I think you are both right.
As far as
@Mike Oxbig calling Operation Cyber Juice small potatoes compared to Operation Raw Deal, that's absolutely true in terms of the short-term impact it had on the domestic UGL market.
ORD shut down 3x as many AAS UGLs in a SINGLE WEEK in September 2007 than Operation Cyber Juice shut down in the entire previous YEAR in 2014-2015. OCJ doesn't even come close to ORD by comparison.
@korat is correct in pointing out that the international cooperation under the direction of the US DEA is unprecedented in the war on steroids. The announcement of ongoing cooperation with several LE agencies in multiple countries, in addition to the troubling partnership with morality-in-sports guardian WADA/USADA, very likely means that more resources are being earmarked for the war on steroids/doping than ever before. This could mean more and more arrests.
The DEA/Europol has essentially outline their end game is to put a stop to the flow of steroid powder and PEDs from China. It will be interesting to see how much progress they will make on this front.
Even if they succeed, we all know the war on drugs is a failed strategy. If there ever comes a time when there is no more powder from China, then they risk/rewards will rise so that some other country/company/organization will pick up the slack. India? Mexican cartels? The black market will evolve accordingly.
We all know how the story ends...
AAS will always be available to users who want them, have the resources and tolerance for risk.