
New Member
Hey you'll,

I've been dealing with something unusual, and I would like for some advice.

I've done two cycles before. My first was Test+Anavar, my second just Test.

Now, doing my third cycle of Test Cypionate 250 + Turinabol 20MG. I was instructed by my local trainer to do 500 MG of Test weekly, shooting up twice a week 1CC, take 40MG of Tbol daily prior to my workout and Anastrozole 1gm once a week.
Everything was running really smooth, until week 3 of the cycle, I got this really strange and sharp headache during my workout that forced me to stop working out. The next day I went light weight and it happened again, I noticed my BP was higher than normal.

I stopped taking tbol and everything seems to be back to normal. Should I finish my test cycle of 12weeks and can (I or should I) add Anavar to it since I've done it before without issues? I have a new bottle of Anavar Oxandrolone 15MG.

Additional Info:
I did my blood work before the cycle and everything came back good. Doing another panel this week.
Age 38, weight 190lb, working out 4-5 days a week. Goal was to put up some clean muscles and retain as much possible.

Thank you!!
Hey you'll,

I've been dealing with something unusual, and I would like for some advice.

I've done two cycles before. My first was Test+Anavar, my second just Test.

Now, doing my third cycle of Test Cypionate 250 + Turinabol 20MG. I was instructed by my local trainer to do 500 MG of Test weekly, shooting up twice a week 1CC, take 40MG of Tbol daily prior to my workout and Anastrozole 1gm once a week.
Everything was running really smooth, until week 3 of the cycle, I got this really strange and sharp headache during my workout that forced me to stop working out. The next day I went light weight and it happened again, I noticed my BP was higher than normal.

I stopped taking tbol and everything seems to be back to normal. Should I finish my test cycle of 12weeks and can (I or should I) add Anavar to it since I've done it before without issues? I have a new bottle of Anavar Oxandrolone 15MG.

Additional Info:
I did my blood work before the cycle and everything came back good. Doing another panel this week.
Age 38, weight 190lb, working out 4-5 days a week. Goal was to put up some clean muscles and retain as much possible.

Thank you!!
I'd finish the Test. If bloodwork looks OK especially liver values, you can try adding in the Anavar as long as symptoms don't return. Your call but definitely keep test up.
Don't forget your estrogen can also cause Headaches. I'm curious as to what your BP was when you said it was high? For headaches to suddenly occur and due to BP that would indicate hypertensive urgency or crisis depending on other symptoms (nausea, vision changes, dizziness etc).
-I agree if related to the other gear then reduce or stop said gear. You can always re-challenge in a later cycle if you have slight HTN when not on cycle and have it treated.
-I would use Lisinopril when using stacks. and then stop use few weeks after cycle ended if it normalized.
Yeah I'm going to make sure the next blood work includes my estrogen levels. So i was never able to test my bp right away, but a week before the cycle and now it stays around 118/70. The highest i saw when taking tbol was 138/80, I know that's not crazy high but it scared the crap out of me because of the sharp headache.
I'd finish the Test. If bloodwork looks OK especially liver values, you can try adding in the Anavar as long as symptoms don't return. Your call but definitely keep test up.
Thank you. So if everything checks out ok I can just add Anavar, it should not be an issue that I was taking tbol 2 weeks ago?
Thank you. So if everything checks out ok I can just add Anavar, it should not be an issue that I was taking tbol 2 weeks ago?
You weren’t taking it long enough to really cause liver value elevation so you should be ok to take var just make sure you keep an eye out for similar symptoms but since you ran it before should be fine. Definitely get your e2 checked. Not sure when you checked your BP but it would have been higher than what you measure during your workout so that could explain it. I know when my BP got to that level I got a mild headache or slightly worse when working out. I started on low dose BP meds and took care of it.
Yeah I'm going to make sure the next blood work includes my estrogen levels. So i was never able to test my bp right away, but a week before the cycle and now it stays around 118/70. The highest i saw when taking tbol was 138/80, I know that's not crazy high but it scared the crap out of me because of the sharp headache.
Obviously if you're used to walking around 118/70 any sharp increase makes the brain feel like instead of a garden hose hitting it a fire hose is. The danger zone is 200/110 depending on which source you check. Hypertension headache can feel like a pulsating throbbing ache that feels like you have your heart beat in your head. If that makes any sense.
Obviously if you're used to walking around 118/70 any sharp increase makes the brain feel like instead of a garden hose hitting it a fire hose is. The danger zone is 200/110 depending on which source you check. Hypertension headache can feel like a pulsating throbbing ache that feels like you have your heart beat in your head. If that makes any sense.
I think that’s what I was feeling! Thank you for your feedback.
I'd finish the Test. If bloodwork looks OK especially liver values, you can try adding in the Anavar as long as symptoms don't return. Your call but definitely keep test up.
I hear a lot of buzz around 500mg a week is too much, less is more. Are you guys buying that or should I continue to shoot 500 a week? Adding anavar I was planning to follow this. Does that make sense ?
  • Anavar: 15 mg/day for 3 weeks, then 20 mg/day for 3 weeks
Tbol caused me damn near instant migraines. It’s fully on the no-fly list for me and I’ve read others who have that same issue. It’s not hugely common, but it’s also not rare.
I hear a lot of buzz around 500mg a week is too much, less is more. Are you guys buying that or should I continue to shoot 500 a week? Adding anavar I was planning to follow this. Does that make sense ?
  • Anavar: 15 mg/day for 3 weeks, then 20 mg/day for 3 weeks
500mg being too much is some nonsense that is spreading around somehow. Now appears the best thing is start low, and titrate up which is stupid...probably coming from reddit.

