I had the same experience. Except I did not lose any weight. I stayed the same weight ever since starting gh back in June but my body is recomping tremendously. I had to have gained 10 pounds of muscle and lost 10 pounds of fat once introducing Hgh into my plan. Weight before Hgh ~200 pounds 20%bf. Weight now 200 pounds 15%bf. Noticeable leaner, veins I’ve never had before, and starting to feel my lower abs for once! I never felt my lower abs before because I used to have very stubborn baby fat on my lower stomach, love handle area and now my lower stomach feels hard which I never had in my life. Love handles still need a lot of work though because they are still quite soft. A couple more months should do the trick though especially since now I’ve added Tren and t3 to my blast that I just started. I’ll finally be shredded for once without the use of amphetamines. Only other time I’ve been shredded was when I abused adderall but it wasn’t maintainable. Gained it all back during withdrawal. My diet is also worse now than when it was before adding Hgh due to the fact Hgh makes me hungry
Imo that hunger crave is real with solid growth because I never would care to eat breakfast ever ...started my Hgh lifestyle and by 9am my stomach feels like fat is actually melting off my belly and I wanna eat a dinner size meal which is rare normally

I wish I had the stones for test i don’t enjoy pins bigger then’s scary cus I could mess the protocol up and damage myself easier then growth and having to run a post seems scary to me

I am a bitch tho
*not a girl

you can make fun of me lol

I tell my doctor about my growth addiction and they try telling me how bad it is for me LMFAO

They market stupid sero vital fake Hgh to older women on commercials tho

I said look at my weight difference and tell me that’s not amazing In itself for 6 months during a plandemic
Imo that hunger crave is real with solid growth because I never would care to eat breakfast ever ...started my Hgh lifestyle and by 9am my stomach feels like fat is actually melting off my belly and I wanna eat a dinner size meal which is rare normally

I wish I had the stones for test i don’t enjoy pins bigger then’s scary cus I could mess the protocol up and damage myself easier then growth and having to run a post seems scary to me

I am a bitch tho
*not a girl

you can make fun of me lol

I tell my doctor about my growth addiction and they try telling me how bad it is for me LMFAO

They market stupid sero vital fake Hgh to older women on commercials tho

I said look at my weight difference and tell me that’s not amazing In itself for 6 months during a plandemic
Exactly, I wake up in the morning feeling like I forgot to eat the whole day before lmaooo. My stomach is growling and feels anorexic.

Roids aren’t for everyone. I’ve known way too many people who do just one cycle and regret it. Roids are a life long commitment. Unless you are 100% sure you want to do roids than I’d stay away if I was you.

In regards to the doctor, I’m sure they have to say that to you only because it’s illegal. They can’t say what you want them to say “that sounds amazing, keep going” or they will be promoting illegal drug use.

Also, the media always promotes hormones for transgenders but if a guy wants to become more “manly” it is seen as the devil. But if a girl wants to become a guy than it’s “okay” to give girls steroids like wtf? Why can’t I be more manly by asking for steroids from my doctor but it’s okay for girls to get steroid injections? I hate this world.
I hate this world.

Ohh.. music for my ears... titties for my eyes... tongues to my balls... uterus for my dick.... tren for my gluteus.... Benzyl Alcohol for my lungs...

EDIT: Dont read please... i wrote it because i m mad at lots of things And writing calms me. I didnt delete it because i love to re read my thoughts in my fuckin broken english, and it improved a lot thanks to this forum. Srsly dont read because its boring and you ll be disappointed by reading by antinatalist thoughts.

I hate the world man more than you for sure bro... check last Milos Sarcev instagram post.. about an Iranian bber wheelchaired (maybe a neologism) who has been arrested and maybe killed by those fuckin people because he wrote on instagram that shrines were open and gyms werent...

I think unfortunately its even his fault that kept living in that shitty place... world is a fuckin joke, majority wont ever realize it and will keep bringing other humans to this sorrowful world...

cumshottin in your wife’s mouth is fantastic... an anal cream pie too... its magic... why the fuck people should bring matter to life if becoming alive means 80% possibilities Pain and 20% Gain? I m thinking about being tortured by some fuckin morons.. or seeing horrors in my life like many others went trough... people that saw soldiers fuckin their little daughters and so on.. fuck the world fuck god fuck the universe fuck life fuck everything i would like to explode and destroy the universe... but im just a random dancing piece of shit and so i have to keep continuing following my dreams and living sad because of all the bad things happening every fuckin day in the world... humans are the worst disgrace that could have happened.. with that fuckin brain that bring the fuckin pain... mental and physical... a fuckin curse... why the fuck are we born to suffer? I dont fuckin care about the good things about life... i wont ever trade the real strong pain for earthly pleasures... no one ask to become alive.. thanks but not thanks...

