New to the GH Game

Did you get preblood work done? I’m asking because while you are injecting growth you want to get your levels above your baseline.

Nice cycle for sure. I have never touched insulin and do not see the need to as I have never competed. Keep us updated though I will def follow
Yea about 4/5 months back I did
Igf was sitting at 170 then and next bloods will be March like the first week
Thank you brother , def will as soon as I start the good shit or when this gh starts to kick in
Will post my bloods as well
What brand and dose got you over 600?

6iu of meditrope black tops. My IGF was 600 exactly.

I scored around 400 on 4iu of grey tops also... It wasn't exactly 400 I don't think, maybe like 408 or something, I forget. Only pulled IGF bloods those two times.
What’s the general consensus on IM VS SQ?
I’ve only done sq not that Im bothers me but is there an advantage over one ?
The studies tend to show no difference in blood markers. You can develop lipoatrophy at injection sites when doing subcutaneous injections. Also, if you compete, there won't be any body fat left in which to inject around the belly button area. You won't even have a belly button, which feels really weird, because that hole in your belly is created by belly fat surrounding the belly button. When it deflates, the entire area is flat across the muscle. The first time, you won't be able to stop playing with your belly button because it feels so strange.

I tend to do deltoid intramuscular. I can't say it is better for sure or that medical studies demonstrate it is superior.
The studies tend to show no difference in blood markers. You can develop lipoatrophy at injection sites when doing subcutaneous injections. Also, if you compete, there won't be any body fat left in which to inject around the belly button area. You won't even have a belly button, which feels really weird, because that hole in your belly is created by belly fat surrounding the belly button. When it deflates, the entire area is flat across the muscle. The first time, you won't be able to stop playing with your belly button because it feels so strange.
I tend to do deltoid intramuscular. I can't say it is better for sure or that medical studies demonstrate it is superior.
Well I was suppose to do a show in April but it’s fkn canceled cause of COVID crap so maybe next year
But that sounds nice actually lol I’ve always had this annoying strap of fat I can’t get rid of until I’m stupid low Bf right around/below my belly button
I’m almost two weeks in and have noticed a a significant drop in fat in that area (I pin there)
I’ll probably start IM if I split up my injections
Still on the fence about insulin tho
its my first time with hgh and have a lot of experience with aas. using now 5iu ed and almost 1g testo e a week.

When will i notice the hgh and how do i notice it?

is it possible to replace testo e with primo e or bolde u or using low test/high primo or bolde?
its my first time with hgh and have a lot of experience with aas. using now 5iu ed and almost 1g testo e a week.

When will i notice the hgh and how do i notice it?

is it possible to replace testo e with primo e or bolde u or using low test/high primo or bolde?
Is your hgh tested?
its my first time with hgh and have a lot of experience with aas. using now 5iu ed and almost 1g testo e a week.

When will i notice the hgh and how do i notice it?

is it possible to replace testo e with primo e or bolde u or using low test/high primo or bolde?
1g of testo week is too much, and 5 ui hgh is little ... What are your goals? Why only testo? Testo +dehydroboldenone very good cycle
Then the results will happen if your doing diet good and exercise. Probably 1-2 months. If everything is on point.
1g of testo week is too much, and 5 ui hgh is little ... What are your goals? Why only testo? Testo +dehydroboldenone very good cycle
Why is 1g of testo to much? Shouldnt it be 250mg testo e each u.i. Hgh? Hmm 5ui hgh isn't enough? My goal is to reduce fat, stay lean and for health benefits.

I can get bolde u but no dhb.
Why is 1g of testo to much? Shouldnt it be 250mg testo e each u.i. Hgh? Hmm 5ui hgh isn't enough? My goal is to reduce fat, stay lean and for health benefits.

I can get bolde u but no dhb.
You are fine. What cycle is this for you, how many?

I dont think the iu to mg of test thing is real.

Never heard of that.

By your math it should be 4 iu, if you are following that ratio.
its my first time with hgh and have a lot of experience with aas. using now 5iu ed and almost 1g testo e a week.

When will i notice the hgh and how do i notice it?

is it possible to replace testo e with primo e or bolde u or using low test/high primo or bolde?

I'm a bit biased here.
But there is just something about Primo/GH stacked that blows my mind.
Great pumps in the gym, your muscles have a full and qaulity look (Not the usual watery look when I run higher GH)

They seem to be extremely synergistic
Dont ask me why... because I dont know enough of the science behind it, other tha. how amazing I look and how good I feel when running them both.
Even 4iu with 200 primo on TRT test, provides a high qaulity look and solid gains.
You are fine. What cycle is this for you, how many?

I dont think the iu to mg of test thing is real.

Never heard of that.

By your math it should be 4 iu, if you are following that ratio.
I know it would be 4iu but for safety reason I am doing just 1g testo e.

It's a common protocol in the german speaking part of Europe but like I said. It's my first time with hgh.

I don't cycle, blast and cruise since 8 years. Going to the gym almost 13 years.
1g of testo week is too much, and 5 ui hgh is little ... What are your goals? Why only testo? Testo +dehydroboldenone very good cycle
Fuck off you little shill shit.

5IU is more then enough for fat loss, more then 2IU each injection is useless for fatloss, go read some article and the great work of chestrockwell

For building muscle sure probably 5IU is not much but building real muscle using HGH is madness unless you are competing, you need so much IU that you will have BG problem unless you use insulin, and what's the point of using insulin if you don't even compete?
Fuck off you little shill shit.

5IU is more then enough for fat loss, more then 2IU each injection is useless for fatloss, go read some article and the great work of chestrockwell

For building muscle sure probably 5IU is not much but building real muscle using HGH is madness unless you are competing, you need so much IU that you will have BG problem unless you use insulin, and what's the point of using insulin if you don't even compete?
does hgh really increase bloodsugar? i measured my bloodsugar pre inject with 96mg/dz and after 30 mins post inject with 106mg/dz. i read that hgh increase bloodsugar very high
does hgh really increase bloodsugar? i measured my bloodsugar pre inject with 96mg/dz and after 30 mins post inject with 106mg/dz. i read that hgh increase bloodsugar very high
depends on how much you are on, my friend is running 3 iu EOD and have no such problems