Glucometer Blood Sugar levels?

I used to check my bg throughout the day and would check how certain foods affected it. I quit all that long ago and just check my fasted bg nowadays. I’m not a pre or diabetic tho. I purely check because I run hgh. Generally my fasted bg is high 70s to mid 80s. After long term (7-8 months or so) of 4iu+ I notice my bg creeps up. If it gets around 100 fasted then I either make lifestyle changes or come off the gh.

I also use to switch back and forth between metiformin and berberine but now just stick to berberine as I feel it works the same and is easier to obtain.
After long term (7-8 months or so) of 4iu+ I notice my bg creeps up. If it gets around 100 fasted then I either make lifestyle changes or come off the gh.

I also use to switch back and forth between metiformin and berberine but now just stick to berberine as I feel it works the same and is easier to obtain.

If you have access to metformin, maybe you have access to empagliflozin, another anti-hyperglycemic medication.

And check out dihydroberberine. Seems more bioavailable than berberine and you can get it on amazon.
I used to check my bg throughout the day and would check how certain foods affected it. I quit all that long ago and just check my fasted bg nowadays. I’m not a pre or diabetic tho. I purely check because I run hgh. Generally my fasted bg is high 70s to mid 80s. After long term (7-8 months or so) of 4iu+ I notice my bg creeps up. If it gets around 100 fasted then I either make lifestyle changes or come off the gh.

I also use to switch back and forth between metiformin and berberine but now just stick to berberine as I feel it works the same and is easier to obtain.
This is what i just ordered for my bg creeping up
I used to check my bg throughout the day and would check how certain foods affected it. I quit all that long ago and just check my fasted bg nowadays. I’m not a pre or diabetic tho. I purely check because I run hgh. Generally my fasted bg is high 70s to mid 80s. After long term (7-8 months or so) of 4iu+ I notice my bg creeps up. If it gets around 100 fasted then I either make lifestyle changes or come off the gh.

I also use to switch back and forth between metiformin and berberine but now just stick to berberine as I feel it works the same and is easier to obtain.
i just ordered this from amazon IMG_1014.png
When i use metformin long term my BG levels are noticeably much lower then when i use berberine which seems to do little for me. It takes weeks for metformin to get up to speed in the body. Others mileage may differ.
I'm creeping up on my fasted bg its between 85-100 mostly towards the higher range , like yesterday it was 86 but today it was 92? I do the same thing everyday eat the same excact things at the same times so idk i may be "to worried "? Am i tripping or what?
I'm creeping up on my fasted bg its between 85-100 mostly towards the higher range , like yesterday it was 86 but today it was 92? I do the same thing everyday eat the same excact things at the same times so idk i may be "to worried "? Am i tripping or what?

86-92 mg/dL is fine. Measured 5 minutes earlier and it could've been 84 or 94. Those are normal fluctuations for glucometer blood glucose measurements.

You just don't want to see a consistent rise over weeks/months (or consistently >100 mg/dL)
hm my fasting bg is now usually over 100 on waking, sometimes as high as 115. Been back on HGH for a few months, was on 10iu and dropped to 5iu for more than a month now on cruise (was doing slin too).

Ordered berberine but looks like I might have to drop hgh or something.

or just be okay with ~100 fasting bg?

~8% bf, do lots of cardio.
hm my fasting bg is now usually over 100 on waking, sometimes as high as 115. Been back on HGH for a few months, was on 10iu and dropped to 5iu for more than a month now on cruise (was doing slin too).

Ordered berberine but looks like I might have to drop hgh or something.

or just be okay with ~100 fasting bg?

~8% bf, do lots of cardio.
exactly where I was at. figured I would never get Bg issues staying lean and doing tons of cardio.

even with 1000mg metformin added and dropping gh to 2iu I'm still borderline high fbg.

I'm trying to pin the higher fbg on dawn effect, or mis calibrated glucometer or something but call it what you want the gh at higher doses made a dent.

this is the future for many now that gh is becoming so cheap and easy to access.
86-92 mg/dL is fine. Measured 5 minutes earlier and it could've been 84 or 94. Those are normal fluctuations for glucometer blood glucose measurements.