If you think i have lot of problems in my life, yeah you got it... i dont fuckin care about What the really mad people think Of people that think life is shit... i love babies i love good people i love lot of things... but i cant stand the resident evil this planet is fuckin full... i saw and heard horrible things... I have a little dog and some cats and cannot understand how can some pieces of shit can treat them bad... or how the fuck there is such lack of empathy and lot of people bring sufference and or death to animals and people...

i dont need to go to a psychologist.. i know pretty well the problems i have.. the first one is people.. the 2nd one is I lost 300 fuckin K $.. the 3rd is I never succeeded in body building but i havent given up... now this fuckin lockdown and i can even train
I’ll be a first time HGH user. Just ordered 2 kits from opti after a lot of research. Dude was very professional and responsive through email. What would you guys recommend for a starting dose? I’m a big mf 6’5 280 but I wanna be Uge
Anyone have thoughts on whether I should mail my test, hgh, syringes and bac water to my parents for vacation or will it all be ok in my luggage since it’s all technically legal with a prescription. Thanks

If it is legal with a prescription, then just place it in your carry-on bag and be done with it. No need to mail it. You stand a greater change of lost mail than someone noticing you are traveling with gear. Nobody knows what is in the vial.
I’ll be a first time HGH user. Just ordered 2 kits from opti after a lot of research. Dude was very professional and responsive through email. What would you guys recommend for a starting dose? I’m a big mf 6’5 280 but I wanna be Uge
2iu then taper up to whatever you want. That is such a generic question. Just because you are bigger does not mean you won't get sides yeeting 4+ iu right off the bat for your first time. I'd probably just do 2iu and then raise it 1iu every week till you're at 4-6ius
2iu then taper up to whatever you want. That is such a generic question. Just because you are bigger does not mean you won't get sides yeeting 4+ iu right off the bat for your first time. I'd probably just do 2iu and then raise it 1iu every week till you're at 4-6ius

I listed my weight because I figured doses may differ by body weight. But I’ll try the taper up. Thanks​

If you thought that doses may differ by body weight you obviously did shit for research and ought to wait a while before you run it...
I did research on legit sources is what I meant. That’s why I’m here to learn more,
If you thought that doses may differ by body weight you obviously did shit for research and ought to wait a while before you run it...
I did research on legit sources is what I meant. That’s why I’m here to learn more,

It's fine savagesteve over here can be a little in your face. Just keep the questions about use to a personal thread or a minimum unless its about the sellers actual GH so you don't clutter their thread.

For growth especially at your size I'd say 6iu is a nice sweet spot, some guys even go to 8 but I think eventually you're just asking for BG issues insulin resistance etc. There's a few big boys who are more well versed in higher doses. Paging @lilhawk

I use it more for fat loss/pump/QOL over actual hyperplasia so I stick to 2 and will bump it to 3iu next week.
It's fine savagesteve over here can be a little in your face. Just keep the questions about use to a personal thread or a minimum unless its about the sellers actual GH so you don't clutter their thread.

For growth especially at your size I'd say 6iu is a nice sweet spot, some guys even go to 8 but I think eventually you're just asking for BG issues insulin resistance etc. There's a few big boys who are more well versed in higher doses. Paging @lilhawk

I use it more for fat loss/pump/QOL over actual hyperplasia so I stick to 2 and will bump it to 3iu next week.
Nice I’m not worried about savagesteve. He’s probably hogging the bench just sitting there browsing through grindr. Thanks for the advice man
Nice I’m not worried about savagesteve. He’s probably hogging the bench just sitting there browsing through grindr. Thanks for the advice man

Also 100% start splitting doses atleast 2x a day at 6iu to help with the whole BG/insulin. If I was doing 8 I would do 3x a day and run Berberine or Metformin beside it.
Also 100% start splitting doses atleast 2x a day at 6iu to help with the whole BG/insulin. If I was doing 8 I would do 3x a day and run Berberine or Metformin beside it.
I’m probably gonna start at three once a day for a week then 6 spilt into two diesel once I know I can tolerate it. Thanks
Are you using the 240iu kits or 120iu kits? I'd ramp up slower if its the 240s. They're what I'm using currently but they definitely cause bloating if you jump the dose up too fast

I listed my weight because I figured doses may differ by body weight. But I’ll try the taper up. Thanks​

It doesn't matter your weight. Start at 2iu's for a week minimum. Then go up from there.
Oh yeah, you're gonna want to buy more kits. 2 kits are just a taste. Gear up for a six month run min. 6 months to even start to appreciate opti's. Gh is a long game.
I’ve been on opti Hgh since July and the fat loss is nothing I could’ve imagined. Everyone says gh is not a “fat burner” but I disagree. I’m still eating the same as I always do (pizza, Chinese food, etc) and I keep getting compliments that I’m looking thin. Not in a bad way too. Thin as in I’m losing my stomach fat and my shirts don’t hug my gut anymore. My face is also leaning out. Each month that passes I’m seeing even more fat loss. Hell, each DAY I notice a bit of tightness happening around my mid section. Tren never made my fat melt off like this, all Tren does is make me grow like crazy. I have 100 iu total left so I’ll be placing another 6 month supply soon thank you Opti!


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