[NO] Development Of Dependence Following Opioid Treatment

Michael Scally MD

Doctor of Medicine
10+ Year Member
Minozzi S, Amato L, Davoli M. Development of dependence following treatment with opioid analgesics for pain relief: a systematic review. Addiction. Development of dependence following treatment with opioid analgesics for pain relief: a systematic review - Minozzi - 2012 - Addiction - Wiley Online Library

Aims To assess the incidence or prevalence of opioid dependence syndrome in adults (with and without previous history of substance abuse) following treatment with opioid analgesics for pain relief.

Methods Medline, Embase, CINHAL and the Cochrane Library were searched up to January 2011. Systematic reviews and primary studies were included if they reported data about incidence or prevalence of opioid dependence syndrome (as defined by DSM-IV or ICD-10) in patients receiving strong opioids (or opioid-type analgesics) for treatment of acute or chronic pain due to any physical condition. The data were abstracted, and the methodological quality was assessed using validated checklists.

Results Data were extracted from 17 studies involving a total of 88?235 participants. The studies included three systematic reviews, one randomized controlled trial, eight cross-sectional studies and four uncontrolled case series. Most studies included adult patients with chronic non-malignant pain; two also included patients with cancer pain; only one included patients with a previous history of dependence. Incidence ranged from 0 to 24% (median 0.5%); prevalence ranged from 0 to 31% (median 4.5%).

Conclusions The available evidence suggests that opioid analgesics for chronic pain conditions are not associated with a major risk for developing dependence.
Print your post out and go to your local hospital run detox unit. See if you dont get laughed at and run out of the place. Prescription narcotic abuse are at all time highs in this country.

The ISSUE goes far beyond "Dependency" and has nothing to do with whether or not "drug seeking behavior" is associated with narcotics. It SHOULD be whether or not the use is merited. Its all political rhetoric and trying to determine what condition are going to ellicity negative implications to society $$$. Just more bullshit that convolutes proper scientific medical care..

The "kiddies" posting above dont even have the nut hair to understand the issues on the plate.

First, I would like to know how a society can measure "dependence" (and note the term includes BOTH Physical & Psychological implication), without being age discriminant when reviewing the topic. Hell, even gender specific should by culled. But the consideration of "addiction" as it relates MUST be further discerned and based on real NEED. So really I see two master sets here which are BOTH "dependence" and well as "NEED". But really, thats just how obscure, broad, and poorly used the term "dependence" is in this matter. The whole notion addressed in this thread and study is a mastery of the point of the sociololigically political implications at best (which by the way completely contradict MEDICAL SCIENCE)... IF you note, within the concept of "drug dependence" falls the term physical tolerance. The Dependence concept is much broader than this.

Simply put, there is not a fucking male on the planet that has lived an ATHLETIC life that is not in pain all the time, or in many common and regular intervals, after the age of 40. So what is wrong with wanting to live a better life.?! Personally, every time I feel chronic pain, the negative psychological implications far outweigh the physical drug effect in trade. Its a matter of "knowing you are old or not".

Further, when qualifying the actual REAL action of narcotics, it should be noted that in typical experience and noted from others interviewed, there is a phenomena of not experiencing any 'high" when taking narcotics, if one has actual real physical pain occurring. You can further denote in some of the data that they present, that the occurrence of "dependency" corrolated less with the treatment of conditions more mortal in nature. In short, I dont think you see a bunch of cancer patients running back down to the doc to catch a buzz, thus reminding themselves of the illness they are currently remissed, or fighting.

The abstract summary makes the review appear not inclusive of the most common baby - Hydrocodone, in comparison to the drugs listed as "reviewed" or included in the data, then a further review indicates that hydrocodone was considered in much of the data. And further some of the date does not even specify the drug.

But really, why would one even want to take narcotics if under 30 years old?! If not in pain, all they do is grogg you down. Besides, someone less than 30 should really not even care to take the meds, as the goings on of life usually supercede any pain, and the person just wants to go living and doing their normal things, which do not include being whacked out. From a real standpoint, anyone under 30 taking a narcotic beyond and initial pain stimulus is just using. I suspect the real world threshold for that number should skyrocket to about 55 with women, as they simply dont do shit in life from a physical standpoiint to general the physical indications many men have. But there becomes a line when "Theraputic" comes into play and age dependent. Clearly though, this is not the master focus of the study and issue petaining regardless... but as always, the study is generated by those with interest, and then also USED by others of interest. The MOTIVE is the variable.

