Is the auto reply not working @opti ?? Trying to see what kits are in stock. Shot a few emails yesterday didn't get the auto reply?

Hello @TankDog, I just checked my auto reply and shows it is working properly.

Can you please shoot me an email to and I will copy and paste my list. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Just had my igf results come back, I’ve been on opti for 4 weeks at this point 4iu split am/pre bed(blue tops). Morning of 2iu shot and bloods taken 2 hours after. Prior to this I was on another sources hgh (Misc sst sources do,ppl,mis) for months with same protocol which is the other igf test (I switched because Of the low results)


I have another igf 1 test from 1/2019 that scored 241 while I was on test blast.

opti stated I may have formed antibodies by being on for too long (I’ve been on for about 7 months) and pointed me to this thread Hgh sensitivity / anti bodies

I will take a break and retest, but I wanted to see if anyone else could chime in. I will say my sleep is better and my hands go numb at times.
Pulling the trigger and getting some of the pharma Sinotropin he has. I'm wanting to do blood work on igf levels to compare to his grey tops. Anyone have any recommendations on where to get this done
Pulling the trigger and getting some of the pharma Sinotropin he has. I'm wanting to do blood work on igf levels to compare to his grey tops. Anyone have any recommendations on where to get this done
Where to get the testing done for igf?
privatemdlabs dot com, quest is the cheapest option. As long as your in a state that allows it. NY, NJ, RI do not, and I think MA and MD have restrictions.
Pulling the trigger and getting some of the pharma Sinotropin he has. I'm wanting to do blood work on igf levels to compare to his grey tops. Anyone have any recommendations on where to get this done

Where to get the testing done for igf?
privatemdlabs dot com, quest is the cheapest option. As long as your in a state that allows it. NY, NJ, RI, and I think MD and another have restrictions.

Remember to use RHINO for 15% off
Remember to use RHINO for 15% off
Any suggestions on the best protocol for this, as far as best time to test after dosing. Or if there is a thread that's helpful just point me that way. Should I test igf levels on the grey tops first, then later on the Sinotropin, or vice versa.
Any suggestions on the best protocol for this, as far as best time to test after dosing. Or if there is a thread that's helpful just point me that way. Should I test igf levels on the grey tops first, then later on the Sinotropin, or vice versa.

I would test both.

I am very picky on my pin times. I always pin growth within an hour each day 7-8am And I always pull blood work around 10-11am

I would say 3-4 weeks of consistent pinning on each growth would be good to test. How much are you taking daily
I would test both.

I am very picky on my pin times. I always pin growth within an hour each day 7-8am And I always pull blood work around 10-11am

I would say 3-4 weeks of consistent pinning on each growth would be good to test. How much are you taking daily
2 iu around 7am, 2 IU post evening workout or whenever I get off work. 4 iu a day