NPP/psychological issues

I'm a huge proponent of NPP. I'm a general Nanadrolone fan TBH. I must say this: I may not be the best example. I cannot run Tren for shit. Makes me moreso manic. Deca is always cool, calm collective. NPP is somewhere in between. I have more of a predator mindset, I feel like I'm stalking prey in the wild and shit. I got this GODMODE thing on NPP.
What dose do you like to run?
Gladly send me the NPP and whatever else and I'll let you know if it's effecting me...

Honestly bro 19-nors fuck up everything. Sleep, lethargy, some guys get ED , I get really tired on NPP and Tren Ace and if I don't drink enough water or carb up I'm wasted.
Could be the release of the hormone is faster. Kinda like how people on tren a vs tren e. Causes different effects for some. As in, some can't handle tren a, but can handle tren e.


But I've never noticed a difference of a compound coming into play, only when it leaves.

But I've never noticed a difference of a compound coming into play, only when it leaves.

I've never experienced a difference in any of them either. Just know I've heard people report they experience it.

How you been anyways ? Haven't seen you around lately.
I'm taking a neuro medication called Gabapentin. I'm pretty sure I'm having issues with both gabapentin and nandrolone being in my blood. Maybe I am having side effects that no one else has had, as they don't take this med.

After reading through the literature I posted above, nadrolone affects gabba receptors. Regardless, I'm gonna discontinue it.

Bro, Gabapentin helps calm the over active nervous system, i.e. people whole suffer from say ultra severe restless foot syndrome, or fibromyalgia, and some other such things where the nerve endings are effected by imbalances such as potassium or magnesium, etc. And with a side benefit of being a muscle relaxer.

However, I'm wondering, how do you make the connection that the GABA and NPP are having, I guess what your suggesting, an adverse interaction?

Edit: I just saw the bottom half of your post where you suspect the nandrolone affects the gaba receptors..probably a good idea to discontinue..and if you ever decide to start it again, next time start a little lower dose. Most not start at 100mg...maybe you should would start at 50mg and go from there. Either way, you really should confirm for a fact how the 2 drugs interact.
Good luck.
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Bro, Gabapentin helps calm the over active nervous system, i.e. people whole suffer from say ultra severe restless foot syndrome, or fibromyalgia, and some other such things where the nerve endings are effected by imbalances such as potassium or magnesium, etc. And with a side benefit of being a muscle relaxer.

However, I'm wondering, how do you make the connection that the GABA and NPP are having, I guess what your suggesting, an adverse interaction?

Edit: I just saw the bottom half of your post where you suspect the nandrolone affects the gaba receptors..probably a good idea to discontinue..and if you ever decide to start it again, next time start a little lower dose. Most not start at 100mg...maybe you should would start at 50mg and go from there. Either way, you really should confirm for a fact how the 2 drugs interact.
Good luck.

Thank you for the advice. I am considering trying it again and starting much lower, then ramping up. Just to see if it makes a difference. Hate to have 3 bottles that are not being utilized. I'm gonna start at 50mg and go from there.
Thank you for the advice. I am considering trying it again and starting much lower, then ramping up. Just to see if it makes a difference. Hate to have 3 bottles that are not being utilized. I'm gonna start at 50mg and go from there.

Whatever works brother, but your health always comes first. And your mental health is equally if not more important than your physical.

Go slow, feel it out...what's the rush?