Thanks for clarifying MM. At this point I’m just going to let it be. I have always tested every source I have ever been on because I’m curious that way. I want to know I’m getting my moneys worth. That being said sounds like my feedback isn’t wanted here so I’m done talking about it. I will move on.

Opti - Good luck with your business sir. I have been 100% transparent with you so hopefully no Ill will towards each other.

Keep me updated when you pull those numbers and I will send you what I pull on 2iu
I am around 270’s baseline I believe I have to check but even on 2 iu I will be happy at 230’s

Cause baseline is not in the equation when injecting
IGF-1 levels aren't directly proportional to GH levels when injecting? I've never used GH so I don't know, but from my understanding your IGF1 will rise when GH is increased? Don't most people look for like a 400-700 level of IGF1 when they are on GH?
Meso, I hope you and your loved ones had/are having a great weekend. I will be running a Memorial Day sale from now until Monday midnight CST in which you can deduct 10% off your order.(excluding shipping)

My best wishes to you and your family. Have a great holiday.

Sinotropin Biohygene:
80iu - $325 $4.06/iu

Optiropin's 100iu kits:
(HPLC = 10.41iu)
1 kit - $140 1.40/iu
2 - 5 kits - $130/ea 1.30/iu
6 - 9 kits - $125/ea 1.25/iu
10+ kits - $120/ea 1.20/iu

Opti's 240iu kits:
(HPLC = 24.03iu)
1 kit - $285 1.18/iu
2 - 3 kits - $270/ea 1.12/iu
4 - 5 kits - $260/ea 1.08/iu
6+ kits - $250/ea 1.04/iu


I thing it's about time for me to chime in. My apologies to Meso for not coming on here sooner and adding some clarity to this issue. @killionb12 and I exchanged several emails in which he made some pretty bold accusations and demands which I did not take lightly nor cared for. I have never nor will I ever censor blood-work, tests and or any feedback regarding myself or my product. To this many of you whom have had dealings with me can attest to.

@biggerben69 was not vouching for my product but giving you his unbiased view regarding me. In your 6 months here I am surprised that you would even thing that a member notably him would vouch for a source, in this case me. You should know that it is frown upon as a source could go south at anytime. He is raw and blunt but a 'yes-man' he is not.

Meso, my apologies as I do not want to come across as hostile. Offended? Most definitely! I am a source but I believe that my history, Somatropin testing, communication, t/a, etc etc speak for itself and feel obliged to respond to @killionb12 as he seems to be overlooking several questions that have emerged and because of this my Somatropin's credibility is in questioned.

@dokdonia posted a link in which your IGF came back at 261 on 4iu of Iron Lion. In your emails you told me in several occasions that the 261 was on 2iu. Which one is it? I took it as a direct attack when you said my testing is a controlled test in which clearly you feel I send a good vial for testing and sell mediocre Somatropin to members. I paid for the blood serum test in which you specifically mentioned that if it came back high you would have peace of mind, satisfied and chalk it up to something going on with you. Once you got the results you had the audacity of telling me that my Somatropin could be peptides or if real they are under-dosed and wanted to compensated with further Somatropin, my Somatropin which you are clearly questioning? Do you see the malicious intent with which I'm approaching this?

As far as my Somatropin, the kits in question which are from a GMP certified facility, I am certain that they are of superior quality. Many members know where they come from as it is quite evident by the HPLC reports, so no this is not a bad batch!

I have said my peace and belief that I have spent enough time on this particular non-issue. I will leave it in your hands Meso and you can be the judge.
@opti you are the best hgh source I've ever known. I tested your kits using the home test hgh kit from and your stuff always tests positive for hgh. Unfortunately we cannot test for dose levels but at least it confirmed that the product was not bunk.
Anyone buying your product knows it's good.
My dad is 63 years old and swears by his results. So does his 54 year old girlfriend. Both were in tremendous daily pain from joint issues and general discomfort. Then I put them on 2 ius a day. After three days they were they live full lives with little to no body issues.

You are bettering lives for tons of people Opti. And meso sees it. We live it. Keep it going. Fuck the haters.
Meso, I hope you and your loved ones had a good weekend. Along with making an appearance I wanted to make you aware of a scammer/poser.

It was brought to my attention that this individual sent quite a few DM's over at Professional Muscle and even has a protonmail account setup. If you have any acquaintances over at PM, feel free to make them aware of this.

The pictures below show that he is using:

I only have 1 email and that is

I'm sure it is just a matter of time before he tries something here on Meso.

Stay safe.

Screenshot_20200531-182909.jpg Screenshot_20200531-182935.jpg
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I pinned 3 ius in the AM for several months and IGF came at 320
Im doing labs in 2 months and have been doing 4 Ius
will update you guys when I get the test
My buddy is going to be starting his first go with opti HGH blue tops 240kit. He has never ran HGH before and wants to start at 1iu daily with the usual 5 on 2 off method. I told him he might try and start at least at 2iu daily. Anybody have any recommendations? Just seems like 1iu is really low and almost not beneficial...
My buddy is going to be starting his first go with opti HGH blue tops 240kit. He has never ran HGH before and wants to start at 1iu daily with the usual 5 on 2 off method. I told him he might try and start at least at 2iu daily. Anybody have any recommendations? Just seems like 1iu is really low and almost not beneficial...
getting a baseline would be the best to determine a start point. If your gonna do 1iu your Body probably Makes more than that naturally. Some guys have a baseline of 200-250. So a start point for them would be 3iu... you want to exceed what you make to grow, or if your cruising supplement what your body lacks. 1iu is a waste of gh. Start with 2iu. Handle the sides and go to 3iu at least.
Ordered a kit from Opti about two weeks ago... Over the past 9 days I've done three vials.... Haven't been able to get in the gym much, but I can tell I am looking a bit fuller and rounder... Good GH usually does cause that 3-D look almost overnight... Probably mostly water in the muscle.. but it looks good... l