NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Title: 1st order.

Description: Dragon Pharma. Test E 400, Dianabol 20, Arimidex, Nolvadex. Also got 100 pack of syringes and needles. I already placed a 2nd order. Thanx naps.

Arimidex (Dragon Pharma)
Enantat 400 (Dragon Pharma)
Nolvadex (Dragon Pharma)
Dianabol 20mg (Dragon Pharma)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: Hilma in the house

Description: This was my order of GP and Hilma and I was very happy with naps performance and the quality of the product were second to none. Products came quick and discreet. I highly recommend getting GP and Hilma products from Naps, you will be very happy I promise.

GP Oxy (Anadrol/Anapolon) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals) GP Stan 10 (Winstrol tabs) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals) GP Methan 10 (Dianabol) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)


Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: Foracort inhalers 400

Description: I ran out of inhalers and these came just in time. These are the same 400 mg my doctor prescribes but are WAY cheaper than from the pharmacy and packed well. Very happy with my purchase.

foracort inhaler 400mcg



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: 1st time buyer of naps!

Description: I do not have the words to describe how happy I am with naps...Package was delivered on time with quality discrete wrapping. Next time I will be buying in bulk! Can`t wait to get started on this

GP Clomiphene (Clomid) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Test Prop 100 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals) GP Methan 10 (Dianabol) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Title: Great price and service

Description: *****fast shipping and great price. I use zelle to transfer money.*****

DIANABOL 20 (Para Pharma)
SUSTA 350 (Para Pharma)
SUSTA 350 (Para Pharma)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Domestic AI

Description: Domestic AI is fast and legit! Naps is has the best service and products!

Anastrozole 1mg (Biomex Labs)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: 1st time buyer of naps!

Description: I do not have the words to describe how happy I am with naps...Package was delivered on time with quality discrete wrapping. Next time I will be buying in bulk! Can`t wait to get started on this

GP Clomiphene (Clomid) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Test Prop 100 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals) GP Methan 10 (Dianabol) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
mmmmmm Jason Shill wants daddy nappy cock in his ass
Title: Real deal DOMESTIC

Description: Ordered Sustanon, Deca and Tren E. Bitcoin tripped me up for a short time. Got that sorted and ended up being easy. Took 4 days (ordered at the weekend so didn`t count that) to arrive.Tren E I felt start to work after 9 days. No doubt it`s the good stuff. The Sust and Deca seem to be good stuff also. I`m buying again. Don`t wait too long to order.

Sustanon (Aurum Pharmaceuticals)
Nandrolone Decanoate (Aurum Pharmaceuticals)
Trenbolone Enanthate (Aurum Pharmaceuticals)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: A Legit Plug

Description: I`ve ordered from NG plenty of times in the past 5 years. I never had a issue yet cross my fingers but there products are legit & I give the seal of approval. 20-30lb gains after the first month. Weight, form, nutrition/ protein & sleep are important plus viatiams to prevent any damage to your body over many years of usage with high doses can have later on effects so be careful , do your homework & GENEZA ROCKS

GP Sust 270 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Deca 250 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Clomiphene (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Alpha Pharma is Rockin Gear. Thanks Naps!!!

Description: Naps Gear is the Cat`s Meow. Incredibly fast, efficient, well packaged delivery. Alpha Pharma is A #1

Cypionat 250 (Dragon Pharma)
Cypionat 250 (Dragon Pharma)
Oxanabol (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Rexobol-10 (Stanozolol) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Mastebolin vial. (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
TestoRapid vial. (Test Propionate) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Alphabolin vial. (Primobolan) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Us domestic

Description: Ordered US Domestic and got it within five days. Very impressed with how quick it came in the mail.

GP Tren E200 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Clomid 50 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Nolvadex 20 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Alpha Pharma Cutter Cycle

Description: I have frequented NapsGear for a decade now and they always come through. Lockdown has made fitness a bit easy to neglect and delivery as the normal way of life has made pizzas all too easy to being in; this has left me with a gut worthy of shame! Tren/Clen/T3 is the cutter that people love to criticize and when I put my body through a full-on cycle, I don`t want anything disturbing progress, like bunk gear, missing orders or any other nonsense - that`s why I come here. I get awesome results with this cycle and from Alpha Pharma products. Naps is one of the few I trust to deliver, where the product verification will match up and not have been checked by someone else.Process times for this order were exactly as quoted, except that it arrived 10-days ahead of predicted, which is nice. Payment by Bitcoin has been painless and the discount wipes out any payment fees by my provider.I am already an Alpha Pharma fan, so to say that it is running great is just compounding an already very happy receiver of the product. Not using the Testo-Rapid, that is for a later plan of action, but the cycel is started perfectly and results are fast.

Thyro3 (T3, Cytomel) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
TestoRapid amp. (Test Propionate) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Astralean (Clenbuterol) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Parabolin (Tren Hex) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Trenbolin amp. (Trenbolone Enanthate) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

I've been on the receiving end of your incoherent pm's. :rolleyes: . I'm sure most of them are whoring for gear. You are a shill.
This creepy fuck keeps quoting movies and shit than acting like he runs the place. Hes so god dam annoying. I'm almost 10% certain hes monstermann after proper med adherance
Title: Another perfect purchase received

Description: This is actually the 3 orders and NO PROBLEMS!!!awesome job Naps.

Test C300 (Biomex Labs)
Superdrol 15mg (Biomex Labs)
Letrozole 2.5mg (Biomex Labs)



Official Ref of NapsGear

Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
Official ref? Fucking clown
Title: My favorite oral. Getting swole Arnold style.

Description: This was my first order from this sight. I had been ripped off from some many places I was reluctant to try it. I`m so glad I did. I received exactly what was promised, and communication was great the whole time. THEY EVEN EMAIL ME TO REMIND ME MY STORE CREDIT IS ABOUT EXPIRE! Totally happy customer here. I will be back for more.

Alphabol (Methandienone) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​
