PaintDrinker’s Cut Log Ft. Masteron & Tirzepatide & Accutane

Your journey and the way you have changed are really inspirational - huge congratulations to you. So far you have come such a long way!

Please be extra discreet during your cutting session to avoid hepatic hazards, which can be quite an exhaustive process with Accutane as one of the compounds.

Liver's workload can be increased by Accutane and the use of AI's. Accutane, in particular, has a well-established potential for liver injury whereas, when combined with other compound sources, the liver may be abnormally stressed. The continuous use of these substances can be stressful and may even become worse during a prolonged cutting period.

Consider incorporating liver support supplements like TUDCA, NAC, Liv52 or milk thistle in heavy dose. These supplements can help mitigate some of the stress on your liver and support its function during your cycle.

Keeping your body well-hydrated is a key component of liver health and the detoxification process. Be sure to consume enough water each day to allow liver and kidney to do their job properly.

Protecting your liver will not only support your current goals but also ensure that you maintain your long-term health. Looking forward to seeing your progress—keep up the great work!
Recent research shows Accutane liver toxicity is greatly exaggerated with injury nearly non-existant, with some studies questioning the need for routine bloodwork, since there are so few cases of terminating treatment as a result.

Lipid panel can get ugly but for such a short term it's not much of a concern.

Tirz will provide a tremendous boost to liver health. It literally reverses fatty liver disease and scarring. Consider staying on continuously, just below weight loss dose to continue its potent liver fat clearance benefits.

Trunk Acne is much, much harder to clear than face acne. Lower back and shoulders are the last to go. 220mg/kg+ cumulative dose shows the best rates of permanently curing it. 2mg/kg is the max daily dose which I just dropped down from (180mg/day) as the sides (back pain) were finally a bit too much to handle and unlike lower doses were not easing off after a week or so of titrating up.

At each higher titration level some new skin improvement would take place (which just makes you want to keep going), along with another "purge" in a different area than had previously gone through it.

At this point, 4 months in, at 170mg/day with all of my skin clear, one new large painful pimple appeared on my lower back that's quickly shriveling up, which I take as a sign the most difficult area to "reach" with accutane is finally giving up, and I've got major skin flaking which is accompanied by rapid lightening of hyper-pigmented acne marks as skin is turning over quickly.

Had to place a couple of urgent accutane orders as I kept increasing my cumulative total goals, seeing that the sides were tolerable, my definition of "clear skin" kept going higher, and my desire for "one and done" meant I needed to go from 5,000mg to 20,000mg total.
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What kind of fats do you partake if you don’t mind me asking. Any particular diet you following?
No specific diet just all clean sources. Fat sources are olive oil, avocado, Brazil nuts trace fat from meat. With the tirzepatide right now it’s actually pretty hard to eat enough. I’ve been liking fairlife ultra filtered milk also. Life saver when I can’t get chicken down.

My main protein source is plain chicken breast cooked in an instapot. No seasoning or sauce just try to eat it as fast as I can and be done with it.
Nice progress! Reasonable doses. Glad you're taking lowest necessary dose after the health issues. You were getting pretty wild there for a bit with the drugs. Looks like 400 mg is kicking ass for you!
Hey, hope all is good with you.
How's the accutane going?
Are you taking it, despite your concerns?
Whenever I read stuff like the above "liver toxicity is greatly exaggerated with injury nearly non-existant, with some studies questioning the need for routine bloodwork".. etc, I wonder who the data refers to.
Is it not toxic for people who presented liver/kidney issues, to begin with, or is it something that relates to healthy individuals, only?
Sorry, just a thought, but I have not looked into what it all means.

It's good to see you.
You will be back to where you were pre- health scare in no time.
Hey, hope all is good with you.
How's the accutane going?
Are you taking it, despite your concerns?
Whenever I read stuff like the above "liver toxicity is greatly exaggerated with injury nearly non-existant, with some studies questioning the need for routine bloodwork".. etc, I wonder who the data refers to.
Is it not toxic for people who presented liver/kidney issues, to begin with, or is it something that relates to healthy individuals, only?
Sorry, just a thought, but I have not looked into what it all means.

It's good to see you.
You will be back to where you were pre- health scare in no time.

It can cause elevated liver enzymes in some people. One recent study showed 1.3% of those using high doses had elevated enzymes, but not high enough to require stopping treatment. Levels return to normal after stopping,

Many countries no longer require liver function tests for accutane use.

Roughly 20 million people have used accutane worldwide over the last 40 years and there isn't a single documented case of liver injury.

(And incidentally @iris, I know this not because I'm autistic or have ADHD, it's because I'm concerned enough about my long term health to invest the time to educate myself up front, rather than potentially pay a much heavier price later.)
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It can cause elevated liver enzymes in some people. One recent study showed 1.3% of those using high doses had elevated enzymes, but not high enough to require stopping treatment. Levels return to normal after stopping,

Many countries no longer require liver function tests for accutane use.

Roughly 20 million people have used accutane worldwide over the last 40 years and there isn't a single documented case of liver injury.

I’m still waiting for the lab test results bro.
It can cause elevated liver enzymes in some people. One recent study showed 1.3% of those using high doses had elevated enzymes, but not high enough to require stopping treatment. Levels return to normal after stopping,

Many countries no longer require liver function tests for accutane use.

Roughly 20 million people have used accutane worldwide over the last 40 years and there isn't a single documented case of liver injury.

(And incidentally @iris, I know this not because I'm autistic or have ADHD, it's because I'm concerned enough about my long term health to invest the time to educate myself up front, rather than potentially pay a much heavier price later.)


Please note I have never said you are autistic, have adhd or whatever.
Maybe you are referring to something someone else believes about you.

Also, even if you had any of the issues you mentioned, I wouldn't hold them against you.
Everyone is fucked up in a way or another.

My question to OP, since he did have health problems, recently, was whether he was aware the claims about safety were warranted, in his particular situation.
That's all.
But I am sure this is something he has thought about, too.

Thanks for the reply.

