One more pharmacomstore log, test P @ 40 mg ED, tren a @ 50 mg ED

Here's a pic from today. All pics I'll take them in that same place and not pumped so I can relate them.

Little change in this one but my stomach if more flat now. And I'm looking smaller :(

Had a really stressful life situation since few weeks ago, that I cannot focus on my workouts or nutrition the way I'd like. Actually I followed my diet just fine because I prep all my meals in advance and don't really have junk food in my house, I have no option really hehe.

However I was feeling weak, fatigued and bloated all the time. Chronic fatigue. I decided to take a break, increased cals to maintenance, specially increased carbs a lot, and I feel physically better now.

Even though I'm still bloated I've continued to measure skinfold thickness and keeps going down even at maintenance and less workouts, which is cool, although I look worse at the moment, I haven't gained weight or fat it seems. I might stop the cycle next week depending on what happens or continue for maybe 2 more weeks. Anyway, good results by far. Kept the same weight during the period, increase strength extremely, dropped lots of fat, I had to much to loose that I don't look shredded so I might wait for next cycle to cut again.
Fast carbs are better during workout. I use Gatorade. Then you eat all your healthy carbs post workour
I hear you. But increasing insulin intra or pre workout Lowers dopamine and increases serotonin. This can hinder strength workouts, but for maximizing hypertrophy otherwise, you are on the money