Strange to see a top notch source who not only test his products but tested his raws and finished products with multiple 3rd party labs all the sudden start being scrutinized. Opti has been a vendor here since 2018, back when this was a different place and brutal on sources. Being that he is still around speaks volumes.

Personally I would imagine it’s home brewed gear, like everything is. I highly doubt he will share pictures of the lab and equipment. I wouldn’t if I was him. He is a big source who has been around a while and probably is on a few unwanted radars. Opti has always been a vendor of few words and this is why he’s been around as long as he has. He comes in and says what needs to be said and drops test reports. Personally that’s enough for me and bravo to him for not being here daily and replying to all the BS, as it would make it more likely he would slip up and say something that could risk his freedom.

As far as his claim to licensed GMC made grey tops. This has been beat to death but I understand some of you guys are fairly new. Some of us guys who have been around a minute are actually in the know of where he gets them and if he publicly shared their certificates he would lose access to them as they are technically a overseas pharma company who only sells to UGLs who are very discreet and buy in very large volumes. Years ago there was another source who had access to them and the pharma company cut ties with that source for sharing too much info which could jeopardize their business.

Anywho, definitely not against adding heat to the fire and staying on a sources ass but odd to do so with a source who we should be quite happy with atm as I wish all sources took a page out of this one’s book when it comes to testing and promoting harm reduction. For instance, when Jano made changes to his equipment and it greatly affected the dimmer and purity content Opti sent in his greys, jins and Serostim pharma gh and shared his reports with the community to help us better understand what Jano’s equipment changes meant for the new standard we should expect.

Opti came here selling one product many years ago. Look at his business now. Much respect for what he has accomplished. I’ve enjoyed watching the once little guy grow into the big vendor he is now.
This has been beat to death
Not adequately. He doesn't have to share the actual C of A for each batch. Would be helpful to share what was tested for and the result for each batch if indeed some of his products were made and tested to USP standards. Also see the modest recommendation I made above to get ugl closer to a pharma product (sterility and endotoxins for GH).

If product is undergoing internal testing for these two items, communicate that and share results per batch. That is the whole point of GMP/USP standard. Does he need to out the pharma company? Or course not. Simple to then validate his claims with 3rd party.

As far as timing. Sorry I'm late. Just getting around to considering UGL GH.

One can always be appreciative of work to date while also making suggestions to improve the process moving forward. Hence my post. Stay tuned for a new project coming soon.
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Is this the twilight zone?
Good question.

Thanks for your reply.

Be good to get to the bottom of the quality of a 90 usd per 15 IU vial vs a 130 usd per 15 IU vial on here.

You think the 130 usd vial is better quality? How would you tell based on the current state of testing in the UGL space?
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Agree and I don't think that's a bad thing. OPSEC etc

Just the new gaslighting du jour.
This is a valid outlook that I feel like many are overlooking , the potential security risks from being a large manufacturer.

Opti has been around for a while like many have stated, his reputation proceeds him and I’ve seen almost no negative feedback, and of what I have seen it’s over on EVO where people push nothing but trash.

The quality of his products are top notch and the amount of time and money he has put into it should show people that he wouldn’t cut short on manufacturing processes.
Ugl or not, the last thing he needs for his reputation is someone complaining about bad gear, I highly doubt he would subject himself to such scrutiny.