Alex can you confirm that you have sent out a message to your customers? i wont state the content here because i guess you will do it on your own, just wanne be sure before i sent orders numbers etc to an email address.. (many hackers nowadays, see other sources)
Alex can you confirm that you have sent out a message to your customers? i wont state the content here because i guess you will do it on your own, just wanne be sure before i sent orders numbers etc to an email address.. (many hackers nowadays, see other sources)
Yes that's correct

Email we used:
i have forwarded you our email correspondance from last year.
We did the order via Email and not via shop
since i dont like to order via shop.. is it also okay to receive another kit instead of the store credit?

Why on one batch did I not have any results or side effects but another batch I had great results and also side effects?

How do you explain that
I don't really know and can't judge based on your feelings
The only one point I can really understand and it really may happened if somehow product were strongly overheated during shipments
It happened few times with shipments to Australia before.
And once to EU guy, but with EU guy there was customs problem and he got original order after 90+ days and it was fully degradeted (order shipped in July and arrived in October)
I can send you one blue kit from the batch which is tested now and you can compare to the others
My experience with Alex has been positive till now.
Not only he didn't refuse testing but also paid for it twice. Once in lab4tox and once in jano. And this includes the postage as well. Results were the same ,70 iu for both.
The handling has been impressive in my opinion and he did not hide for a minute,unlike other sellers when shit hits the fan.
Also what is worth mentioning is that whatever happened was through email and not only he didn't try buying my silence with some kits or I don't know what..but straight up posted that his kits were underdosed after the testing on his own,publicly.
I have the lab results since like 2 days,but I wanted to see how he would play it. If he would hide..exit scam..rebrand, or just try to buy my silence.
Stand up guy definitely.
Also compensated all of the bloodtesting done for me plus my wife.

After correcting the concentration, he will sure have my business.

I don't think that he could have done any better than this.

100% pleased.
My experience with Alex has been positive till now.
Not only he didn't refuse testing but also paid for it twice. Once in lab4tox and once in jano. And this includes the postage as well. Results were the same ,70 iu for both.
The handling has been impressive in my opinion and he did not hide for a minute,unlike other sellers when shit hits the fan.
Also what is worth mentioning is that whatever happened was through email and not only he didn't try buying my silence with some kits or I don't know what..but straight up posted that his kits were underdosed after the testing on his own,publicly.
I have the lab results since like 2 days,but I wanted to see how he would play it. If he would hide..exit scam..rebrand, or just try to buy my silence.
Stand up guy definitely.
Also compensated all of the bloodtesting done for me plus my wife.

After correcting the concentration, he will sure have my business.

I don't think that he could have done any better than this.

100% pleased.
I dont understand what the resultd were and what they were suppose to be? Can you please help.

the blues are 100 iu but actually came back as 70???
I don't really know and can't judge based on your feelings
The only one point I can really understand and it really may happened if somehow product were strongly overheated during shipments
It happened few times with shipments to Australia before.
And once to EU guy, but with EU guy there was customs problem and he got original order after 90+ days and it was fully degradeted (order shipped in July and arrived in October)
I can send you one blue kit from the batch which is tested now and you can compare to the others

Its not my feelings, it's the physical effects. I had great results and side effects with a batch, and none of the results or side effects with a different batch. These were whites too not blue so more stable. I don't believe there was any HGH in them or if there was, it was a tiny dose. As you have been selling blues at 90iu and now it turns out they're actually 70iu, it's not unreasonable to believe a batch of whites were also highly underdosed being sold as 8iu but oy having 2 or 3iu in them. I was using an entire vial of white per day to no real effect compared to half that dose with a different batch where I had very apparent results and side effects.

As you say, you guys are developers, not resellers, so how come your batches vary so much in dose? And how come your testing is also not accurate? What is going wrong
Its not my feelings, it's the physical effects. I had great results and side effects with a batch, and none of the results or side effects with a different batch. These were whites too not blue so more stable. I don't believe there was any HGH in them or if there was, it was a tiny dose. As you have been selling blues at 90iu and now it turns out they're actually 70iu, it's not unreasonable to believe a batch of whites were also highly underdosed being sold as 8iu but oy having 2 or 3iu in them. I was using an entire vial of white per day to no real effect compared to half that dose with a different batch where I had very apparent results and side effects.

