
New Member
Hi to all!

Have you ever experienced ocular migraine while on testosterone or oxandrolone?
I never suffered from this issue, but yesterday night I was watching tv and suddenly I found out that I wasn't able to see correctly from both my eyes. It was like having constant flashes and I wasn't able to read texts from my smartphone or books. I
I has to turn off all the lights in my house and then I went out walking for a bit outside.

This condition lasted for about 20 minutes and then I went to bed. Today I'm fine, but I was scared.

Yesterday, I just took a 1/4 aromasin pill as always to regulate my E2, then i take 250mg testo per week and 30mg oxandrolone ed.
It is a very light cycle.
Aromasin may include dry eyes, blurry vision, eye irritation, and eye discomfort. These symptoms are generally mild and reversible upon discontinuation. Never have I ever had something like that, but I heard a lot of things about vision while using some AI products.
This condition lasted for about 20 minutes and then I went to bed. Today I'm fine, but I was scared.
That would scare the fuck out of me too... Definitely a good time to talk to an eye doc there.
That would scare the fuck out of me too... Definitely a good time to talk to an eye doc there
I did it this morning and he found nothing wrong with my eyes. He said that it could be just a temporary ocular migraine since it lasted just for 20 minutes. I'm not so sure about the diagnosis..
Hi to all!

Have you ever experienced ocular migraine while on testosterone or oxandrolone?
I never suffered from this issue, but yesterday night I was watching tv and suddenly I found out that I wasn't able to see correctly from both my eyes. It was like having constant flashes and I wasn't able to read texts from my smartphone or books. I
I has to turn off all the lights in my house and then I went out walking for a bit outside.

This condition lasted for about 20 minutes and then I went to bed. Today I'm fine, but I was scared.

Yesterday, I just took a 1/4 aromasin pill as always to regulate my E2, then i take 250mg testo per week and 30mg oxandrolone ed.
It is a very light cycle.

Yes. On Oxandrolone and very rarely other orals. Kaleidoscope looking fractalization of the light in a portion of one or both eyes. Moves around and lasts no more than 30 min.

No elevated blood pressure or other obvious blood work/glucose markers present abnormal. Just on orals. Had it happen intermittently for years. Guess you are part of the lucky club.
My blood pressure was fine during the event. No headache or anything else, just this weird problem with both my eyes. It has been scary :)

thank you for reporting your experience! I appreciated it
Hi to all!

Have you ever experienced ocular migraine while on testosterone or oxandrolone?
I never suffered from this issue, but yesterday night I was watching tv and suddenly I found out that I wasn't able to see correctly from both my eyes. It was like having constant flashes and I wasn't able to read texts from my smartphone or books. I
I has to turn off all the lights in my house and then I went out walking for a bit outside.

This condition lasted for about 20 minutes and then I went to bed. Today I'm fine, but I was scared.

Yesterday, I just took a 1/4 aromasin pill as always to regulate my E2, then i take 250mg testo per week and 30mg oxandrolone ed.
It is a very light cycle.
I had them before . At least 6 times on my life. Not while on anything. Went to hospital lost vision for about 20 min in one eye. They are not rare and are not really dangerous. something triggers them just like a migraine. When you see the flash and geometric shapes just drink water relax lay down don't look at phone close eyes relax. Could the ai be trigger I don't know but anything including phone use stress could trigger them .
Hi to all!

Have you ever experienced ocular migraine while on testosterone or oxandrolone?
I never suffered from this issue, but yesterday night I was watching tv and suddenly I found out that I wasn't able to see correctly from both my eyes. It was like having constant flashes and I wasn't able to read texts from my smartphone or books. I
I has to turn off all the lights in my house and then I went out walking for a bit outside.

This condition lasted for about 20 minutes and then I went to bed. Today I'm fine, but I was scared.

