You're right, of course. No algorithmic ranking system is going to be perfect. It's only a question of how far away from perfect. I'm not going to claim it is anywhere near to perfect. I will only say it is much closer than any other forum ranking system I've seen.
I may have overstated with the following -- "trolls and others who have little to contribute will never leave newbie status" -- at this given point in time. But it is true going forward.
Let me explain. Since the algorithm is a new feature that was applied retroactively, it's calculation were based solely on past forum features/functionality/restrictions/etc. I've recognized some of the past shortcomings. Consequently, modifications have been made to counter these. So, going forward I hope the statement "trolls and others who have little to contribute will never leave newbie status" rings true.
It is incorrect about the role of join date. This is extremely trivial. Of course, it comes into play indirectly - you have to spend some time on the forum to make significant contributions. And all things being equal, those who have been here longer will have made more contributions.
I know what you're saying about the many members with truly valuable contributions who are in still in "rookie" status. They deserve to be recognized, right? I agree. I assure you it is inevitable if they continue on the path.
I think it's best not to "tweak" the criteria to make it easier for them to gain "veteran" status. Especially when you consider your criticism that many "veterans" don't deserve that status. So I need to make the criteria more difficult for them? I can't do both.
This doesn't mean it can't be improved.
Something to keep in mind is that Veteran status is very exclusive with only about 5% of active members. Anything above and beyond that is rare.
79.4% Newbie
15.2% Rookie
5% Veteran
0.36% Elite
0.13% Pro
0.07% Master
0.01% Legendary
Maybe the ratios can be tweaked, I don't know.
I don't necessarily disagree. But then it becomes a political system. And political systems just breed nepotism. I don't want to incentivize ass-kissing.
Why would I delete your comment? It's honest feedback. Constructive criticism is always needed. Going back to my previous point, I'd rather people tell me what they really think than tell me what they think I want to hear because they are afraid of missing out on a ranking award.