You just don't want to see a consistent rise over weeks/months (or consistently >100 mg/dL)
bro i gotta be honest i seen you plug dihydroberberine so much i figured you are a rep for glucovantage or something.

no disrespect though, i'm genuinely curious. none of the big labels or main players in the supplement market are pushing dihydroberberine that i'm aware of -- and I'm sure they've looked into it. you certainly don't hear much about it at least.

i heard justin harris do a q&a where someone asked about it, and he said that they looked into it and found that their berberine formulation is better. i have no idea if that's true or not true, that's not the point, i just wonder what his incentive to be to lie, other than the fact that he has a berberine product. but justin in a smart guy, you'd think that if dihydroberberine worked better they would just come out with a gen2 gda product of dihydroberb...

the bigger point is that from an industry perspective you hear very little to nothing about dihydro, and you hear about berberine almost daily.

has the community not caught up to actual science yet, is the community ignoring the science for a reason, or is my take entirely incorrect?
i been taking glucovantage dihydroberbirine for over a month at night time with little to no lowering of the fbg so i'm wondering ? i've even pushed my last intake of carbs to 4 hours before my nightly dose of 4 ius and still coming in at 90-95 fbg in the morning
exactly where I was at. figured I would never get Bg issues staying lean and doing tons of cardio.

even with 1000mg metformin added and dropping gh to 2iu I'm still borderline high fbg.

I'm trying to pin the higher fbg on dawn effect, or mis calibrated glucometer or something but call it what you want the gh at higher doses made a dent.

this is the future for many now that gh is becoming so cheap and easy to access.

Yeah a few months ago when I was taking a break from HGH and before my ~1month tren/slin cycle, I was easily at 70-80 fasting waking blood sugar. I think it started to creep up on my cycle but figured it was the slin and it would go away when I stopped the slin.

I reduced HGH just because didn't see a point to run HGH, I think it's helped with keeping weight off but was surprised to see my fasting bg still climbing.

Part of me wonders if there's no problem with this, it's just HGH working as intended? Like you LH/FSH or whatever being squashed on cycle, etc.

Like what point is fasting bg a problem...

I see a lot of talk about berberine and metformin, but drugs are obviously not a good thing to just take long term.
bro i gotta be honest i seen you plug dihydroberberine so much i figured you are a rep for glucovantage or something.

no disrespect though, i'm genuinely curious. none of the big labels or main players in the supplement market are pushing dihydroberberine that i'm aware of -- and I'm sure they've looked into it. you certainly don't hear much about it at least.

i heard justin harris do a q&a where someone asked about it, and he said that they looked into it and found that their berberine formulation is better. i have no idea if that's true or not true, that's not the point, i just wonder what his incentive to be to lie, other than the fact that he has a berberine product. but justin in a smart guy, you'd think that if dihydroberberine worked better they would just come out with a gen2 gda product of dihydroberb...

the bigger point is that from an industry perspective you hear very little to nothing about dihydro, and you hear about berberine almost daily.

has the community not caught up to actual science yet, is the community ignoring the science for a reason, or is my take entirely incorrect?

Berberine probably got grandfathered in a lot of these products. Dihydro is kinda new and more effective at a lower dose. Not superior overall, you just have to take more berberine (mg for mg) to get the same effect as dihydro.
Berberine probably got grandfathered in a lot of these products. Dihydro is kinda new and more effective at a lower dose. Not superior overall, you just have to take more berberine (mg for mg) to get the same effect as dihydro.
I don't know what grandfathered in means but took your advice and looked into it.

Appears that GlucoVantage is the brand name for Dihydroberberine, which is a patented ingredient owned by the chinese guys that isolated the dihydroberberine metabolite.

So if anyone wants Dihydroberberine they have to buy GlucoVantage because those guys own the patent on it.

