Organ growth on 3 HGH units a day?


every person and every tissue react differently, any even normal/natural amount makes ur organs and ears and nose grow.

fat people often have nice skin and large organs that is to say they often have more igf. that same person skinny/lower glucose may have alot less.. taking gh in a sense makes u a fat person, hold on to water, higher glucose organ and head growth.. (ever see 600lb people? they have large heads and its not all fat)

any amount will cause more growth, thats the point of taking it..

also I don't know if there is proper reference ranges for gh.. its one of those that can go up and down pretty fast and u miss ur peak no mater how fast u get to the lab. but at any rate if go to a specialty lab they may have one. someone who knows more can chime in but essentially mostly just under pituitary tutor agro levels is all they use it for from my limited understanding.

if any concern at all id say dont do it as not like night and day difference going on it. forsure has benefits but often slow (and even slower at just above replacement dosing)
No, you didn't get what I meant.

Yes, GH causes growth to any tissue, that's the purpose of GH. Normal GH levels, however, shouldn't not cause organ enlargement. There is a difference between growth and enlargement.

Cardiomegaly and visceromegaly are examples of abnormal growth, not just growth.

I used to be fat during puberty, but even if I had excessive IGF-1, it still didn't cause me organ enlargement and problems. Now I look normal, don't have health issues and bloated belly due to palumboism.

My question was, after what HGH/IGF-1 level does organ enlargement begin? If I keep my HGH and IGF-1 levels at the upper end of the reference range or just slightly above the range, will organ enlargement happen?

This is not about individual responses and different people reacting differently. There is a specific level that must be surpassed on a first place before abnormal organ growth begins.