NapsGear.Net - reviews

I may use these guys for gp superdrol. Seems the only place to find it. You think they are still a risk with customers information?
The orders info is now auto deleted after 4-6 months from the approximate delivery date.

There is also a delete order button and you can delete your order at any time.

Plus there is delete your account option added:

The shipping is super fast now since the Chinese holidays are over. We are also opening new shipping locations closer to you guys. Don't miss the winter 30% off sale. Pay with Bitcoin to get an additional 20% off. When paying with Bitcoin the package will be delivered within 2 week max since the payment process is almost instant.
I may use these guys for gp superdrol. Seems the only place to find it. You think they are still a risk with customers information?
Naps cannot be the absolute last resort for superdrol... Can it? I haven't used orals in years so im being serious in my question
Ordered Dragon Pharma Test E 250 & EQ 500 off of naps.

I will be running
500mgs Test E 18 weeks
500mgs EQ 16 weeks
25mg EOD RUI LiquiDex
Clomid PCT

Front loaded 500mg Test E & 500mg EQ last night, expecting to feel a whole new world of pip. Woke up this morning and barely any soreness.. Definitely going to get bloods and post. Curious about this.

Any recommendations on when to do bloods on cycle? Correct me if I'm wrong, but 48-60 hours after an injection about 6 weeks in to cycle? Or sooner because of front load?


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