NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Title: Got a little bit more in my order.

Description: Another great order! At my door in less then 3 weeks. And I got a free bag of D-bal. Thanks Naps !!

Boldenone 300 (Pharmaqo Labs)
Proviron (Pharmaqo Labs)
Sustanon 250 (Pharmaqo Labs)
Boldenone 300 (Pharmaqo Labs)
Sustanon 250 (Pharmaqo Labs)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Avogen is my favorite domestic

Description: I am 5 weeks into cycle and am very happy with the results. Little to no PIP even though it`s a higher strength. Overall really happy.

Testo-E Gen 400 (AVoGen Lab)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Caltex is my favorite domestic

Description: Product very good I like the family size 2000ml tren
oil is very fluid no pip

Products: Trenbolone


Use code NAPS-WHORE50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

I don't know that I have ever seen a sponsor troll so hard in a forum where he is unwanted. Naps is insane and so is that philly guy that rides his dick.

PS- I am not being hypocritical. I do troll in one forum to expose a scammer RAT and that is the only reason I post there. Also, I don't sell anything. Never have, never will.
Its an intentional attack on Meso in my opinion.. I think its purposeful to piss off the vets here that continue to expose his scamming ass...Let the thread die and maybe these fucks will disappear
Its an intentional attack on Meso in my opinion.. I think its purposeful to piss off the vets here that continue to expose his scamming ass...Let the thread die and maybe these fucks will disappear
The bad thing is that Naps will continue to spam this thread with his ads much like that IA-SuperPharma rep does. People get tired of it and maybe just put these spamming sources on ignore so as not to see their spam.
Title: Got my goodies.

Description: Naps is always coming through. I`ve been a customer for a long while and never one problem getting my gear.

Anazole (Arimidex) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
NandroBolin vial. (Nandrolone Decanoate) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Boldenone 300 (Pharmaqo Labs)
Boldenone 300 (Pharmaqo Labs)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Aurum Domestic Test E + EQ

Description: Ordering process was professional and my order came in about 10 days. I am grateful for an awesome site like naps gear.

Testosterone Enanthate (Aurum Pharmaceuticals)
Boldenone Undecylenate (Aurum Pharmaceuticals)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Its an intentional attack on Meso in my opinion.. I think its purposeful to piss off the vets here that continue to expose his scamming ass...Let the thread die and maybe these fucks will disappear
This thread will never die. Check out steroidify. Dudes been bumping his thread twice a day for 10 years lol. They do it to keep it at the top. A noob joins, sees the first few threads and dives in without reading.

Description: Naps as always delivered again. It was a bit difficult at the beginning, but the people working for Naps

are very friendly and helpful. Thank you so much to all of you at Naps.

GP Andromix (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Oxan (Anavar) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
Deca 300 (Dragon Pharma)
EQ 300 (Dragon Pharma)
Deca 300 (Dragon Pharma)
EQ 300 (Dragon Pharma)
Sustanon 270 (Dragon Pharma)
Sustanon 270 (Dragon Pharma)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

This thread will never die. Check out steroidify. Dudes been bumping his thread twice a day for 10 years lol. They do it to keep it at the top. A noob joins, sees the first few threads and dives in without reading.
Yeah, I see your point.. I just feel like he's doing it as a personal fuck you to Meso after being banned...Fuck him
Title: Another order. Another excellent user experience.

Description: Ordered I think on thursday or Friday before the fourth. They arrived the following Tuesday first thing, even after the holiday weekend. Always impressed. Haven`t used BioMex before but knowing Naps, I have no fear or worries about its authenticity and quality. Thanks again and stay swole.

Winstrol 25mg (Biomex Labs)
Test C300 (Biomex Labs)
Equipoise 300 (Biomex Labs)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Quick and Easy!

Description: I`ve been using Naps for 8 or 9 years and I will never use another source! Top quality products and excellent customer service!

Trenbo E 200 (Para Pharma)
Dianabol 20 (Para Pharma)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Dragon Reup

Description: Got another Dragon order in, zero issues and fast. They definitely fixed whatever issues they had a few weeks ago. This is my second dragon order in just a few weeks and both went smooth. Also love that they added 1-Test Cyp (DHB). The other photo of all the gear, that`s not this order. That photo is for new folks. Seems to be a trend of trolls getting in the QandA forum claiming Naps is a scam, just out for money, or blah blah blah. It`s bullshit. This is what I have left over from MULTIPLE Naps orders. Everything there is from Naps, and that doesn`t even include the orals. Don`t listen to the trolls, Naps is the shit and you will not find a better source. End...fucking....statement.

Enantat 400 (Dragon Pharma)
Undecanoate (Dragon Pharma)
1-Test Cyp 100 (Dragon Pharma)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Quick and Easy!

Description: I`ve been using Naps for 8 or 9 years and I will never use another source! Top quality products and excellent customer service!

Trenbo E 200 (Para Pharma)
Dianabol 20 (Para Pharma)


View attachment 149681

Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

I would never buy from you just because you are such a pain in the ass.
Title: Domestic Primo

Description: Just received my Domestic Primo. Took about a week and very well packaged. Napsgear is #1 for gear

Alphabolin vial. (Primobolan) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Prompt and professional

Description: Just received my Domestic Primo. Took about a week and very well packaged. Napsgear is #1 for gear

Vidalista Professional (Centurion Laboratories, India)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Geneza Tren and Dbol

Description: Everyting arrived in a few weeks, like it always does. I didn`t really need anyting but Tren was POTW so I grabbed a few and threw in a D-bol just because. Anytime there is a product that I ever use on POTW, I just order it. I`ve found this saves me a ton of $ and you never run out of gear!

GP Methan 10 (Dianabol) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Tren Enanth 200 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: New Domestic- Aurum

Description: Decided to give Aurum a test order since I hadn`t seen much on here regarding them. Ordered on a Saturday and it was projected for a delivery this Saturday, but the gear-fairy got here a day early. From order to doorstep, 6 days and considering the order was late Saturday, more like 5 days. Great turn around!

Masteron Enanthate (Aurum Pharmaceuticals)
Trenbolone Enanthate (Aurum Pharmaceuticals)
Primobolon Enanthate (Aurum Pharmaceuticals)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Save the new fellas from scrolling

No lab reports no bloodwork posted on this thread just a source with pics and reviews that most likely made up cause the reviews did not originate on meso.

Just reviews from paid forums. Support your local drug dealers buy USA