MESO-Rx Sponsor Opti-Tropin HGH - Canadian Domestic

Great service and Response time from OptiCanada. Ordered and had my kits within 5days.
Been On this run for 3 weeks so far, I AM ABSOLUTELY SHREDDED.. I can see all the striations in my muscles , love handles have melted away.
Sleep improved the first night, I feel more clear minded and energetic.
And this is ONLY 21days in.. others are noticing I'm getting in shape very quickly.
I'm also cruising 1 cc a week only of t400.
Excited to see when I blast just bow crazy this will react.
I'll definitely be taking before an afters. Wish I would have from Day 1 till now , but I had no idea it would work this fast , I expected 6months which is when you're really supposed to see and benefit.
3iu a day RN is great
I'll keep posting my journey with updates good or bad, but right now I'm amazed at The Optitropin HGH. Nothing bad to report.
Hey guys,

So I just wanna give some honest feedback in regards to the Optis.

Currently 4 weeks out from nationals, I’ve been running them at 10-12iu/day for the entirety of prep…

Needless to say I’m very happy with the results. I’ve never had such a bubbly, round look to my physique. I think it has to be attributed to the Gh…

I have also never been able to diet on so many carbs. I found if I pulled them back too much progress would almost come to a halt. It’s almost like I couldn’t eat enough. I haven’t gone below 280g/day… overall I stared the prep at 225lbs… currently 230lbs in the pics below…

I’ve never run the Gh this high, or the Optis before. Really great product. I don’t have any janosink tests, it’s entirely anecdotal. But rest assured you’re in good hands here.

Hey guys,

So I just wanna give some honest feedback in regards to the Optis.

Currently 4 weeks out from nationals, I’ve been running them at 10-12iu/day for the entirety of prep…

Needless to say I’m very happy with the results. I’ve never had such a bubbly, round look to my physique. I think it has to be attributed to the Gh…

I have also never been able to diet on so many carbs. I found if I pulled them back too much progress would almost come to a halt. It’s almost like I couldn’t eat enough. I haven’t gone below 280g/day… overall I stared the prep at 225lbs… currently 230lbs in the pics below…

I’ve never run the Gh this high, or the Optis before. Really great product. I don’t have any janosink tests, it’s entirely anecdotal. But rest assured you’re in good hands here.

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Looking good, good luck at nationals, I’m currently running 4iu a day and have gone as high as 6iu. I’m considering giving 12iu a try how do u space out 10-12iu a day?
Looking good, good luck at nationals, I’m currently running 4iu a day and have gone as high as 6iu. I’m considering giving 12iu a try how do u space out 10-12iu a day?
I did 3 iu 4-5x per day.

Morning, 3 hours, post workout, 3 hours, 3 hours

Gh at 12iu is a beautiful thing. Good luck brother
You running slin with that dose? And also what benefits you noticed compared to 4iu per day ?
Yes sir,

I was doing humalog 6iu pre/post WO about 4 days per week. Metformin as well

I cut the slin out at about 6 weeks. My first run with it, and I have to say, I totally get the hype around it…

Pumps were godly… I would most certainly not run it without at least 5iu Gh tho

In regards to the dose… fatloss/recomp is relatively seems to cap out at about 4iu.

The BIG difference I noticed was legit muscle growth, fullness and roundness. The growth at 10iu + was incredible. Think 1g primo but “better”

Edit: if anyone is curious about the slin/Gh protocol just PM me.
Yes sir,

I was doing humalog 6iu pre/post WO about 4 days per week. Metformin as well

I cut the slin out at about 6 weeks. My first run with it, and I have to say, I totally get the hype around it…

Pumps were godly… I would most certainly not run it without at least 5iu Gh tho

In regards to the dose… fatloss/recomp is relatively seems to cap out at about 4iu.

The BIG difference I noticed was legit muscle growth, fullness and roundness. The growth at 10iu + was incredible. Think 1g primo but “better”

Edit: if anyone is curious about the slin/Gh protocol just PM me.
What if I were to run 10iu plus without slin I'm worried with using slin from dangers and what not around it.
What if I were to run 10iu plus without slin I'm worried with using slin from dangers and what not around it.
Hey man apologies for the late reply here. I’m not on super often…

So at that dose you’re going to want to at the very least get your hands on some metformin, if you’re apprehensive about slin, which is totally understandable…

Don’t get me wrong you can run 10iu for a month and be fine. It’s running it consistently that will fuck with your FBS…

Again, I’m just giving you my honest feedback… it’s not as scary as you think. As long as you’re smart, prepared and plan a head you’ll be fine with some humalog…

Gatorade in your car at all times. I think the biggest problem would be going hypo driving home from training and stuck in traffic…

Other than that, dude I found I could go as low at 6g carbs/iu…

Again, not here to push you in either direction, but I was nervous too… it’s not what you think.

PM me if you decide to go through. Jesus crispies… the pumps are something else
doesn't using insulin make u dependant on it for life as shuts down ur natural production? perhaps more so if already prediabetic. ie cant use insulin to prevent diabetes rather will make it worse (if were to stop insulin) although helps correct blood sugar issues while using.. sort of chicken or an egg thing..
doesn't using insulin make u dependant on it for life as shuts down ur natural production? perhaps more so if already prediabetic. ie cant use insulin to prevent diabetes rather will make it worse (if were to stop insulin) although helps correct blood sugar issues while using.. sort of chicken or an egg thing..

I know a lot of guys using slin with high HGH and never have a issue coming off.

Just like running HGH it doesn’t make you stop making it for the rest of your life.

I’ve come off HGH quite a few times usually cycle it 12-18 months then come off recovery is quick.
coming off slin? or just hgh.

perhaps it is just with diabetics that are near shut down already but my understanding is once start insulin when diabetic it not easily taken away because of shut down.. could be just one of those things u hear, that in a sense makes diabeties worse by increasing resistance but obv helps symptoms.
Hello everyone, GH is now back in stock please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

Here is some recent testing done by Opti also, thank you Meso.



