Yea your right that’s what why @opti probably has the reputation he does. He must be sending out his personal stash of pharma to be tested and selling everyone watered down growth. He probably has everyone posting positive experiences and good blood work on his payroll.

just so your aware on why we require sources to send out samples is not so we don’t have to. We don’t take testing from sources as gold and leave it at that. It’s another measure to hold them accountable so when members do decide to send off samples we have his to compare it with. I’m not big on defending sources but out of all the damn sources here you pick him to say this about? Opti has one of the cleanest track records on meso. If your legitimately concerned that’s what he’s doing then why not buy a kit and send of a sample?

Because he'd rather see other users pay for the tests, you think he's sending his hard earned cash to get a vial tested? Pfft.
Yea your right that’s what why @opti probably has the reputation he does. He must be sending out his personal stash of pharma to be tested and selling everyone watered down growth. He probably has everyone posting positive experiences and good blood work on his payroll.

just so your aware on why we require sources to send out samples is not so we don’t have to. We don’t take testing from sources as gold and leave it at that. It’s another measure to hold them accountable so when members do decide to send off samples we have his to compare it with. I’m not big on defending sources but out of all the damn sources here you pick him to say this about? Opti has one of the cleanest track records on meso. If your legitimately concerned that’s what he’s doing then why not buy a kit and send of a sample?

I just started the blacks at 6iu a day pinned 3 am 3 pm only on test at 300mg a week and upping my provi to 50mg a day taking those with my shots of growth. 100mcg T4 morning tequila at night and liv 52 before bed

Getting blood pulled on 4th week or 3rd hell I don’t know what u think?
Yea your right that’s what why @opti probably has the reputation he does. He must be sending out his personal stash of pharma to be tested and selling everyone watered down growth. He probably has everyone posting positive experiences and good blood work on his payroll.

just so your aware on why we require sources to send out samples is not so we don’t have to. We don’t take testing from sources as gold and leave it at that. It’s another measure to hold them accountable so when members do decide to send off samples we have his to compare it with. I’m not big on defending sources but out of all the damn sources here you pick him to say this about? Opti has one of the cleanest track records on meso. If your legitimately concerned that’s what he’s doing then why not buy a kit and send of a sample?

Great question man.... let me check my wallet.... oh yeah i remember now...

Anyway ,as stated, in the next future i ll try opti and i ll compare it with the legit one i have... ^^
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Where at in jersey are you from? My gym just opened back up (rockaway/hopatcong) they dropped their LLC and went PMA.. (private membership association) .. also looking into order a few kits from opti as well, can’t decide between the 100iu kits or the 240ius.. def good stuff?? I’ve only ever ran meditropes
Jersey Strong gym near the jersey shore in Monmouth...I just read that NY is opening gyms Monday which makes no fucking sense because that is one of the worst states that got hit with the pandemic while our peace of shit governor keeps saying “we are working on it” with no actual opening date. I’m quite sensitive to Hgh so in the future I’m going with his 100iu or whatever he has new that has the lowest dimmer. I’ll say one thing about his Hgh...I haven’t lifted since March and once I started Opti Hgh back in early July I’m transforming almost daily. People at work think I’m on shit now when before they thought I was just a guy with some muscle. I had to make up an excuse and say I started eating a lot lmao. I wonder what they’ll say when I start going back to the gym and explode in size a second time! If you normally don’t get sides from gh you can try his 240iu kit if you want to save a couple bucks but I recommend just getting a couple of his 100iu kits.
How do I go about getting my igf levels tested if the doctor won’t write an order for it? I live in one of the 3 states that do not allow you to purchase your own bloodwork. All bloodwork must be written per doctors orders. It seems like the only option I have is to drive to another state which for me is around a 1.5 hour drive. Having to do this every time I get a new kit of gh is quite annoying to say the least.
Ive also been getting a little more sides from the 240s than the previous kits but still very pleased. Id also increased from 5 to 6 iu so it could just be that

i was getting sides from my first trial kit of 100 optis and none from the next time i bought more of the 100 optis so i dont think its just the 240.
How do I go about getting my igf levels tested if the doctor won’t write an order for it? I live in one of the 3 states that do not allow you to purchase your own bloodwork. All bloodwork must be written per doctors orders. It seems like the only option I have is to drive to another state which for me is around a 1.5 hour drive. Having to do this every time I get a new kit of gh is quite annoying to say the least.

it would be worth the drive if you new you could buy more of the exact batch though correct?
but find a new doctor. most of them could care less about why you want the test and are just scared the insurance company will question them or not pay for the labwork. or just call a trt company like titan and for a few hundred dollars they will test every important marker to try and get you as a client. i think there is a dicount if you tell them dave palumbo sent you. igf1 test estrogen cbc cmp etc
I feel like there was two sets of 240s cus I deff had two diff kits with diff stoppers same color tops

Iv increased the dose on the new stopper blues by itself for science (I mix pharma vials into 24 iu vial and sides are nothing for me ) and didn’t notice the horrid sides I experienced off the first blue 240 kit which when I increased slightly my feet and hands would tingle hard but when I eased back from .45 to .4ml reconstituted at 2 ml they went away

I feel like the newer 240s are a good bang for the buck ...I wasn’t a big fan of the “first “ one tho
I feel like there was two sets of 240s cus I deff had two diff kits with diff stoppers same color tops

Iv increased the dose on the new stopper blues by itself for science (I mix pharma vials into 24 iu vial and sides are nothing for me ) and didn’t notice the horrid sides I experienced off the first blue 240 kit which when I increased slightly my feet and hands would tingle hard but when I eased back from .45 to .4ml reconstituted at 2 ml they went away

I feel like the newer 240s are a good bang for the buck ...I wasn’t a big fan of the “first “ one tho

I understand why Opti offers it and hes upfront about what they are. but I don't understand why people would buy 240s > 100s. It's less pure with tested dimmer in it. If you can't afford good generic GH, let alone pharma don't bother. This is kind of made clear with every question or comment "against" them is always the 240s never the 100s from the GMP supplier.
The real question is how much Tequila am I supposed to be drinking with these Opti's? instructions unclear.

Just enough to get good and buzzed about 3 hrs space of drinking before bed but.... before u go to bed take liv52 to combat the tequila therefore by theory increase igf

This theory is not proven and prob not true but I like it and continue the testing of this theory for the greater good of Meso
Just enough to get good and buzzed about 3 hrs space of drinking before bed but.... before u go to bed take liv52 to combat the tequila therefore by theory increase igf

This theory is not proven and prob not true but I like it and continue the testing of this theory for the greater good of Meso

I take Liv52/livercare just for shits but I always see a 50/50 on its efficacy between its great and it doesn't do shit. I just take 600mg nac 2x livercare either way daily as my regular stack (not on orals) and have TUDCA on deck.

I figure hopefully it balances some of the partying vices every once in awhile.

friends accidentally bought the silver Respacido and it was trash, other one is much better.


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