New to the GH Game

Why don't you compete?

Because its wayyyy too fucking hard lol (For me anyways)
I did a Contest prep once... about a decade ago.
Fuck, I hated my life.
My coach was fucking old school too (90s pro)
I'm telling myself I'll compete when I hit Masters just to prove to myself that I can.
But I'm dreading it lmfao
Why don't you compete?
Because I don't have the genetic to do good and to compete at lower level it doesn't interest me. I compete only if I know I have a good chance to do real good.

Plus the sacrifice is not worth it in my opinion, I prefer to eat more lasagna and icecream and have a good body (not a spectacular one) without the massive sacrifice of a contest prep.
more lasagna and icecream
Oh, yeah! Now that is the best reason not to compete I have ever seen expressed in the printed word!

I told my wife that during my last prep, all I wanted to do was get a large bowl, put peanut butter and ice cream in it, and pour beer over it like milk over cereal . . . It's weird the cravings you get.
Because I don't have the genetic to do good and to compete at lower level it doesn't interest me. I compete only if I know I have a good chance to do real good.

Plus the sacrifice is not worth it in my opinion, I prefer to eat more lasagna and icecream and have a good body (not a spectacular one) without the massive sacrifice of a contest prep.
Winners do the job, losers have excuses