So I'm guessing you can't patent berberine but you can patent dihydroberine, so it's much cheaper/easier for guys selling GDAs to use what no one owns a patent on.

The patent shows that 3 example studies were used to substantiate the patent claims, all studies performed on rodents. The patent claims of efficacy are all based on the rodent studies. I could not find any human studies involving dihydroberberine related to impacts on blood sugar on pubmed.

So when you say it's more effective at a lower dose, what data/study/consensus are you using to make this conclusion?
The patent shows that 3 example studies were used to substantiate the patent claims, all studies performed on rodents. The patent claims of efficacy are all based on the rodent studies. I could not find any human studies involving dihydroberberine related to impacts on blood sugar on pubmed.

So when you say it's more effective at a lower dose, what data/study/consensus are you using to make this conclusion?

It looks like you did more research than me so if it looks bad to you, that's fine. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.
It looks like you did more research than me so if it looks bad to you, that's fine. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.
curiosity got the better of me so I ran a quick search for "dihydroberberine" by alexdavis43.

if you weren't trying to convince anyone of anything with your endless commenting on dihydroberberine, then was your intent just to spam the forum with empty comments?
i been taking glucovantage dihydroberbirine for over a month at night time with little to no lowering of the fbg so i'm wondering ? i've even pushed my last intake of carbs to 4 hours before my nightly dose of 4 ius and still coming in at 90-95 fbg in the morning
dihydroberberine is a substandard berberine product originally developed with the intention of fighting signs of aging on the skin -- a beauty product. the chinese researchers saw it potentially had positive impacts on blood glucose in rats so they got a patent for it. the same chinese guys have a nutrition company called NNB nutrition and they own patents for supplement ingredients that they sell to supplement companies. GlucoVantage is their patented name for dihydroberberine.

as you found personally, dihydroberberine doesn't have the blood glucose lowering effects it's marketed to have, which is why it's not more heavily marketed in the industry.

the guy that kept encouraging everyone to look into it is either a liar, a rep for the product, or is incredibly lazy and slow. either way he's on my radar.
the guy that kept encouraging everyone to look into it is either a liar, a rep for the product, or is incredibly lazy and slow. either way he's on my radar.
I do not think there was a malicious motive to him suggesting people look into it. Think he was just reporting what worked for him. Never seen him plug a brand, even when asked.

I was looking into Thorne’s Berberine which is Berberine HCI and Berberine phytosome and has stellar reviews but is pricy as hell. I’ve also found that whenever my blood sugar creeps up on hgh that throwing more cardio and water at the problem usually works, and adjusting meal and pin timing works if that fails. That said, I’ve never gone over 5iu a day and I imagine intervention becomes more necessary at higher doses.
Stan efferding was always preaching 10 minute walks after meals was more effective than metformin and that’s all the cardio he typically will recommend a day
Hey fam. Need your help and since this post is up didn’t want to make another post for the same thing. Been running GH since mid February. I’ve ramped up from 2iu and have been at 8 for a couple of weeks.

I’ve played with EOD, 5/2, splitting the dose morning and before bed but have been on 1 bolus dose before bed for the last two weeks since starting 8iu.

I ran out of glucose test strips awhile back but put yesterday I got my hands on a continuous glucose monitor and my blood sugar has been steady between 120 and 140 but rides around 130. Pretty low carb and (about 150 grams today). Took some Berberine, didn’t seem to do shit. After eating goes up 10-15 pts but then cruises back around 130-140.

Other symptoms are water retention and “tight” hands. Ring no longer fits. Face doesn’t seem to be bloated but legs/ankles surely are. BG was always normal before this.

Seems like my GH is fire lol. From what I understand it’s the FFA’s floating around my blood and the conflict between insulin and IGF-1.

Thinking about switching to EOD (based on that study about kids) but would like to stay at 8 for another 5 weeks or so. Any thoughts or advice? Anyone have experience with this? Think I’m an idiot and need to stop? I’d rather troubleshoot and keep the GH even if going M-W-F or EOD and running 3-4 iu’s. Thanks.