Newbie stack

Whatsup! I would highly suggest combing through the forums as this questions is everywhere.

I am not enhanced but plan to be in the future but can tell you that the more advanced guys and senior members here will start by asking you things like How long you been training? Age? Diet? BF% Goal? Sleep? What your training plan look like? It wont matter what you pin if you are not locked in.

Are you ready to take your blood pressure everyday? Purchase all the ancilliaries needed to control side effects (e2, blood pressure, lipids, kidney and liver, heart to name a few) on top of the gear? Lab work during pre and post cycle. Money to afford the food needed to grow. Will you PCT or Blast and cruise. If PCT do you have a plan? to ensure we are maximizing our health and minimizing our risk we have to deep dive into every aspect. I hope that gives you some insight on where to start!
What would be a good begginer stack? and how much would it cost? (including stuff to keep you safe, blood works and everyhting) EU
Read around the forum. Plenty of information available with thousands of questions similar to yours. In short Testosterone only. Safe and sound plan/cycle will cost you about 300€ including proper pct with detailed blood work.
Whatsup! I would highly suggest combing through the forums as this questions is everywhere.

I am not enhanced but plan to be in the future but can tell you that the more advanced guys and senior members here will start by asking you things like How long you been training? Age? Diet? BF% Goal? Sleep? What your training plan look like? It wont matter what you pin if you are not locked in.

Are you ready to take your blood pressure everyday? Purchase all the ancilliaries needed to control side effects (e2, blood pressure, lipids, kidney and liver, heart to name a few) on top of the gear? Lab work during pre and post cycle. Money to afford the food needed to grow. Will you PCT or Blast and cruise. If PCT do you have a plan? to ensure we are maximizing our health and minimizing our risk we have to deep dive into every aspect. I hope that gives you some insight on where to start!
amazinfg answer ty boss
amazinfg answer ty boss

For sure! A lot of members on here with amazing information and experience to learn from. Imperative that you have everything you need on hand when you start the cycle as well.

My goal in the winter is a basic bulk (us first timers need to keep it simple so I have read). 16 week bulk at 500mg test c a week and 250 IU EOD HCG (to help preserve fertility) Eating in a caloric Surplus to put on mass. Progressive overload. 8 hours of sleep every night. Hydration dialed. I plan to start at around 12-15% bf (the lower the bettter). Comphrensive blood work before I start to ensure my body is healthy.

AI on hand for high e2 sides and a SERM incase of gyno flair ups. Then comes PCT or blast and cruise. PCT looks different w/ or w/o HCG etc.
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For sure! A lot of members on here with amazing information and experience to learn from. Imperative that you have everything you need on hand when you start the cycle as well.

My goal in the winter is a basic bulk (us first timers need to keep it simple so I have read). 16 week bulk at 500mg test c a week and 250 IU EOD HCG ( to help preserve fertility) Eating in a calroic Surplus to put on mass. Progressive overload. 8 hours of sleep every night. Hydration dialed. I plan to start at around 12-15% bf (the lower the bettter). Comphrensive blood work before I start to ensure my body is healthy.

