One more pharmacomstore log, test P @ 40 mg ED, tren a @ 50 mg ED

I will measure more consistently, usually only measure carbs with a scale, measure protein based on the package ( e.g. 1 kg bag of chicken I just divide into four the chicken and assume is 250 g each) and fats estimate based on the nutrition facts, as I'm not adding fats at the moment.

I will have carbs only in breakfast moderate low GI and most of them high GI post workout, forget about refill and stay consistent on the deficit.

Also I didn't do steady cardio as I transport myself everywhere by bicycle so I do spend considerable time everyday on that. I'm not sure whether should I add more on top of that.

Anyway thank you for all of you who take the time to write.

Let's see what happens.

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Woahhhh woahhhh woahhhh

Dude, you never mentioned using bike as transportation.
Depending on how many days and how much you use it, plus being on gear and lifting, you're TDEE is probably on the highest end of the spectrum.

Unless you are eating that whole pack of chicken in one day. YOU NEED TO WEIGH IT. CALORIES DRIVE WEIGHT GAIN OR LOSS.

And calculate the macros in that meat raw and just stay consistent.
Today I have my body fat measured with the calliper and it yielded 14.23%.

I've continued eating 250-300 P, 150 c and no added fat (30-50 f), training at high intensity. I've been feeling dizzy later in the day when I have no carbs, so today I had a cheat meal around 2k cal as well and a fasted period afterwards. I think I'm starting to see results as I weigh 85 kg now, I started around 83 kg. And looking with little bit more definition (little). Clothes are fitting loose. As my calories are not that restrictive I may be recomping slowly, which is cool. Got to see how it goes the next weeks.
By the way, I dropped the Arimidex several days ago as didn't felt necessary and it may let the AAS work more efficiently? Does anyone know if it's ideal to use no AI, everyone says to "have it on hand" though.
Or should I be using a small dose regardless of how I feel?
What's more effective?
By the way, I dropped the Arimidex several days ago as didn't felt necessary and it may let the AAS work more efficiently? Does anyone know if it's ideal to use no AI, everyone says to "have it on hand" though.
Or should I be using a small dose regardless of how I feel?
What's more effective?

Couple threads about that. Some people feel you don't need it unless you get sides, some believe small doses every 2 to 3 days. Ultimately it's up to you and how you feel.
Get bloods, only way to know. I didn't have high estro sides on my first cycle, but my estro was over 160 when I got mid cycle bloods.
I know is no excuse but blood tests are expensive on my budget :( and I do not feel confident on going to NHS asking for that.
Cherry chillin was right on using my fitness Pal app, I used to count estimates Now I'm most accurate, so far I've estimated my maintenance to be 3k and I'm on a 750 deficit, cycling depending on the day. Easy days I'd eat 2k and the heaviest days I'd eat 2.5k by increasing carbs, but at the end of the week average should be 2250. This weekend I will measure body fat again and see.
This week my average calories was 2250, close to 40/40/20 macros. I weighed 84 kg and had my body fat measured with calliper of 11.9 .I guess the last measure was less accurate as it was the first time I used the instrument and only read the manual and this time I watched some videos on how to proper find the measurement points.

In my opinion I look the same at rest, took my measures with tape, the same. However I'm stronger and have been training really hard without dying.

Still no sides, increased my dose to 70 mg ED tren and lowered to 30 mg ED test.

Here's a picture.

I'll see next week what does the calliper says, at the moment I'll do 2200 cals the next week.

