Anyone have experience with GH causing gyno or existing gyno to flare up? Thanks
Well I reduced my test to 200mg a week when I started this GH and was taking aromasin 25mg twice a week. Went to Florida for a week and forget to bring aromasin. Even before Florida I slowly noticed the gyno coming back
5% of users of hgh in a recent study had gyno side effects

So 95% do not get this. You are the one in twenty unlucky?
Benign and resolves on its own.

Yeah I got gyno from steroids. I usually can keep it down and unnoticeable. Gyno is the one side effect I’m prone to
I got gyno when I was 13 just up and out of nowhere. It 100% disappeared without intervention in a couple months. Then at 30 I ran 750 test 900 deca and popped a few dbol and bam got the same little balls behind my nipples this time permanent. Doesnt bother me tho ive always been a bean pole so it kinda just looks like I have hard nips all the time.
David im way on the other side of the spectrum tho I think. Got bloods couple weeks ago after reducing prescribed test cyp to 150. I felt like I was dragging ass, ankle and knee joint pain as well as tendonitis flare in elbow and I wasnt horny. Well what do you know my e2 was fucking 6. Immediately crunk up to 450 and I feel much better now.
Point is tho, I can read and read but with out bloods and actually trying and experiencing things ( mistakes and success) I dont know where I actually fit into everything ive heard or read
And I bet I was wasting a good bit of optis 6ius having such ridiculously low e2( at least igf conversion wise). I did actually grow a little bit during the low test time tho
Water retention on 4iu of Opti 120's. I also run 250mg Sus weekly. I was on 750 mg for a couple weeks smh, did 500mg last week, and ill start 250mg this week. My ankles are swollen and doc wrote me a diuretic, lasix. They are working for the most part. Anyone else have this water retention problem? Ive read its pretty common with hgh and test but I wanted to hear how you guys dealt with it. May cut my dose of hgh if thats the only option. Thanks
Water retention on 4iu of Opti 120's. I also run 250mg Sus weekly. I was on 750 mg for a couple weeks smh, did 500mg last week, and ill start 250mg this week. My ankles are swollen and doc wrote me a diuretic, lasix. They are working for the most part. Anyone else have this water retention problem? Ive read its pretty common with hgh and test but I wanted to hear how you guys dealt with it. May cut my dose of hgh if thats the only option. Thanks
You probably won’t like my answer, but the way I deal with it is I just wait. Usually water retention drops a week to a couple weeks after maintaining the same dose. Once I increase the dose, water retention comes back fully and I have to wait another week for it to go back down.
You probably won’t like my answer, but the way I deal with it is I just wait. Usually water retention drops a week to a couple weeks after maintaining the same dose. Once I increase the dose, water retention comes back fully and I have to wait another week for it to go back down.
Your ankles swell?
Your ankles swell?
Ankles, wrist, waist, face. Just about everywhere that is noticeable when wearing something that compresses the skin like a belt, socks, or watch. Currently I have no water retention on 7iu but I plan on going to 8iu tomorrow for 2 weeks so I’m sure it will come back. I notice every time I increase the dose, water retention comes back for roughly a week. It’s getting pretty expensive now but I really want to taper all the way up to 10iu for a month so hopefully I get there without the sides crippling me. I increase 1iu every 2 weeks. Sides subside in 1-1.5 weeks which is when I increase the dose so I basically have sides all the time like water retention etc.
Ankles, wrist, waist, face. Just about everywhere that is noticeable when wearing something that compresses the skin like a belt, socks, or watch. Currently I have no water retention on 7iu but I plan on going to 8iu tomorrow for 2 weeks so I’m sure it will come back. I notice every time I increase the dose, water retention comes back for roughly a week. It’s getting pretty expensive now but I really want to taper all the way up to 10iu for a month so hopefully I get there without the sides crippling me. I increase 1iu every 2 weeks. Sides subside in 1-1.5 weeks which is when I increase the dose so I basically have sides all the time like water retention etc.

thanks for the feedback. I’m gonna give it sometime.
thanks for the feedback. I’m gonna give it sometime.
Do you use an ai? I just reread your post and realized you have been having water retention for almost a month now. Did you just start gh or have you been on it a couple months now. When I first started back in July I had horrible water retention for almost a whole month. But I also never go above 400mg of Test. Normally I use 200mg. Most likely the combination of high test and gh is causing your water retention to last for so long.
Do you use an ai? I just reread your post and realized you have been having water retention for almost a month now. Did you just start gh or have you been on it a couple months now. When I first started back in July I had horrible water retention for almost a whole month. But I also never go above 400mg of Test. Normally I use 200mg. Most likely the combination of high test and gh is causing your water retention to last for so long.
Yes armidex. Twice a week. Just started.
Ankles, wrist, waist, face. Just about everywhere that is noticeable when wearing something that compresses the skin like a belt, socks, or watch. Currently I have no water retention on 7iu but I plan on going to 8iu tomorrow for 2 weeks so I’m sure it will come back. I notice every time I increase the dose, water retention comes back for roughly a week. It’s getting pretty expensive now but I really want to taper all the way up to 10iu for a month so hopefully I get there without the sides crippling me. I increase 1iu every 2 weeks. Sides subside in 1-1.5 weeks which is when I increase the dose so I basically have sides all the time like water retention etc.
Are you introducing insulin? 10iu is a big dose. What are your goals? Careful running that high, keep an eye on the BG levels for sure
Are you introducing insulin? 10iu is a big dose. What are your goals? Careful running that high, keep an eye on the BG levels for sure
I use an equivalent dose of insulin to whatever gh dose I am on. 10iu insulin for 10iu gh. Goal is to Maximize igf levels now rather than later in life to avoid health complications. Also for facial bone growth. I have a bg monitor and check most mornings. They run below 100 in morning and post meal they have been as high as 160 after a bad cheat meal. If it’s clean food than they rarely go over 125.