If it seems to the few who have been following this web site personality from board to board that I am tergetting it, you won't find me denying the accusations.
I've seen his type over the years here in town. There is a rather large and always changing homeless/transient homosexual population that's made up of mostly young me aged 18-26yrs of age.
There is a much smaller group of men that fit the physical characteristics(style of dress & attitude as well) of this vile predator. They invite the desperate young men into their homes and provide food and shelter, for a time, that is spelled out in a contract/day to day lease drawn up by a well known and equally deprived pervert and attorney who preys on the fresh meat as well.
What these condemned men are doing is protecting themselves as best they can before feeding the sick and vulnerable young men methamphetamine. The get the young men addicted and completely dependant on them while corrupting them morally and 6 times out of 10 have the boys infected with HIV before the first 30 days have gone by. I plan to, and have been successful, at breaking up the usually illegal and ALWAYS disgusting, party before it gets started. My plan begins and ends with these garbage people seemingly disappearing into thin air.