New to the GH Game


So background stats first off
30 years old
Bf somewhere between 8-10%
13 years lifting
Many cycles done of aas

So after countless hours searching this forum and others for HGH doses/administration times/ etc
I started at 1iu qd sq for the first week and bumped up yesterday to 2iu daily
I’m pinning it in the abdomen first thing when I wake up to pee around 4-5am
No issues here so far

I have enough to run a years worth at 4ius a day
I plan on making this a long term thing for healing/longevity/fat loss/ sleep/well being
And if some muscle happens I’ll be even more inclined to continue

After much reading I’m planning after week 2 to switch to EOD injections since there may be some suggestion that this is less likely to cause issues down the road with less insulin resistance and suppression of endogenous gh

Now to my actual inquiry here...I plan on running a cycle when I hit the 8 week mark of 300mg test, 600mg primo, for 16 weeks and 10mg Dbol preWO for the first 8 weeks.

During this time I’d like to jump to 3ius a day (6 EOD I should say) but was wondering if there is any benefit to still pinning 4iu eod and 1iu IM 45 min pre workout everyday ??
Read a few threads on here about it and some seemed like it may have some benefit but of course all anecdotal.

second issue... I’m currently taking Berberine 400 mg a day to help with insulin resistance and nutrition partitioning and have metformin on hand as well as a mass amount of t4 on hand just in case ( going to run bloods after 2 months on gh) but was wondering if just running insulin during the cycle is a better option I can get humalog kwikpens no issue there but I’m more so worried about suppressing my endogenous insulin production by introducing exogenous insulin. I found a thread a few days back about the doses but can’t re find the fucker but non the less not sure if this is too much risk > benefit to use for 16 weeks

So any vets here with HGH/insulin knowledge
Much is appreciated
And if any of my protocol sounds fucked up please chime in
I’m very open to any Criticism here
Thanks brothers
Im no vet but you can use insulin humalog once EOD with GH and not mess up your endogenous insulin production you actually help your pancreas by not over working it.
If you start doing it more often it depends person to person.
I suggest on some off days from the gh you run peptides or MK to stimulate your own GH production.
I do like doing a dose prewo like you're outlining there. I've never done just 1iu and I don't know if there's really a significant benefit, you can just see and feel the difference when you do it. I "prefer" daily pins personally but I don't really see a reason you can't try your idea, it's not a bad one as far as dosing schedule.

I've found the blood glucose side effect to be overblown for me personally, I am not a proponent of running insulin with it solely for the purpose of managing blood sugar. I've never had high blood glucose on it even with an IGF reading of 600... Diabetes runs in my family and I've had some pretty long runs with it. Not that I'm saying not to be cautious, just that you should take it as it comes rather than throw all your cards at it right away.

That is a killer cycle, btw. Possibly my favorite... Never included the dbol before but interesting idea.
So background stats first off
30 years old
Bf somewhere between 8-10%
13 years lifting
Many cycles done of aas

So after countless hours searching this forum and others for HGH doses/administration times/ etc
I started at 1iu qd sq for the first week and bumped up yesterday to 2iu daily
I’m pinning it in the abdomen first thing when I wake up to pee around 4-5am
No issues here so far

I have enough to run a years worth at 4ius a day
I plan on making this a long term thing for healing/longevity/fat loss/ sleep/well being
And if some muscle happens I’ll be even more inclined to continue

After much reading I’m planning after week 2 to switch to EOD injections since there may be some suggestion that this is less likely to cause issues down the road with less insulin resistance and suppression of endogenous gh

Now to my actual inquiry here...I plan on running a cycle when I hit the 8 week mark of 300mg test, 600mg primo, for 16 weeks and 10mg Dbol preWO for the first 8 weeks.

During this time I’d like to jump to 3ius a day (6 EOD I should say) but was wondering if there is any benefit to still pinning 4iu eod and 1iu IM 45 min pre workout everyday ??
Read a few threads on here about it and some seemed like it may have some benefit but of course all anecdotal.

second issue... I’m currently taking Berberine 400 mg a day to help with insulin resistance and nutrition partitioning and have metformin on hand as well as a mass amount of t4 on hand just in case ( going to run bloods after 2 months on gh) but was wondering if just running insulin during the cycle is a better option I can get humalog kwikpens no issue there but I’m more so worried about suppressing my endogenous insulin production by introducing exogenous insulin. I found a thread a few days back about the doses but can’t re find the fucker but non the less not sure if this is too much risk > benefit to use for 16 weeks

So any vets here with HGH/insulin knowledge
Much is appreciated
And if any of my protocol sounds fucked up please chime in
I’m very open to any Criticism here
Thanks brothers


I have found zero correlation between slin use (short term) and issues with endogenous insulin production.

I also certainly wouldnt use Slin to combat the HGH, it really wont effect your BG that much.
Obviously monitor your BG and you will see how it effects you.

For me personally, at around 6 months of 4iu GH, my BG BEGINS to creep up slowly, I could go a 7th month without issue, but I'll take a break at 6 months, or reduce to 2iu and I'll be back to baseline levels within 30 days.

You're going to love the Primo/GH, one of the best aesthetic looks I've ever experienced.
Did you get preblood work done? I’m asking because while you are injecting growth you want to get your levels above your baseline.

