NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Title: I love Naps sO much!

Description: Less then 30 days to get to my door. I love Naps so much. They never let you down

Arimidex (Pharmaqo Labs)
Trenbolone-E 200 (Pharmaqo Labs)
Testoviron-E 300 (Pharmaqo Labs)
Testoviron-E 300 (Pharmaqo Labs)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Unreal speed! NAPS DOMINATES ALL!

Description: RECORD BREAKING TIME! The sauce (major deal with POTW discount) came within 11 days after ordering - from international vendor!!!! The etiz came 9 days after, and the Bold came 2 days later. Total time from order was 22 days! It`s like NAPs was waiting in the bushes for me to order and then just filled my mailbox. LoL. I`m in awe of how fast this order was. Have been and will continue to be a loyal customer!

Cypionat 250 (Dragon Pharma)
EQ 300 (Dragon Pharma)
Bold 300 (Magnum Pharmaceuticals)
Etilaam 1 mg (INTAS)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: LEGIT! Alpha-Pharma NAPS Domestic!

Description: This was my first order and it was a trail run, I was definitely skeptical so I purchased the Roidtest kit to test whatever I ordered. I`ve read all the good reviews but I`m a natural skeptic. Order arrived 11 days after placed and I couldn`t be happier! As soon as I`m done writing this I`m placing a larger order. Thank you so much much NAPS, you`ve owned a customer for life!

Induject-250 amp. (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Trenbolin vial. (Trenbolone Enanthate) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Multiple customer issues with no end in sight DO NOT ORDER FROM LAB YOU ARE 76% chance of getting fucked

Title: LEGIT! Alpha-Pharma NAPS Domestic!

Description: This was my first order and it was a trail run, I was definitely skeptical so I purchased the Roidtest kit to test whatever I ordered. I`ve read all the good reviews but I`m a natural skeptic. Order arrived 11 days after placed and I couldn`t be happier! As soon as I`m done writing this I`m placing a larger order. Thank you so much much NAPS, you`ve owned a customer for life!

Induject-250 amp. (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)
Trenbolin vial. (Trenbolone Enanthate) (Alpha-Pharma Healthcare)


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Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Road test. What a fucking joke. Just like you @naps
Once I ignored both the shills and unfollowed this thread it annoyed me a lot less.
Ah but for the greater good

Naps is not in the business of vetting sources. He is half of the supply and demand food chain. If you ask for MSG LABS STR8 FYRE that's what you get. If its a vial full of sticks sand and broken glass that stinks of hobo urine thats your problem.
Naps is not in the business of vetting sources. He is half of the supply and demand food chain. If you ask for MSG LABS STR8 FYRE that's what you get. If its a vial full of sticks sand and broken glass that stinks of hobo urine thats your problem.
MSG Labz g2g!
Naps is not in the business of vetting
Neither are you fucking g shill. Here's your deleted post again for everyone to see. What an about face you made after you found out your boyfriend wasn't gong to give you any freebies.

Methyl Mike said:
I understand the collective is very anti-Naps and me personally I kind of get it and I kind of don't.

If it were up to me I would prefer if people commenting were past customers and stop the piling on because it makes us look immature. Vetting of sources yes I get that, protecting people new to the black market is noble. But redundancy is exactly that, it is not progressive it solves/accomplishes nothing.

Why vet sources? Because there is a goal.
Why care about harm reduction? Again, there is something to be achieved.

Piling on one source or.another, over and over again accomplishes what? What is the goal? Can anyone actually tell me what is expected of Naps that he isn't doing?

Mighty Mouse hinted on lack of testing. Is that an issue?

Bbbg hinted at a few issues, I think poor opsec (retaining customer data past the transaction) and generally a lack of desire to solve complaints and a perceived desire to control what people see ie suppression of those who got screwed and were never taken care of. Did I miss something?

If the collective has other, pertinent grievances with Naps advertising here perhaps raise them now. Preferably in a clear, concise manner. From there Naps is free to address them disregard them or whatever. Its his business.

I'm just sick of people going in circles when I know most likely none or very few of them were ever his customers. And yes, there is a difference. With sources there are always good and bad rumors gossip etc but one person's experience does not mean your experience will be the same.

I ordered from.Naps and got what I paid for in timely fashion. I never bought from him again because there's just too many damned choices on his site. Its also too risky receiving mail from (country witheld) for me.

I do not get people and their "gotta have this or that brand and nothing else is good" mentality. I use a ugl, products are good prices are good and I don't have to research current gossip on such and such lab and then decipher who has an agenda etc etc. Its time consuming. For that reason I don't buy from Naps.

I am indifferent. He's a source. No more or less important than any other.

The burnt vial of tren how many years ago now was that? 6? 8?

Air Force pilot to a seaman: “You’re telling me that you’re in the Navy but can’t swim?”
Seaman: “You’re in the Air Force. Can you fly?”