Old or New Power PCT


New Member

what is more affective and better and stable pct new or old power pct

old power pct
-every 4days 1shot pregnyl 5000hcg ui for 16days so 4shots 20.000ui in total
-clomid 100mg daily (50mg twice per day) for 30day
-nolvadex 20mg daily for 45day


new Power PCT
-every 5days 1shot pregnyl 5000hcg ui for 20days so 4shots 20.000ui in total
-clomid 100mg daily (50mg twice per day) for 30day
-nolvadex 40mg daily (20mg twice per day) for 45day

btw i can not get onther dose of pregnyl hcg than 1500ui and 5000ui in my country becuase 2500ui not available and can not split it too
and is there onther hcg better than pregnyl ?

is this cycle good and stable or dangerous and can lead to stop my testesterone production and stop LH hormon ?
and is nolvadex keep taking it for 45days same dose 40mg or have to decrease last 2weeks ?
and is mixed of clomid and nolvadex better than power pct and can clomid and nolvadex if used alone without hcg able to get testes back to normal size and balance hormons ? and what is best pct you know is only containg clomid and nolvadex

thank you for your time
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hCG 5,000 IU is a non starter and absurd.
thank you dr scally for answer because my english not that good as i understanding of your answer you say to me so if i took 5000ui hcg single shot every 5days for 20days so 20.000ui wont harm me and wont make stop in testoerone/LH production right ? or mean 5000ui wont benefit me if took as single shot ? just want to make sure please
and what about nolvadex have i keep taking 40mg every day for 45days without decrease the dose in last weeks ?

thank you and sorry if asking much
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