As you say, you guys are developers, not resellers, so how come your batches vary so much in dose? And how come your testing is also not accurate? What is going wrong
Why the dosage now 70iu I don't know
We requsted test protocol from the Jano and he sent me this info, I forwarded to our team to check
+ we bought all necessery things to make EP8 test in 3rd lab here. And also will test the batch which is defined as 70iu and batch which is 90iu as well based on our test. May be we will find somewhere batch which is produced before 28th September.
After we compare all of this we can make conclusion what was the mistake and where it occured and what's most important - why

About batch 20-30iu a kit I don't think that this happened. Batch for us it's like 10.000 kits. If all these kits were 20-30 iu - we shoud have a lot of bad comments on each boar. If we make 80-90% batch 90iu and 10-20% by somehow 20-30iu - it's very stupid. Actually it will save us really low amount of money and give us really big risks for reputation which is make no sence in terms of potential money losts because customers just will not return.

About some sides like carpal tunnel syndrome / hand numbness (actually this is the same thing I think you mean):
Symptoms of carpal tunnel include:
Burning, tingling, or itching numbness in your palm and thumb or your index and middle fingers
Weakness in your hand and trouble holding things
Shock-like feelings that move into your fingers
Tingling that moves up into your arm
You might first notice that your fingers "fall asleep" and become numb at night. It usually happens because of how you hold your hand while you sleep.

It happens because of pressure on your median nerve, which runs the length of your arm, goes through a passage in your wrist called the carpal tunnel, and ends in your hand. The median controls the movement and feeling of your thumb and the movement of all your fingers except your pinky.

Why it happen on GH or some steroids ?
It happenes because of water retention. More water - more chance to get this effect / strongest of this effect.
How much water you can get ? Usually it's depending on GH dosage, your body metabolism, health status and your diet (especially carbs and salt)
For 100kg guy who is healthy, who use like 4-5iu a day and with "good" diet it's like 2-3 kg, part of this water will disappear after a few days. A lot of peolpe think that they should gain a lot of water on GH - but NO, this is wrong

Carpal syndrome may disappear after some time, I don't know mechanism of this (I think pubmed know) but we have a lot of people who don't have cts anymore. Some people "adapt" after 2-3 months, some after 1 year

"Storng/dramatic" sides this is something that not normal for GH. I'm use now our GH 5iu dosage and I don't have anything in my arms, but I had 1 year ago or somethin like that CTS syndrome on 3 iu.

And one more - more water you can gain on not pure enough GH (endotoxines/dimers). But it will be really a lot of water, it's visually looks like a pig
I confirm no sides at 2.8iu. The dose was too low though.
7iu was a totally different story. (1week)
That's after adjusting the dosages in accordance to the results of the hplc tests.
But again,this was the first time I ever used hgh.
Why the dosage now 70iu I don't know
We requsted test protocol from the Jano and he sent me this info, I forwarded to our team to check
+ we bought all necessery things to make EP8 test in 3rd lab here. And also will test the batch which is defined as 70iu and batch which is 90iu as well based on our test. May be we will find somewhere batch which is produced before 28th September.
After we compare all of this we can make conclusion what was the mistake and where it occured and what's most important - why

About batch 20-30iu a kit I don't think that this happened. Batch for us it's like 10.000 kits. If all these kits were 20-30 iu - we shoud have a lot of bad comments on each boar. If we make 80-90% batch 90iu and 10-20% by somehow 20-30iu - it's very stupid. Actually it will save us really low amount of money and give us really big risks for reputation which is make no sence in terms of potential money losts because customers just will not return.

About some sides like carpal tunnel syndrome / hand numbness (actually this is the same thing I think you mean):
Symptoms of carpal tunnel include:
Burning, tingling, or itching numbness in your palm and thumb or your index and middle fingers
Weakness in your hand and trouble holding things
Shock-like feelings that move into your fingers
Tingling that moves up into your arm
You might first notice that your fingers "fall asleep" and become numb at night. It usually happens because of how you hold your hand while you sleep.

