NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

We have shipping terms not all customers are following. This is probably an example of a customer ordering from a country we are not reshipping to. I will check it. And this is how most of the "bad" reviews start.
Thank you for the prompt reply.
You have a smart ass mouth. I support great sponsors and Naps is one of them. You never answered my question, so obviously you are just here either leading or following the trolls, you never bought from Naps EVER, so you really cant say anything negative. So bye bye.. Go troll in another sponsors thread..
Naw, I’m good. I’m enjoying watching you sell your dignity.
I don't know that I have ever seen a sponsor troll so hard in a forum where he is unwanted. Naps is insane and so is that philly guy that rides his dick.

PS- I am not being hypocritical. I do troll in one forum to expose a scammer RAT and that is the only reason I post there. Also, I don't sell anything. Never have, never will.
Naw, I’m good. I’m enjoying watching you sell your dignity.
I don't know that I have ever seen a sponsor troll so hard in a forum where he is unwanted. Naps is insane and so is that philly guy that rides his dick.
funny how you too trolls have nothing else better to do than quote my posts in this thread and trips. Go figure. I OWN YOU FOOLS!

its amazing you even have time to work out, as much time as you troll me and naps..
funny how you too trolls have nothing else better to do than quote my posts in this thread and trips. Go figure. I OWN YOU FOOLS!

its amazing you even have time to work out, as much time as you troll me and naps..
You don’t even own your own dignity, but keep on with your bad self.

Maybe Naps will send a vial or two your way as table scraps.
how you too trolls
I know English is hard for you little china man but you mean two, not too.

its amazing you even have time to work out,
If it wasn’t already clear from the dick sucking you do for your daddy naps, it is now, you clearly are a fucking faggot. This is at least the 5th time you’ve asked people about working out? You a cuck man? You looking for a strong man to handle you like naps does?

Let me ask you this serious question, what is your response to naps, threatening to dox people and send hot packs to their house? How can you honestly support that?
Title: Naps is amazing.

Description: Just received my Naps gear order just as I placed it. Already putting my next order together. Thanks Naps you`ve earned a new loyal customer.

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I havent broken any rules and dont intend too. Faggots like you are only on this forum, and nowhere else. Go try this cowboy shit over at ASF, BOP, ProM. You'd be banned! This is a fucking circus over here, haters everywhere. And you just might be the biggest clown..

Lol. ASF? BoP? ProM??

Those are all pay to play. You buy ad space there and in return they give you the power to delete negative reviews. That doesn’t exactly seem unbiased does it?

Larry A Prince

“I have had nothing but issues with delivery from naps. They use to be great but places change. Placed order in sept an October. Both were not delivered. Keep getting run around. Then a order came that I did not order,they say send picture of product and shipping label. I get back from them, pictures to blury. Down size them send again. We reported to upper management. 700 dollars out the window. Did the same thing to a friend of mine. His was 900 dollars. Best advice, look around. Ask guys at the gym. Your gambling with naps. I found some one else and have my product in 7 days. Never again for me with napsgear.
Simple google search for “Napsgear reviews” and you get A LOT of pretty bad reviews.

I guess there must be trolls all over that don’t like Naps
Because they were all denied a US visa.

Seriously man, why do you think we are gangsters? Naps is a large group of intelligent people motivated by positive social values or how do you think this ocean liner is navigating. I can guarantee you all we want is to peacefully resolve issues. It’s hard to make you believe the negative reviews you are finding is a drop in the ocean of positive feedback. Just an example there are almost 9k pics customers sent us with good reviews in the last couple of years and this is not even 1% of the orders we ship. Hell check the iherb, even iherb selected brands and service has negative reviews. I believe meso is the only board with a group of people hating us for God knows what reasons. Make love not war. Peace!

Woah...... this was so much different than then above post about peace not war lmao.
Ding ding ding give that man a cigar!!!!! :D

For the FNG's

Wow feel the love for Naps in this thread by @PhilliesFan3! He is such a joke of a troll and hope karma bites him in his scrawny DYEL ass.

Enjoy the motor oil!!

Naps is nothing.
Simple google search for “Napsgear reviews” and you get A LOT of pretty bad reviews.

I guess there must be trolls all over that don’t like Naps

Nope, part of the issues are real. But the reviews saying they simply lost their money I would take with a grain of salt. NapsGear customers should know they will never lose their cash if they follow our shipping policy. And If it's not a country we do not reship to then you are 100% safe because we would offer a) reship b) store credit c) the refund option has been introduced recently.

I'm not sure why many of you don't understand that a returning satisfied customer brings x10000 more on the table then a disappointed customer who spreads his bad experience through online reviews. It's so obvious! It's a no brainer. So why would we do it.

I'll spend some more of your time to explain what is going on behind the scenes with those reviews.

1) We process a lot of orders daily. The fact that we are able to keep all those brands on board should serve as a proof. We are able to daily forward dozens or hundreds of orders to every lab listed on the website or they would not want to bother. This means big number of customers. A small group of NapsGear impatient customers would be a good number of people. If they were 1% we would have more negative reviews that you are trying to scratch now. Besides, 99% of the issues posted online could be fixed if customer had more patience because every complaint has to go through the support center troubleshooting templates.Yes it's a must because there is a reverse scamming thing too.

2) I'm not sure how many of our customers but it's literally thousands of people who ordered from an imposter website naps-gear dot org. All those reviews where you read a guy made a payment and nobody answered his email is this imposter website. Remember, the real NapsGear is

3) Competition. If some meso members think naps doesn't get any business from this or other places than the big players do feel our presence. Starting from serious DDoS attacks up to abuse complaints and fake reviews. We had excellent rating on trustpilot but have recently been removed from the website. First, trustpilot posted a note that they do not support such business (no singe aas shop has such notes), then they deleted us from the listings. We are a single aas shop with excellent rating deleted from trustpilot. This is not happening on or where our rating is low.

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