@opti can you address this

Good day Meso, I hope everyone is doing well.

I have no idea who @Raiman_34 is by his screen-name. I'm not saying I have not chatted with him but I think I would have remembered his grammar.

As far as not wanting to sell 2-3 kits. I get numerous 1 kit orders which many members can attest to and get fulfilled.

Now you can only imagine how many bulk buyers email me:rolleyes:, I give them a price and then they email me back, well......first I would like to start of by ordering 2-3 kits and want to pay the bulk price agreed upon.:eek::p Many come back with I want to try the quality first. Their is a reason why I post HPLC results, so that the customer knows the quality of my Somatropin and exactly what is going into their body.

@Raiman_34, I'm glad you found a source with a superb product at a better price. It's valid, my best to you.
Good day Meso, I hope everyone is doing well.

I have no idea who @Raiman_34 is by his screen-name. I'm not saying I have not chatted with him but I think I would have remembered his grammar.

As far as not wanting to sell 2-3 kits. I get numerous 1 kit orders which many members can attest to and get fulfilled.

Now you can only imagine how many bulk buyers email me:rolleyes:, I give them a price and then they email me back, well......first I would like to start of by ordering 2-3 kits and want to pay the bulk price agreed upon.:eek::p Many come back with I want to try the quality first. Their is a reason why I post HPLC results, so that the customer knows the quality of my Somatropin and exactly what is going into their body.

@Raiman_34, I'm glad you found a source with a superb product at a better price. It's valid, my best to you.
Spoken like a true gentleman!
friends you seem a bit idiotic for the age you have I do not ask anyone for free samples I wanted to buy two or three boxes to test the quality but he just wants to sell 50 he does not want to sell me 2 you understand now or so difficult to explain what you do a world of any publication

So can you reply to @opti? We kind of need to know the resolution.... I’m stuck on a cliff hanger now.

Did you request 50 and just want to pay for 2 or 3 to test?

Don’t leave meso hanging
So can you reply to @opti? We kind of need to know the resolution.... I’m stuck on a cliff hanger now.

Did you request 50 and just want to pay for 2 or 3 to test?

Don’t leave meso hanging
Dudes either full of crap, confused, or like Opti said, wanted 2 to 3 kits at bulk price. I've bought 2 to 3 kits many times a while back, so my vote is he's either full of it or misunderstood Opti.
To be clear, Opti has never disappointed me. I just don't get CTS sides. I also don't aromatize much or get many sides from any PED in general. Opti is quality stuff
First time going with the 240iu kits. I was just going to recon them with 1ml of bac where 10 on the slin pin is 2.4iu (if my math is right lol). Anyone have any pip or issues doing it with the concentration or better to use 2ml of bac and still use 20 on the slin pin?
First time going with the 240iu kits. I was just going to recon them with 1ml of bac where 10 on the slin pin is 2.4iu (if my math is right lol). Anyone have any pip or issues doing it with the concentration or better to use 2ml of bac and still use 20 on the slin pin?
I asked this same question in this thread. Most of us are doing 2 ml but someone said they are using 1 and it is working just fine.
First time going with the 240iu kits. I was just going to recon them with 1ml of bac where 10 on the slin pin is 2.4iu (if my math is right lol). Anyone have any pip or issues doing it with the concentration or better to use 2ml of bac and still use 20 on the slin pin?
Yeah I'm doing 2ml bac water. Since I switched from 120s to 240s numbness has been brutal.
Is there any reason the sides would be that much worse on the 240 batch? From a scientific standpoint? Waiting for others to chime in as I'm curious before I re-up.
I guess it's possible it could be purity and dimmer, if the newer batch is lower quality than the previous batch. I remember reading some guys claim little to no sides on pharma while they did get sides with generic. But this doesn't apply to everyone so that's not a definite answer, just a possibility.

I'm running the original black top that tested 99% purity, have run up to 8iu with no cts. Sides are very individual with hgh.
I guess it's possible it could be purity and dimmer, if the newer batch is lower quality than the previous batch. I remember reading some guys claim little to no sides on pharma while they did get sides with generic. But this doesn't apply to everyone so that's not a definite answer, just a possibility.

I'm running the original black top that tested 99% purity, have run up to 8iu with no cts. Sides are very individual with hgh.

Yeah I have 2iu on the red 120s with no issues


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