Really, what fucking doc writes narcotics on a regular basis for anyone under 30 or 35 anyway.? It dont happen. If the matter is detemining the length of a treatment which could potentailly ellicit long term "addiction", you cant qualify that as a general. Not possible. The study is an excersies futile political show and potential BULLET only.

I was acutally discussing pain killers with a bud last night. We noted how effective NSAIDs are with muscle skeletal pain in comparison to narcotics. And primarily noting SKELETAL/Connective tissue. The conclusion with regard to the matter is that while Narcotics can diminished the percieved pain, NSAIDS actually STOP the cause in many cases. You really have to wonder the true neurological effect of NSAIDS as, are they modulating pain receptors, or actually stopping the pain by stopping the physical ailment. The PROBLEM is that NSAIDs are EXTREMELY Dangerous long term, and much more so that hydrocodone per say. I wish I could gobble them like hydro, but I get the shits with asprin even, so good luck. Consider the Vioxx litigation, or whatever the hell that drug was that causes permanent blindness in some. These are all NSAIDS basically, and I speculate very similar in structure and action to basic advil or alieve. But try takin a generic Alieve from WalMart without a glass of water. It will flat out fuck your throat up just sliding down. I TRIPLE DOGG DARE anyone to chew one of these up prior to swallowing it. LOL. They would probably have to call an ambulance to cart you off to the hospital for chemical esophageal burns... There is simply no way that these meds (NSAIDS) are not turning blood to liquid fire and wreaking internal havok...!

Consider I am not speculating that all narcotics do is switch off pain receptors. They have physical benefit too which is a subset of the diminishment of the pain signal. Technically, pain therapy fails if used intermittent anyway.

And technically you could go ahead and label me a "Drug Seeking/ Drug Dependent person". Im old and I have pain that interfers with the life I know. I make my own decisions as to which poison I will choose in the new "if the benefit outweighs the risk" Big Pharma society we live in.
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Hi fuckface. This "kiddie" as you do eloquently called me was on hydro and or oxy for a year due to chrinic pain. I know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to this shit. You can spew all the bs you want like you do 99 % of the time, the fact is the stuff is extremely addictive and while thankful for it to an extent after awhile these things suck the life out of you in more ways than one.
Mr."I drink at least 10-12 per night to escape life" calling someone a "kiddie" on a forum. Funny. Whino. Hypocrite.
As per your bullshit statement "what doc writes narcotics for someone under 35,it don't happen"...

Yes. Yes it does. Quite often. Try again... Kiddie.
LOL, Its funny cause I saw you post there on that thread and cringed to look and see what ya wrote. And the first thought that came to mind is "That Fuckface". I was actually just visualizing writing that down as a resonse without even reading. And then there it was - the first words out of your mouth. :eek:LOL:eek:

I dont even know what to think about that... Jr. ... ...:p
Well I agree with you there, and thats what I was saying, or meant to. I really cant tell you how sick and fucking tired I am of Hydrodocodone. Had to pop a couple early this morn for arthritis, and did not want to, but I had alieve for a few days, and dont want to get the "habenero effect" going at the Ahole.... Now, I am sitting here with that nasty lethargy - bla Bla... So I made the decision, I wish I did not have to, but at least I am not in so much pain...

I do feel Oxy is "next level" in addictive property, to hydro. I noted the POLITICAL SKIRTING of the subject as "hydrocodone" in the initial presentation. And the funny thing is that its really not all that much more effective than hydro, and quickly tolerated, even faster I wonder sometimes. I will also give you that oxy type narcs have a strange "call" to them that Hydo dont. Just a couple more carbon bonds, but completely different in action. I think it may even be poorly understood in complete action to medical science if not mistaken. But there is a difference. I find NOTHING addictive about hydrocodone with the exception of the TOLERANCE. There is no "Call" involved with it though. And this has been studied THOROUGHLY now...

Regarding more indepth on the article preface and from the METHODS precursor: " Dependence could be only psychological if no signs of tolerance and withdrawal syndrome are present, or also physiological if these signs are present [15]. Patients should receive any of the following strong opioid analgesics (by any route of administration): morphine, methadone, buprenorphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, hydromorphone, levorphanol or pethidine". Note the lack of inclusion of hydrocodone and then they go and include in the data they are utilizing for some facets of the reseach. THIS IS SOMEWHAT MONUMENTAL politically speaking, at least by authors presentation...

