deca. Last time I used Tren it was 40ml 150mg/ml Acetate, I produced it myself using on of Animal’s kits not sure if anyone else ever used any of Animal’s conversion kits but at the time they were cutting edge. This was back in 2002. Now I think that most people forget that, when Tren ace first started exploding on the boards, the teen that was spoken about was either Tren Hex(Parabolan) and Finaject/Finajet and teen ace that was was made using one of these conversion kits. There were several companys that produced two types of cartridges of the fina pellets, that guys were purchasing to make their tren with. For example : Component-TH CONTAINED Tren acetate. The second example I would give would be synovex-H which contained tren ace and estradiol. Yes gentlemen, it contained estradiol. It seemed like right around this time was the Birth of the Tren Gyno Myth. In reality it isnt a myth at all. Bottomeline, At the time it was possible. Reason it was possible was because if the estradiol was not extracted properly during the production and cartridges of tren + estradiol were used in formulation then tren very well could cause gyno even by itself. Tren is not for beginners. That’s the recommendation that I hear most of the time. This might have something to do with that reasoning. My advice is don’t use tren unless u Understand the history of it. Because it tends to shed light on some of the issues that could in fact be avoided. Anyhow I thought I would post a little history and not all the info, but enough to get the gentlemen here that lack little info on tren, to start really doing research themselves. for some of you guys that think that if it is taken that you do not need to worry about E2 levels. Like I said accompanied by a compound that converts you need to take precautions Tren is not an AI. It is 500 times more anabolic and 500 more times androgenic. Guys what is so difficult to understand about this. The side effects should read: trens possible side effects are equivalent to that of testosterone’s X 5 !!!! If you don’t want gyno then be proactive. Is there enough research supporting the tren/ progestin cause gyno myth. No there isn’t. Are the guys that have done tren only cycles gotten gyno?? Yes !!! Was it caused by progesterone. Maybe, only if there bodies were already elevated. Taking something as powerful as tren that binds so effeiciently to the receptors, that is could amplify the effects of positives and negatives 5 fold. My experience during a tren only cycle was incredible, 150mg eod, No AI, because I wasn’t working with pellets that contained progesterone or estradiol. Tren made me incredibly stronger, harder, did all the positive that were talked about. Did I get gyno NOOK I didn’t. Because I knew what I was putting in my body. Don’t be so quick to get big, and also do your homework, interview your sources, don’t be in a hurry to jam a needle in your arm, ass or leg. I am sorry I rambled on so long. Thought I would try to explain this in layman’s terms best as possible. I know that for the longest time, as soon as a thread to a turn towards scientific verbiage, I skipped over it. I don’t do that anymore. Since then I understand more. Believe it or not but using compound is not Rocket science, but there is a science to it. Hope everyone is well.