Nice cycle for sure. I have never touched insulin and do not see the need to as I have never competed. Keep us updated though I will def follow
I have gone up to 6iu on generics and my BG hasn’t gone over 93 I believe maybe 95
Thats my experience with most generics also
With real pharma it raises like a mtf even on 2 iu at night in the morning its over 100
In a few months its 120 than i know its time to fast and diet and maybe ad some slin
Thats my experience with most generics also
With real pharma it raises like a mtf even on 2 iu at night in the morning its over 100
In a few months its 120 than i know its time to fast and diet and maybe ad some slin

Wonder what the real difference is? Or why it would cause that.
I dont really know but many people have experienced this maybe its the stabilizers in the pharma that slows down the conversion to igf1
But its just a guess thats the difference i see between the two.
I dont really know but many people have experienced this maybe its the stabilizers in the pharma that slows down the conversion to igf1
But its just a guess thats the difference i see between the two.

Hmm I can see that. I need to run some pharma to see the difference
Its great but getting the real deal is a biatch....
Many fakes out there sometimes i wonder if its even worth trying to get the real deal.
Im no vet but you can use insulin humalog once EOD with GH and not mess up your endogenous insulin production you actually help your pancreas by not over working it.
If you start doing it more often it depends person to person.
I suggest on some off days from the gh you run peptides or MK to stimulate your own GH production.
Up to how much iu of humalog eod ? Like just pre and post work out ?
Yeah if I did decide to run slin it wouldn’t be for longer than probably 3 month tbh
Are you meaning since I’m pinning eod to use mk677 on the days in between ?? I was planning on doing a 6 month sprint like this then take a month off using mk to boost back then hope back on again for another 6 and just repeat
Not sure if it really works that way but I don’t wanna stop every 6-8 weeks lol
I do like doing a dose prewo like you're outlining there. I've never done just 1iu and I don't know if there's really a significant benefit, you can just see and feel the difference when you do it. I "prefer" daily pins personally but I don't really see a reason you can't try your idea, it's not a bad one as far as dosing schedule.

I've found the blood glucose side effect to be overblown for me personally, I am not a proponent of running insulin with it solely for the purpose of managing blood sugar. I've never had high blood glucose on it even with an IGF reading of 600... Diabetes runs in my family and I've had some pretty long runs with it. Not that I'm saying not to be cautious, just that you should take it as it comes rather than throw all your cards at it right away.

That is a killer cycle, btw. Possibly my favorite... Never included the dbol before but interesting idea.
I think I may try the pre workout thing today just for shits and giggles I’m training back and Bis so I’ll pin in the lats
I’m still currently doing ED pins till next Sunday so maybe I’ll play around and find out
Yeah I have been checking my bg every day I’m still the same as before anywhere from 82-90 am fasted but even more strange after my breakfast I’m like 70 lol and I stay that low until I eat pre workout meal but my bg has always done this it’s nothing new
I had pre labs done maybe 5 months back IGF1 was at 170 so when I check in March I’m hopping it will be boosted a bit but not sure what I’m expecting at 2-3 iu
Thank you brother, first time running primo always wanted to try it and dbol is something i take all the time around 3-5mg daily, been doing it for over a year never has affected my blood work, actually cholesterol got better lol
I’m hoping to just do a recomp and gain 10lbs of lean body mass and drop some fat but if I use insulin I’m expecting more
So I guess we’ll see
O I completely forget to put in the original post
I’m on trt and have been for over 4 years now
180mg a week split into 3 shots
No AI but I keep exemestane on hand my dr prescribes it but my blood work is always normal without but I keep telling him I need it lol
I do like doing a dose prewo like you're outlining there. I've never done just 1iu and I don't know if there's really a significant benefit, you can just see and feel the difference when you do it. I "prefer" daily pins personally but I don't really see a reason you can't try your idea, it's not a bad one as far as dosing schedule.

I've found the blood glucose side effect to be overblown for me personally, I am not a proponent of running insulin with it solely for the purpose of managing blood sugar. I've never had high blood glucose on it even with an IGF reading of 600... Diabetes runs in my family and I've had some pretty long runs with it. Not that I'm saying not to be cautious, just that you should take it as it comes rather than throw all your cards at it right away.

That is a killer cycle, btw. Possibly my favorite... Never included the dbol before but interesting idea.
What brand and dose got you over 600?

I have found zero correlation between slin use (short term) and issues with endogenous insulin production.

I also certainly wouldnt use Slin to combat the HGH, it really wont effect your BG that much.
Obviously monitor your BG and you will see how it effects you.

For me personally, at around 6 months of 4iu GH, my BG BEGINS to creep up slowly, I could go a 7th month without issue, but I'll take a break at 6 months, or reduce to 2iu and I'll be back to baseline levels within 30 days.

You're going to love the Primo/GH, one of the best aesthetic looks I've ever experienced.
Well honestly I want to use slin more for gaining new mass I know it has something to do with making satellite muscle cells become mature aka “new growth”
but yeah I can’t find any studies showing the effects of exogenous insulin and the production of endogenous insulin from the pancreas. Obviously in the medical world people using it already have damaged beta cells
6 months is my plan then one month off with either mk677 or some peptides not sure on that part yet but yeah I do plan on breaking every so often
Damn you guys making me all excited to run this shit lol this is a first on the gh and primo for me