I NEVER ARGUED THE "ADDICTION", or addictive properties. I Made note of the social political aspect of the article in truth, and pointed out that mature adults have CHOICES to make. The point was that DEPENDENCY and ADDICTION are similar terms misnomered here (my example now):

1) "I depend on narcotics to control my physical pain conditions - therefore, I am addicted to it..."; OR
2) "I am addicted to narcotics to control my pain. I got addicted due to prolonged use which was required to help my pain. I depend on it a lot, as well as other medications".

Both sentences admit "Addiction". The DIFFERENCE is the point that "DRUG DEPENDENCY" is poorly used and a misnomer when contexted as "addiction". Dependent = MUST HAVE. "Addiction" = psychological or phycical DESIRE or WANT OR "Need". The word "Depend" simply implies as too critically necessary as a "life or death" scenario, and when other options are available (even if narcotic). So, interestingly, the used of the term "Dependency" is BOTH a political happy face they are putting on the concept of "addiction", which appears to be friendly in presentation, while at the same time they are conveying that NOTHING ELSE will do.. Pop the top on that box now - and stretch that brain a little.... No, I dont like them either.

Regarding your behavior. Don't respond with the "kiddies" who currently on the hot plate, and maybe you wont get culled up with them. Regarding your ROUSE and presented personna of the entity which you proclaim to be - Jo Bloe... And whats most interesting about you is that you ellicit the highest degree of SUBSTANCE INDUCED BiPolar type activity I have EVER seen from ANYONE around here - and never even knowing YOURSELF whether or not you are going to exude hostility, ignorance as misunderstanding in communications appearing to be hasty/drug induced congnitive, or just sit back and cackle at others from a narrow perspective too lazy to even take the time to endeavor at this point in your life - BUT ALWAYS angrily as apparently premature as related to your AGE.. lAlways viscious, only the degree varying. So, you hit the brakes on yourself, and found you like livin lazy and placing blame on others. But you just dont want to admit it do ya.:rolleyes:

Hi fuckface. This "kiddie" as you do eloquently called me was on hydro and or oxy for a year due to chrinic pain. I know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to this shit. You can spew all the bs you want like you do 99 % of the time, the fact is the stuff is extremely addictive and while thankful for it to an extent after awhile these things suck the life out of you in more ways than one.
Fads and phases Baxyboy. Actually, I have not really partaken with the alcohol for a few months now. Just not into it currently. I NEVER used the term "escape life" with regard to myself or actions. Or at least never intended as such, or to even imply in any way. Thats not my style. I EMBRACE LIFE. Excess alcohol consumption from time to time, or even in extended phases is just another compulsive function of my life to which I OVER Do it. STILL, I manage to put a positive spin on it from an experimental standpoint in creativity. I OBSERVED that there are elevated Risks involved with excessive alcohol use on several occasions throughout out my life too. The Skill in the Art is GETTING LOST in the trip and path chosen and with intent, which is the ONLY BEST way to get the truest and most powerful response during the attempted paradigm split (Being a drunk for a while, or on occasion). The MAGIC is having the POWER to RECOVER, or find the baseline again, and on your own which is key as no one can help you there.

You seem to LOVE the word hippocrite. Its funny too because its always obvious to everyone that you are always passing your own buck in some way, and many times through projection, and even attempts at transference. And at unknown parties over the internet at that?!?! More indications of UNCLEAR thought process as always. And your actions are always indicative of a narcotics abuser (So skewed by you own emotion over the subject you had to jump in even joining a totally incredulous newbie to take a shout about it:rolleyes:). I have seen that too, and its all BARK and Whine about the protest to the whore you are to the drugs. Presented as intense refusal, but realistically always really just meagerly walking the darkside without REAL complaint(denial)- thus conveniently providing that excuse narcotic junkies so despirately seek. It would not suprise me to learn that you are a heroin user as well... Sad.

