Hey guys we got a Scamtry over here -

Opti is informed about that be careful guys


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Man I am so glad that they have Test U in castor oil. Ordered several vials already, stuff is legit as it gets no pip everything smooth, test level rise steady. Great communication and fast shipping. ordering more vials today.
What's so special about it ? Is it the undecanoate ester or the castor oil ?
Could anyone confirm if this vendor ships from within the EU only and not turkey?, I have customs problems with anything I order from Turkey, Thanks
Attaching blood test results I got recently, on 250mg test C of Unique Pharma ( 107mg e3d) and got 1878 test level, never scored close to so high on that dose.
I d been using either Primo or Mast as well as GH on top of test for a long time but stopped a few months ago, not sure it that played a role.
Back on Adex coz E2 and Prolactin are very high


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Hey guys we got a Scamtry over here -

Opti is informed about that be careful guys
Hello sir,
Thank you for letting everyone here know!

@itscf showed me the conversation he had with the scammer.
We will NEVER write to customers and beg for orders, if anything suspicious then please always check and verify the actual senders email.
Question for you guys:

We have sold Trestolone Acetate/MENT in the past but in that time the demand was very low for it and we stopped selling.

Thinking about reintroducing it but not sure which ester would be preferred. Acetate or Enanthate?
Enanthate is far superior with trestolone. Acetate really needs to be pinned 2-3x per day. It metabolizes very fast. Human trt studies showed it was necessary to inject it every 8 hours.