El entumecimiento de las extremidades no tiene nada que ver con determinar si un hgh es bueno para su información. Los hgh se cortan con cortisona y eso es lo que hace el entumecimiento.

And this does not mean that your Hgh is of poor quality, I simply say that it is a point that you cannot look at because both the legitimate and the false numb the extremities due to the cortisone cut I see
And for the record that I have not tested his hormone, I did talk to him to test it but he refused to send me 2 or 3 kits directly without testing, he wanted to send me 50 kits

and of course I told him that I was not going to buy 50 kit without having tried it before I am not a beginner nor a mediocre buyer but anyway I already found other guys who are sending me without problem and the quality is quite good and much better price
And for the record that I have not tested his hormone, I did talk to him to test it but he refused to send me 2 or 3 kits directly without testing, he wanted to send me 50 kits

and of course I told him that I was not going to buy 50 kit without having tried it before I am not a beginner nor a mediocre buyer but anyway I already found other guys who are sending me without problem and the quality is quite good and much better price

so are you saying you wanted a couple free kits “to try”?
El entumecimiento de las extremidades no tiene nada que ver con determinar si un hgh es bueno para su información. Los hgh se cortan con cortisona y eso es lo que hace el entumecimiento.

And this does not mean that your Hgh is of poor quality, I simply say that it is a point that you cannot look at because both the legitimate and the false numb the extremities due to the cortisone cut I see

Wait so you wouldn't pay for the 2 or 3 kits cause you promised to order 50? Or let me guess opti gave you a price for 50 kits and you tried to get that price for the 2 or 3 "test kits" first. Opti posts HPLC lab testing on each batch I'm not sure what you needed to know. Smells like a deal hunter to me
friends you seem a bit idiotic for the age you have I do not ask anyone for free samples I wanted to buy two or three boxes to test the quality but he just wants to sell 50 he does not want to sell me 2 you understand now or so difficult to explain what you do a world of any publication
Thanks for clarifying MM. At this point I’m just going to let it be. I have always tested every source I have ever been on because I’m curious that way. I want to know I’m getting my moneys worth. That being said sounds like my feedback isn’t wanted here so I’m done talking about it. I will move on.

Opti - Good luck with your business sir. I have been 100% transparent with you so hopefully no Ill will towards each other.
A little late to the discussion on this but did have a question for you. How long have you been on GH now? I didn't see it posted and apologize if I missed it.

I did read you had some good IGF-1 numbers at 4 iu's and then some lower IGF-1 numbers later on 4 iu's. So I was curious the time frame and how long you've currently been on.

A little late to the discussion on this but did have a question for you. How long have you been on GH now? I didn't see it posted and apologize if I missed it.

I did read you had some good IGF-1 numbers at 4 iu's and then some lower IGF-1 numbers later on 4 iu's. So I was curious the time frame and how long you've currently been on.


I had been on for a year straight then came off for 8 weeks prior to starting with Opti. I came off for 8 weeks due to letting my body rest before I started my contest prep.
friends you seem a bit idiotic for the age you have I do not ask anyone for free samples I wanted to buy two or three boxes to test the quality but he just wants to sell 50 he does not want to sell me 2 you understand now or so difficult to explain what you do a world of any publication

@opti can you address this
I had been on for a year straight then came off for 8 weeks prior to starting with Opti. I came off for 8 weeks due to letting my body rest before I started my contest prep.
So, the first test from Opti at 4 iu's came back good and the second test one was in the 200 range or the first test on Opti's?

Meso, I hope you and your loved ones had/are having a great weekend. I will be running a Memorial Day sale from now until Monday midnight CST in which you can deduct 10% off your order.(excluding shipping)

My best wishes to you and your family. Have a great holiday.

Sinotropin Biohygene:
80iu - $325 $4.06/iu

Optiropin's 100iu kits:
(HPLC = 10.41iu)
1 kit - $140 1.40/iu
2 - 5 kits - $130/ea 1.30/iu
6 - 9 kits - $125/ea 1.25/iu
10+ kits - $120/ea 1.20/iu

Opti's 240iu kits:
(HPLC = 24.03iu)
1 kit - $285 1.18/iu
2 - 3 kits - $270/ea 1.12/iu
4 - 5 kits - $260/ea 1.08/iu
6+ kits - $250/ea 1.04/iu

Im new here. How does one order from you? Thanks!
Been a long time since I dropped in Meso. Been extremely busy with work, gf, school, my son, etc but I wanted to leave a review here so I'm making time because his 100iu gray top product definitely deserves it.
I ordered a few of these kits from Opti over a month ago and as many have already said T/A was 3-4 days post payment...the man is was on top of his shit with shipping.
At the time, I was scheduled to have gh and igf-1 blood work tests run about a month after running his product. I was hoping to get this done early in the morning after pinning 6iu's 2 hours prior to the scheduled labs to see what my gh blood plasma levels in particular looked like. Unfortunately, Covid fucked up my appointment with the liberal endo who was open to doing this little experiment with me. I do plan on trying this out with a future order, however, for now all I've got to report to you guys are the sides:(.
I'd been running 2iu's of pharma daily before switching over to Opti's gray tops to measure pharma vs Opti's product. Started Opti's product at the same dose pinned nightly and began pinning 2 more iu's in the morning about 2 weeks out. At 3 weeks I bumped it up to 4iu's nightly and 2iu's in the morning. Very quickly I began getting all the c/t sides (numbness and pins and needles, particularly badly in my middle, pointer fingers and thumb). By week 4 I was waking up in the middle of the night from the pain in my hands and couldn't make a fist until about 5-10 minutes after waking up.
IMO this is as good as the pharma brands I've ran in the past based on the sides.
First test wasn’t Opti GH and 2nd test was.
Okay thanks. I was just trying to get a time frame because some have mentioned the possible reason your numbers weren't what you expected.

All are true but I didn't see anyone mention antibodies. It's possible even taken 2 months off of the GH your body could have developed antibodies to your serum GH and rhGH. Not really sure if this is case but it's a possibility.

This could be why your wife is getting good numbers from that batch and you are not. Something to think about.

Not trying to defend any source or make excuses but there are plenty of factors involved as @Mighty-mouse and a few others have stated.

I also have not ran any of @opti 's GH but I will be trying soon.

friends you seem a bit idiotic for the age you have I do not ask anyone for free samples I wanted to buy two or three boxes to test the quality but he just wants to sell 50 he does not want to sell me 2 you understand now or so difficult to explain what you do a world of any publication

Are you under the impression your English writing is easy to to understand? Allow me to enlighten you— it’s not
Okay thanks. I was just trying to get a time frame because some have mentioned the possible reason your numbers weren't what you expected.

All are true but I didn't see anyone mention antibodies. It's possible even taken 2 months off of the GH your body could have developed antibodies to your serum GH and rhGH. Not really sure if this is case but it's a possibility.

This could be why your wife is getting good numbers from that batch and you are not. Something to think about.

Not trying to defend any source or make excuses but there are plenty of factors involved as @Mighty-mouse and a few others have stated.

I also have not ran any of @opti 's GH but I will be trying soon.


I just pulled bloods today pinning 2iu every morning. Should be about 5 days before I get results back