It happens because of pressure on your median nerve, which runs the length of your arm, goes through a passage in your wrist called the carpal tunnel, and ends in your hand. The median controls the movement and feeling of your thumb and the movement of all your fingers except your pinky.

Why it happen on GH or some steroids ?
It happenes because of water retention. More water - more chance to get this effect / strongest of this effect.
How much water you can get ? Usually it's depending on GH dosage, your body metabolism, health status and your diet (especially carbs and salt)
For 100kg guy who is healthy, who use like 4-5iu a day and with "good" diet it's like 2-3 kg, part of this water will disappear after a few days. A lot of peolpe think that they should gain a lot of water on GH - but NO, this is wrong

Carpal syndrome may disappear after some time, I don't know mechanism of this (I think pubmed know) but we have a lot of people who don't have cts anymore. Some people "adapt" after 2-3 months, some after 1 year

"Storng/dramatic" sides this is something that not normal for GH. I'm use now our GH 5iu dosage and I don't have anything in my arms, but I had 1 year ago or somethin like that CTS syndrome on 3 iu.

And one more - more water you can gain on not pure enough GH (endotoxines/dimers). But it will be really a lot of water, it's visually looks like a pig

I have seen many low igf scores from your HGH, on eroids, on here, and other forums so tbh I think I'm right. Some of your batches are badly underdosed and I was unlucky enough to buy a good amount of them.

Whether you are doing this intentionally or not is another matter.

I'm not hating on you, I'm just giving my feedback. There's no other reason for me to have great results with a batch and then next to nothing with another batch.

I'm going to order Meditropes black tops next week, for the first time, which is what everyone advises to buy for generic so I'll see how that goes. In the future though if you manage to fix your dosing issues and start getting good feedback and igf results I will probably give you another go, if that's me being foolish or not, I don't know.
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I have seen many low igf scores from your HGH, on eroids, on here, and other forums so tbh I think I'm right. Some of your batches are badly underdosed and I was unlucky enough to buy a good amount of them.

Whether you are doing this intentionally or not is another matter.

I'm not hating on you, I'm just giving my feedback. There's no other reason for me to have great results with a batch and then next to nothing with another batch.

I'm going to order Meditropes black tops next week, for the first time, which is what everyone advises to buy for generic so I'll see how that goes. In the future though if you manage to fix your dosing issues and start getting good feedback and igf results I will probably give you another go, if that's me being foolish or not, I don't know.
Yes I clearly understand your position. In the situation when Im customer and buy something - I will think the same.
About low IGF I think each GH brand have bad IGF results :) just because you inject not IGF directly.
It's like I have not enough E2 increasing when I use testosterone. Or too much E2 increasing - so you sell E2 or part of your test is E2.
Unfortunately the only way to correctly check GH is to make HPLC test.

At least here wife of TrennedLunatic has bad result. And this is the fact, and that's why I asked Trenned to send sample to the laboratory - in the situation where I know that part of my product dosed as 10-20-30iu and some customer didn't get increasing of IGF - this is suicide.
After that Trenned make his IGF test which is become very high even when our product dosed as 70iu (as we can see now) - and even in this situation I still asked to send samples just to check. But for community his IGF numbers is enough to make conclusion that product is not bunk. This the suicide nr2 because if I know that is was dosed as 70iu - I will never ask to test it. Just because there is no reason to test in that case.

So yes it's up to you what to do now and in the future. Shit happens and mistakes occured time to time. Now need to do a lot of job.

The easiest way for me is to send all samples by ourselves as many of other do, but the question if this is the real sample from batch on sales or "special" sample ? Alwas ask to send by customer.
Hi guys,

So this story is finally closed. To find the truth we did 2x lab tests
One of them we did by Pharmacopeia standard in Jano (it costs 600 EUR).
I'm really thank you @TrennedOutLunatic for all your support

Conclusion: batch we started to sell ~10-15 Oct. contained 70iu in a kit in accordance with those tests.

I already posted here our internal HPLC, batch was produced 28th September. + some time to change the batch.