AI on hand for high e2 sides and a SERM incase of gyno flair ups. Then comes PCT or blast and cruise. PCT looks different w/ or w/o HCG etc.
If every newbie was so educated as you, there would be no mistakes. That's how it should be. Good job.
What would be a good begginer stack? and how much would it cost? (including stuff to keep you safe, blood works and everyhting) EU
For starters, when someone says stack, to me that means more than one. Hence the reasoning of placing something on top of another. With that being said; I suggest your foundation is always Test. Being that you are a beginner, I would personally go with Sustanon. Which is usually 250mg/ml sometimes 300mg/ml. With that being said, 1-1.5ml every week broken in 2 shots same as mentioned below. Like a shot on Monday and thursday Due to it having fast acting, and long acting esters steady level of test flowing throw that soon to be suit of armor otherwise it's going to take a minute to for the rest to actually metabolize if you go with something like Cypionate or enanthate. I don't ever recommend someone beginning with propionate just because of the amount of pinning it requires. For my second piece of gear, I would recommend something like NPP. This is something you can get away with hitting yourself every 2 days. Probably won't get limp dick at that dose, but if you do it is manageable , prolactin won't be an issue at that dose. Which most product I see on the market being 150mg/ml I would recommend 2-3ml every week broken up between 2 shots = 300-450mg/wk. I would grab some arimidex, and roll with .5mg every week should be fine. Some are different and need 1 mg split up. I went by blood testing in the beginning. Some guys go by feel. But trust you want to have it on hand rather be caught with it than without it. However this all is based on goals but for a beginner this is a pretty solid stack. Hope this helps
Start with the bloodwork and check back in here once you have results so you know where you stand naturally and if you have any surprise issues. I’d suggest a very comprehensive panel like this: Comprehensive Lab Panel

there are some cheaper options as well but once you’re deeper into this you’ll probably wish you had baseline blood markers of everything before you touched gear

In addition I’d suggest getting a baseline EKG (I wish I had done this)

It looks like a lot but if you want to protect yourself and be responsible, you’ll be spending hundreds every couple of months just on bloodwork, and double that amount when you add in health ancillaries. The gear is the cheapest part
My recommendation was with the assumption you have worked out before, know how to eat. If you already do the first 2 things and do them well there is no reason you shouldn't put on 20-25lbs. of good solid body weight. Remember you are what you eat. If all you eat is pussy you are probably a ...
For sure! A lot of members on here with amazing information and experience to learn from. Imperative that you have everything you need on hand when you start the cycle as well.

My goal in the winter is a basic bulk (us first timers need to keep it simple so I have read). 16 week bulk at 500mg test c a week and 250 IU EOD HCG (to help preserve fertility) Eating in a caloric Surplus to put on mass. Progressive overload. 8 hours of sleep every night. Hydration dialed. I plan to start at around 12-15% bf (the lower the bettter). Comphrensive blood work before I start to ensure my body is healthy.

AI on hand for high e2 sides and a SERM incase of gyno flair ups. Then comes PCT or blast and cruise. PCT looks different w/ or w/o HCG etc.
Sounds very good
My recommendation was with the assumption you have worked out before, know how to eat. If you already do the first 2 things and do them well there is no reason you shouldn't put on 20-25lbs. of good solid body weight. Remember you are what you eat. If all you eat is pussy you are probably a ...
Ive worked out for apmost 3 years, im 19 now, around 16% bodyfat, i eat mostly meat, and medium amounts of carbs, fat(im tring to get around 10% bf) i sleep good, im physically active all day 8am-5pm construction then gym if i have power, a big part of why i want to use something is for dimorphic gains, like bone mass etcetera, also want to incease my frame im around 21bidelt rn 6,2
Start with the bloodwork and check back in here once you have results so you know where you stand naturally and if you have any surprise issues. I’d suggest a very comprehensive panel like this: Comprehensive Lab Panel

there are some cheaper options as well but once you’re deeper into this you’ll probably wish you had baseline blood markers of everything before you touched gear

In addition I’d suggest getting a baseline EKG (I wish I had done this)

It looks like a lot but if you want to protect yourself and be responsible, you’ll be spending hundreds every couple of months just on bloodwork, and double that amount when you add in health ancillaries. The gear is the cheapest part
Will do sir, ill get it done and come back with pictures
Ive worked out for apmost 3 years, im 19 now, around 16% bodyfat, i eat mostly meat, and medium amounts of carbs, fat(im tring to get around 10% bf) i sleep good, im physically active all day 8am-5pm construction then gym if i have power, a big part of why i want to use something is for dimorphic gains, like bone mass etcetera, also want to incease my frame im around 21bidelt rn 6,2
Many guys on here will tell you 19 years old is too young. Coming back with bloodwork and an ekg would be a good starting point to demonstrate financial stability and dedication to this lifestyle even though you are pretty young. It’s a serious (and usually lifelong) undertaking so take some time to make sure this is really what you want to do
assuming you alrrady did ur research and actualy know what your doing and how to run gear safely and properly, id go with test, eq and tbol.

