@smithyBoy, I'd like to give some unsolicited advice: pick your battles.
Someone from this forum calling you a douche or some other other name may not be the best battle to choose. In fact, it's one that you won't win. You may actually even get your situation with naps worked out. What people here are doing is trying to provide enough information for people to make their own decisions based on the information provided. Most questions that someone will ask has been asked 101 times and the members here are a little tired of seeing the same thing and even more tired of seeing shitty ugls stay in business.
I'm not saying naps is a shitty ugl because they seem to just be a distributor for many labs. I haven't even really read about bad gear from them, just questionable service and business practices. That doesn't necessarily mean you will get fucked though. Be patient, take your lumps, don't get hurt feelings, learn and move forward.