500mg is fine. If you want to add Anavar, go for it.
Guys sorry the blood results took 10 days, crazy!

So here are the numbers:

Estrodial, Ultrasensitive 56H - Reference <OR=29pg/mL
Testosterone, Free 539.0 H
Testosterone, Total MS 1846 H
Eosinphils and Basophils .0 and 0.2

I’m concerned about the 56H. Could that be the reason of the headache and low energy?
Your estrogen is not that high in my opinion. It's not bad considering your total and free testosterone are above the reference range. However I would have thought your total testosterone would be higher on 500mg testosterone. I've seen guys hit 1800 total testosterone on 200mg per week. Anyway I don't know shit and this is all just my opinion. Hopefully much smarter people will chime in and help you.
Your total test is 1800 on 500 mg of test a week?
This is cyp twice a week? Did you miss a shot or something? That seems off.
Most orals raise blood pressure and Turinabol is no exception.

I recommend using Telmisartan preventively on every cycle or blast. Worth using even at low doses (has virtually no side effects), as it has much more health benefits beyond blood pressure control - of the more interesting things, it can lower hematocrit and improve lipids. And most importantly, it's really cheap.

40 mg Anavar and uncontrolled estrogen gave me wicked hypertension, 80 mg Telmisartan solved it without any sides.
My levels before the cycle were 422/61. This blood work was done after week 4. Correct shooting up twice a week 1cc 250 cypionate.
Guys sorry the blood results took 10 days, crazy!

So here are the numbers:

Estrodial, Ultrasensitive 56H - Reference <OR=29pg/mL
Testosterone, Free 539.0 H
Testosterone, Total MS 1846 H
Eosinphils and Basophils .0 and 0.2

I’m concerned about the 56H. Could that be the reason of the headache and low energy?
56 for estradiol is fine. I have gone above 100 and still have been fine. I will take an ai once per week to keep it near 50 but I had no real sides other than a little bloating when it was around 100. It’s all about how you feel/sides.

I agree about the telmisartan recommendation. My BP went up from 118/76 to 138/88 and I started getting a headache or pressure, took telmi and it cleared it right up. I’ll never do a blast without it.