As i tried to get you to speculate about before, any idea how long such suppression lasts following a single dose? Of any oral AAS? Do you think its in the realm of hours? Days? Even weeks? Would there be a correlation between how long the axis is suppressed and the half-life of the AAS used (in a single dosing situation)?
I'm sorry brother I just don't have the data to speculate. While it can be said that shorter esters yield faster recovery of HPG axis functioning and serum T vs. their longer counterparts (e.g., NPP vs. Deca), this is less clear with the 17AAs.
There is general homogeneity (but not agreement) in the published biological half lives among the 17AAs (e.g., ranging from methyltestosterone's biological half-life of ~3 hr to stanozolol's 24 hr) - such that practically these are highly comparable in that they are separated merely by hours. There is wide variation in their HPG axis suppressive potencies (e.g., Dbol's ~50% reduction in FSH & LH vs. Turinabol's ~10%), though perhaps all are characterized by relatively less disruption to the axis than parenterally administered androgens. Most importantly, there is a paucity of measurement of recovery of spermatogenesis/LH/FSH after chronic administration after a sufficient wash-out period for the 17AAs. I've seen good data on testosterone & nandrolone. But have not on any 17AAs.
All that can be said about the time-course of recovery of HPG axis functioning from 17AAs is that it is likely compound-, dose/concentration-, and time- dependent.
Certainly, suppression of HPG axis functioning is a product of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, but one cannot extrapolate the latter from the former.
In a similar vein, it remains an interesting open question whether the HPG axis recovers up to the point of subsequent T suppression (reflecting HPG axis shutdown) after being completely suppressed by, e.g., supraphysiological T (T is potently suppressive, largely due to its aromatization to estradiol), or if recovery begins only upon washout of exogenous androgen.
For example: We know oxandrolone (Var) is minimally suppressive: a relatively high dosage (80 mg daily) led only to a modest 31% decrease in free T after 12 weeks in HIV-infected men.
Does the nature of HPG axis suppression allow for restoration of hypothalamo-pituitary & testis output (i.e., KNDy dendron pulsatility, GnRH, LH, FSH) up to this 69% free T if there is not total washout?
@PeterBond knows more.