1st sample shipped from belarussian guy to Lab4Tox -> 11,25+-0,82 mg (31-36iu) per vial (unfortunately method used by Lab4Tox have big range to define amount)
2nd sample shipped by @TrennedOutLunatic to Jano and tested by pharmacopeia 8.0 method -> 11,71mg or 35,13iu per vial
3rd sample shipped by @TrennedOutLunatic to Lab4Tox -> not tested. Don't really think that we need it

Mainly it was done for me to push with these facts and data our production team, because our internal HPLC shows absolutely different results. I need to understand WHY

So what next. We failed here, at least I'm. Not so critical I beleive and 2 samples were stable and no one of them was bunk even with long trips to the EU, from EU to customer, from customer to the Labs.

What we will do now:

1) First of all - I've already decreased the price on the site and adjusted to actual concentration.
2) All customers who bought products since 1 Oct.(even if we started to sell it 10-15 Oct) will get 25$ store credit for each blue box ordered, or 12.5$ for white kit ordered. For example: you ordered 5th October 5 blue kits - you will get 125$ store credit as compensation. Mass email already sent to everyone who impacted (please check spam if you didn't receive or write me)
3) We bought a few "ideal GH" samples + columns from standardize center to make EP8 tests in Russia by 3rd lab (official lab who make tests for drugs). It will be official results with stamps/certificates. This is to check if the product underdosed right after we get it on stock.
4) We will make tests of new batches after Russian lab in Jano or Lab4Tox to compare.
New batch already produced and it's in stock but we hold it till test in Russian lab will be done.

I think that's all for now. Thank you for read this, I will do my best to never faced with such situation again.
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if I may ask - do I understand it correctly that Lab4Tox received the sample in late November and sent you the results on 4th January?

Thank you.

if I may ask - do I understand it correctly that Lab4Tox received the sample in late November and sent you the results on 4th January?

Thank you.
Yep, as described
They had maintenance of equipment and than Christmas shutdown
Yes I clearly understand your position. In the situation when Im customer and buy something - I will think the same.
About low IGF I think each GH brand have bad IGF results :) just because you inject not IGF directly.
It's like I have not enough E2 increasing when I use testosterone. Or too much E2 increasing - so you sell E2 or part of your test is E2.
Unfortunately the only way to correctly check GH is to make HPLC test.

At least here wife of TrennedLunatic has bad result. And this is the fact, and that's why I asked Trenned to send sample to the laboratory - in the situation where I know that part of my product dosed as 10-20-30iu and some customer didn't get increasing of IGF - this is suicide.
After that Trenned make his IGF test which is become very high even when our product dosed as 70iu (as we can see now) - and even in this situation I still asked to send samples just to check. But for community his IGF numbers is enough to make conclusion that product is not bunk. This the suicide nr2 because if I know that is was dosed as 70iu - I will never ask to test it. Just because there is no reason to test in that case.

So yes it's up to you what to do now and in the future. Shit happens and mistakes occured time to time. Now need to do a lot of job.

The easiest way for me is to send all samples by ourselves as many of other do, but the question if this is the real sample from batch on sales or "special" sample ? Alwas ask to send by customer.

I don't understand the HGH manufacturing science, of course. Is it extremely hard to get an accurate amount of HGH? I mean you were aiming for 90iu and that's what you believed you had achieved but then testing came back at 70iu. It's quite a disparity in the aim and then result. Have you identified why this happens?
I don't understand the HGH manufacturing science, of course. Is it extremely hard to get an accurate amount of HGH? I mean you were aiming for 90iu and that's what you believed you had achieved but then testing came back at 70iu. It's quite a disparity in the aim and then result. Have you identified why this happens?
No it's not hard, something like +-5% is a normal
There is some mistake most likely with calibration/equipment after maintenance. But it's just my theory from previous experience in car industry and at this moment I'm not sure
In any case we will see on the new batch once we get csr samples here and comapre new batch (on hold) and previous (which is 70iu). I beleive it will take like 2-4 weeks to make all the job
So im confused right now. Starting from Which batch expiration dates are 70iu? I have multiple dates like 07.2022 and 11.2022