Finally, always picking someone to fire upon who you perceive and present to yourself as living with a crutch and as worse than your own, which was the whole point of your rattled reply (notably broken up in (3) posts to convey NOTHING. More typical drug addict behavior, but not only. Thats the type behavior of a druggie in REHAB. The harder that demon scratchin at ya, the harder you want to hit someone ELSE huh? And primarily cause you know you are on the verge of gettin bent over by that vice once more, even whilst yur just checked in!! The worst part of all being that you endeavor to call these type names in an effort BY TONE AND CONOTATION that you intend to see me/whatever principle as JUST THAT VICTIM and wanting to be sure they stay there. And ALWAYS placed beneath yourself... Not even as that you want to excell to be the best, you just want to see others worse off to continue the fantasy. Its malicious and poor willed servicing only your demon. NOT YOU.

You gotta stand up to YOU sooner or later. All that venom is being misdireted cause you are too weak and the drugs have control tricking you into thinking everyone else has it wrong, or is bad toward you. Go back and read all your post. Forget the fact that I dont think you have ever contributed a single thing around here other than criticism, BUT YOU HAVE NEVER OFFERED ANYTHING AT ALL..>!! NOTHING..! There are 4-5 types round here. - - There are lurkers,
- those asking questions & conversing to learn - but objectively,
- those offering the hard facts and studies,
- and some of us offering some creative insight related at least taking the time to THINK about what is said,
- and then a few in the middle.

YOU ARE NONE OF THOSE. If fact, your history here is the longest I have ever seen a Resident Heckler last prior to boot on ass! Which further proves that not only are you somehow involved beyond that level and via some related community, but that some would like to see where you are going to land. Or perhaps you are just a disgruntled patient.? My money is still on washed out anesthesiologist student just lucky to have made it out without ODing prior to expulsion from school..

And yes, clearly I made a typo. It should have read "No COMPETENT docs are writing narcotics for anyone under 30 for anything short of immediate treatments and Long term Conditions meriting". Still, you are the proof that they are indeed.

As big a cunt as you are, one thing I have learned here is to learn from others. The beauty of it is that it is equatable to love/hate with as INTENSITY for example, and YOUR intensity actually forces harder work on my end. But here is the point you will still miss - Your shitass behavior NEVER benefiting you in any way, in fact hurting you badly via the blinding factor that comes with it. And ALWAYS Benefiting others by sight alone, as example of what NOT.. If whatever you manage to banther at that time holds any merit worth lookin up to see.

Further, ITS ALWAYS MY/other folks OPTION if to care to pay you attentions or pay concern. It would appear to be YOUR Cursed CRUTCH, as you are compelled to disrupt negatively. The only way to help yourself at this time is TO SHUT UP and LISTEN. A trait you do not posess, or you would have heard not to risk winding up where you are. You would be suprised as you will find a curve of increasing effectiveness as hearing relates to listening as related to TIME and its exponential. Try it some time..

And dont pat yourself on the back too hard. I got time to kill as my only REAL VICE is precrstination from my career I am so bored with at this point. And I type Reeeal Fast...:)

Funny, a thread about addiction and look it actually stayed on target...

Good luck and the best always...!
Mr."I drink at least 10-12 per night to escape life" calling someone a "kiddie" on a forum. Funny. Whino. Hypocrite.
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Lol. Ok. I'm not a drug addict. I was prescribed narcotics for chronic pain. Tool them 2-3 times per week as needed. At most 10 mg of either hydro or oxy as I can't tolerate any more than that. If that's a drug addict then I'm guilty lol. And go back and re read the thread numb nuts. You fired the first shot by referring to me as a "kiddie" simply because I disagreed with the "study" the op posted. As for the rest of your yawn inducing post, I'll just chalk it up to you being senile in your old age.
Mmm Hmmm. And the Chameleon morphs once more....:rolleyes: In fact, I am having visions of my old favorite nemises "Conciliator" about now. Good Stuff indeed.

Again, I never "disagreed" with anything. I only observed and noted the inherent underlying political potential of the study, as appearing to be based on and utilizing the aboslute vaguest context base I have seen to date in a presented "technical study"....

Lol. Ok. I'm not a drug addict. I was prescribed narcotics for chronic pain. Tool them 2-3 times per week as needed. At most 10 mg of either hydro or oxy as I can't tolerate any more than that. If that's a drug addict then I'm guilty lol. And go back and re read the thread numb nuts. You fired the first shot by referring to me as a "kiddie" simply because I disagreed with the "study" the op posted. As for the rest of your yawn inducing post, I'll just chalk it up to you being senile in your old age.