Nipple lump recurring 3 months after PCT...


New Member
Hi all,

Completed a cycle of TEST & TREN for 12 weeks.

ran aromasin and prami throughout.

Finished it with hcg, aromasin, clomid, torem and everything seemed great once afterwards (libido, mood etc).

Recently a recurring lump has come out again and is pretty sore.. (seemed to come up after alcohol).

My question is, I have some TOREM left over. Would there be any harm in using the torem again to see if the lump goes away??

Are there any detrimental affects using a SERM off cycle?
none at all! you can always restart your PCT- depending on the compound and how long you've been on.. many folks run PCT between 4-8week..
It's obvious based on your "cycle" and list of ancillaries your shotgun approach is full of broscience BS.

The net effect you have no baseline labs, no baseline tit exam and have no idea how to proceed once a problem occurs and they ALWAYS DO. etc, etc, etc!

What's even more prophetic, at age 23 you list an improvement in MOOD and LIBIDO as the marker of "successful" PCT!

So what are your priorities for cycling AAS anyway?
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Are there any detrimental affects using a SERM off cycle?

Detrimental effects are you serious!

Yea exclusive of drugs cost, it may not be helpful from a therapeutic perspective AND you run the risk of developing side effects that are common to ALL drugs.

Incidentally were your ancillaries pharm grade or were they perhaps purchased from the same source as your AAS supplies?