Yesterday, I just took a 1/4 aromasin pill as always to regulate my E2, then i take 250mg testo per week and 30mg oxandrolone ed.
It is a very light cycle.
I have had migraines since I was 15 or 16 and the "ocular" signs you experienced are called "auras" for someone like me who gets full blown migraines somewhat regularly. These auras are my warning sign that a migraine is about to happen and it is a reminder that I need to go take my imitrex to attempt to stop it. I will start seeing flashes of light, get dark spots in my vision, and become extremely sensitive to light. Also, most of the time, my speech will become disorganized and nonsensical. I will be able to form words and sentences perfectly in my mind, but the words just come out as jumbled up garbage when I try to talk.

I use emgality injection once per month as a prophylactic and this has brought my attacks down to about twice per month, which is a huge improvement. My migraines did get worse when I start HRT, but since using emagality, there has been a big improvement. There are plenty of scholarly papers out there that reference the role of hormones, particularly estrogen, in the development and prevalence of migraine sufferers. Woman also seem to suffer migraines more than men. The rise in estrogen due to using testosterone could possibly play a role in the development of migraines.
Thank you a lot for reporting your experiences. My wife suffers from migraine with auras and she totally loses one eye when this happens but she also gets a bad headache.

In my case, I got no headache even if I had some problems to formulate some sentences.

However, reading your experiences gives me more relief since it appears to be a "common" situation. Thank you!
Thank you a lot for reporting your experiences. My wife suffers from migraine with auras and she totally loses one eye when this happens but she also gets a bad headache.

In my case, I got no headache even if I had some problems to formulate some sentences.

However, reading your experiences gives me more relief since it appears to be a "common" situation. Thank you!
Yes, sir. No problem. I think an ocular migraine is the same as a silent migraine. That happens to me sometimes as well. I’ll get all the symptoms that I’m about to have a full blown attack and then it’s all good, aside from a slight depressed feeling, after the aura wears off. Anyway, I wish you the best with it, brother. Go see your doc if they start getting frequent, though. Take care.
I have had migraines since I was 15 or 16 and the "ocular" signs you experienced are called "auras" for someone like me who gets full blown migraines somewhat regularly. These auras are my warning sign that a migraine is about to happen and it is a reminder that I need to go take my imitrex to attempt to stop it. I will start seeing flashes of light, get dark spots in my vision, and become extremely sensitive to light. Also, most of the time, my speech will become disorganized and nonsensical. I will be able to form words and sentences perfectly in my mind, but the words just come out as jumbled up garbage when I try to talk.

I use emgality injection once per month as a prophylactic and this has brought my attacks down to about twice per month, which is a huge improvement. My migraines did get worse when I start HRT, but since using emagality, there has been a big improvement. There are plenty of scholarly papers out there that reference the role of hormones, particularly estrogen, in the development and prevalence of migraine sufferers. Woman also seem to suffer migraines more than men. The rise in estrogen due to using testosterone could possibly play a role in the development of migraines.

Ocular Migraines and Migraines are not the same. Migraine Aura is different than what a person sees in ocular migraines. I unfortunately get both and they are two different and well documented conditions
Ocular Migraines and Migraines are not the same. Migraine Aura is different than what a person sees in ocular migraines. I unfortunately get both and they are two different and well documented conditions
Definitely didn’t say they were the same thing. What I was stating and trying to get across is that what he is seeing is pretty much the same thing I see when I experience auras before I experience a full blown migraine. I questioned farther down the post if a silent migraine and an ocular migraine were the same thing, though.
I did it this morning and he found nothing wrong with my eyes. He said that it could be just a temporary ocular migraine since it lasted just for 20 minutes. I'm not so sure about the diagnosis..
It was definitely the correct diagnosis.
Bumping old thread. That eye symptom you had is an aura. What you ended up having is a migraine with aura. Much more common for females to have, especially those taking estrogen pills, but can still happen to men. Have some triptans/zofran on hand next time to try and abort the migraine quicker
Bumping old thread. That eye symptom you had is an aura. What you ended up having is a migraine with aura. Much more common for females to have, especially those taking estrogen pills, but can still happen to men. Have some triptans/zofran on hand next time to try and abort the migraine quicker
Thank you a lot!


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