Also, while every muscle seems the same, I've noticed greater grip strength, usually I use straps for my heaviest deadlift sets, last time I didn't need them and did several maybe more than 10 sets at 130 kg. May be due to adding farmers walk more regularly.
Also, while every muscle seems the same, I've noticed greater grip strength, usually I use straps for my heaviest deadlift sets, last time I didn't need them and did several maybe more than 10 sets at 130 kg. May be due to adding farmers walk more regularly.
You're eating at a deficit, it's hard to gain strength on one. Not sure why you're doing that though. You're going to end up pretty thin. But I hope you can get some sort of muscle gain there. Btw you're not 11 percent body fat. But that shouldn't be something to obsesss over because it's not going to be Bueno for your mind. You definitely look better though. GJ
You're eating at a deficit, it's hard to gain strength on one. Not sure why you're doing that though. You're going to end up pretty thin. But I hope you can get some sort of muscle gain there. Btw you're not 11 percent body fat. But that shouldn't be something to obsesss over because it's not going to be Bueno for your mind. You definitely look better though. GJ
Yeah it's not a matter of obsessing about body fat percentage, it's just a tool to have a reference on progress. Caliper is not the most accurate method though, but I have one available in my lab so why not using it.
I've measured BF with the calliper it said 11 % (I'm not saying it's an accurate method, it's just a reference) and weighted 84 kg. Ended up eating 2400 cal average, this next week if I stick to my diet would be 2350 more or less the same. If I stay similar I'll lower. I'll skip the pic this week because it's not so much difference and I'm lazy. However I've noticed some veins that were not visible before in the shoulders, chest and legs, they're not popping, I just can see them through my skin now.
This week I consumed more calories, around 2.4k average but still progressing, bumped to 100 mg tren ED because I can manage the compound very well so just tried to get the most of the cycle. Had 2 night-sweats only (now I know what does it feels, like having fever for me, sweating but feeling cold even though I was really warm) only lasted like 5 minutes though and every other night was good sleep for me.
Measured body fat with e calliper and says 10% at 85 kg, so according to calliper I've been losing 1 to 1.5 % BF every week maintaining my initial weight. I'm satisfied at the moment.
I expect the comment " you're not 10%", but don't mind I'm just interested in having a reference to know if things are moving. At the end what matters is how you look.
I can see more veins and little bit of the upper abs but not looking ripped by any means. I'll continue with what I'm doing as it seems it's working.
By the way my endurance is crazy, some people say tren hinders their endurance. For me, I can go on training and don't feel tired never. Some workouts I like to do EMOM (every minute on the minute) 2 heavy exercises. Let's say cleans and dips. With heavy weight that allows me 4 reps max. Usually I'd get tired and eventually don't achieve the 4 reps. These days I just don't know when to stop I could just go on for 30 or 40 sets.
I like it definitely.
Another thing, I just bought yesterday some ephedrine 30 mg, they seem legit. White colour, bitter taste plant like if I let it dissolve in my tongue, they smell quite sweet. But anyway I took 1 every 3 hour with 200 mg caffeine and felt nothing. Anyone has experienced something similar? Seems my body does tolerate every substance I use hehe.
Use 70g dextrose powder post workout with
.25g protein per lb from whey
and eat all your carbs post workout from white rice, sweet potato variations and fast carbs. Tren is an incredible nutrient partitioning agent

They give it to cattle for 6 weeks before slaughter and they turn into escalades
Fast carbs are better during workout. I use Gatorade. Then you eat all your healthy carbs post workour
This week my average calories was 2250, close to 40/40/20 macros. I weighed 84 kg and had my body fat measured with calliper of 11.9 .I guess the last measure was less accurate as it was the first time I used the instrument and only read the manual and this time I watched some videos on how to proper find the measurement points.

In my opinion I look the same at rest, took my measures with tape, the same. However I'm stronger and have been training really hard without dying.

Still no sides, increased my dose to 70 mg ED tren and lowered to 30 mg ED test.

Here's a picture.

I'll see next week what does the calliper says, at the moment I'll do 2200 cals the next week.

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That caliper is inaccurate. No offense but you are 15% at least. You are making good progress though keep it up. I prefer to do more cardio and reduce my time between sets rather than cutting calories
That caliper is inaccurate. No offense but you are 15% at least. You are making good progress though keep it up. I prefer to do more cardio and reduce my time between sets rather than cutting calories
Yes I'm already taking really little test, doing short fast paced intense workouts and more frequently. And in cardio I'm doing actually more than I'd like because I ride my bike everywhere (gym, work, groceries, etc)

I know the calliper thing, I'm not saying is accurate but is useful as a reference. Skin thickness is a good reference.

Anyway thanks for reading and feedback.

I'm pretty satisfied with the progress, had lots of fat to trim.