probably going to get hated on for this but id run the test and eq at a gram a week each for 20 weeks and the tbol 100mg daily for the first and last 8 weeks of the cycle. and of course, if your wanting to be more conservitave, just half the doses.

so this cycle would look something like this:

weeks 1-8: test E 500-1000mg, EQ 570-1140mg, Tbol 50-100mg daily

weeks 9-12: run same doses and drop tbol

weeks 13-20: same dose but add the tbol back in.

weeks 21+: run a cruise

imo, pct is dumb. if your going to uses steroids, theres a 99% chance your not doing a single cycle and quitting, so id do blasting and cruising vs fully coming off. not only will it help sustain gains much better but its arguably healthier due to less hormanal fuckery and fluctiations

price will vary greatly. are you buting from china? shit will be pennies? buying from a "posh" domestic ugl? get ready to sell your kidneys for a vial of test.

no idea how much bloodwork costs in the eu but i like to get bloods done 4-6 times a year(im not rich, its just free, im canadian)

as far as diet goes, same old healthy diet you would be eating natural.

also recomend getting a fully comprehensive multivitamin and use an app like cronometer to see if your diet and supplements hit all the micronutrient goals
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test. just test. for a long time..

But in my opinion, do not touch gear unless you are committed for life.
This is not something you can get gains from in 3 months and shortcut some gains and keep them after coming off. if youre worried about price at all this isnt for you. this isnt something you can dabble in and you may face permanent side effects in exchange for just a few lbs of muscle

For starters, when someone says stack, to me that means more than one. Hence the reasoning of placing something on top of another. With that being said; I suggest your foundation is always Test. Being that you are a beginner, I would personally go with Sustanon. Which is usually 250mg/ml sometimes 300mg/ml. With that being said, 1-1.5ml every week broken in 2 shots same as mentioned below. Like a shot on Monday and thursday Due to it having fast acting, and long acting esters steady level of test flowing throw that soon to be suit of armor otherwise it's going to take a minute to for the rest to actually metabolize if you go with something like Cypionate or enanthate. I don't ever recommend someone beginning with propionate just because of the amount of pinning it requires. For my second piece of gear, I would recommend something like NPP. This is something you can get away with hitting yourself every 2 days. Probably won't get limp dick at that dose, but if you do it is manageable , prolactin won't be an issue at that dose. Which most product I see on the market being 150mg/ml I would recommend 2-3ml every week broken up between 2 shots = 300-450mg/wk. I would grab some arimidex, and roll with .5mg every week should be fine. Some are different and need 1 mg split up. I went by blood testing in the beginning. Some guys go by feel. But trust you want to have it on hand rather be caught with it than without it. However this all is based on goals but for a beginner this is a pretty solid stack. Hope this helps
he is using "stack" incorrectly, its his first cycle clearly
Many guys on here will tell you 19 years old is too young. Coming back with bloodwork and an ekg would be a good starting point to demonstrate financial stability and dedication to this lifestyle even though you are pretty young. It’s a serious (and usually lifelong) undertaking so take some time to make sure this is really what you want to do
Ik this is lifelong shit, and to save myself i think its needed to hop on
test. just test. for a long time..

But in my opinion, do not touch gear unless you are committed for life.
This is not something you can get gains from in 3 months and shortcut some gains and keep them after coming off. if youre worried about price at all this isnt for you. this isnt something you can dabble in and you may face permanent side effects in exchange for just a few lbs of muscle

he is using "stack" incorrectly, its his first cycle clearly
Im thinking of just test for now yes, ik this shit is not smth to joke abt or do only for a few months, im ready to go full time roids


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