MESO-Rx Sponsor PCT 24X7 "1 stop shop for all day healthcare"

Customs have held my package, damn. I need to ignore communications, as It's illegal to order prescription meds, let alone that not having a legal receipt I can justify nothing.

Order failed.
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PCT came through with a reship of my HCG, leaving him a positive review.

I would add though: please don't send out different brands without first checking with the customer, it's really not fun to get something other than you payed for.
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Both, and both sent out eutrig instead of what i actually ordered, PCT.ZONE just emailed me denying reship but PCT24x7 reshipped no problem.

Ive been on Sun pharma HCG for 2 years straight, huge loads, balls big, seizure inducing orgasms on 300IU e3d, The HCG testing for the Sun Pharma and other Indian HCG's is clearly just wrong and its a shame it's influenced the indian sellers because thats why they are now shipping out eutrig for every HCG order.
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Flawed testing? Don't think so. Eutrig tests very good.
You need to answer why the other HCG's were 90% underdosed, if they were in date (they should be) they cannot degrade that quickly in powder form, the only logical answer is that they are fake, which Janoshik himself said was the only other logical possiblity.

The problem is if they are fake, it opens up a can of worms such as:
1.PCT24x7 sells some fake products therefore nothing can be trusted now
2.The fakers added 10% real HCG for some reason?
3. if they can source real HCG why not just dose it correctly, its not that expensive.
4.If HCG is so expensive and rare, why can eutrig dose it 100% overdosed?
5.No other product pct stocks has come back fake as far as i'm aware,
Why are indian pharma sellers stocking fake HCG only and not other drugs?
6.Why bother going to the effort of producing over 7 different packages with inserts for different HCG brands and adding 10% real HCG for a cheap product: it's $10usd per box.
7. The eutrig tested nearly twice overdosed, that is not the sign of a pharma manufacturer and indicates faulty testing straightaway. If it is a pharma manufacter they would not dose any drug over 100%.

The simplest answer is that the HCG testing is just flawed.
I am kind of invested in this because HCG is really hard to get now in Australia even with a prescription.
Is it a better time to order now? Has customs chilled out a little? Hard to tell based on comments.
Hello sir ,

Customs is getting normal now and with our new shipping ways the success rate has been awesome ( however new method is a week slower than traditional India post ) .

Thanks & regards
Just made an order.. I did request a new catalogue this go around as the last one i had was about 3 months old. Ordered bout the same stuff as always 1500 pills of various ancillaries, and such. I follow thread pretty closely and have not seen anyone mention the 20% price increase across the board on the new pricelist made the first part of august. That was around the time customs started hitting hard and the meso 10% discount was taken away so kind of like a 30% increase. Shipping was about 15$ more than normal.. I say normal for me I have made only about 5 orders with PCT in the last year. I am not complaining as my last order was seized and he had to forfit a reship so I understand the increases. My hope is that as things get back to normal and PCT has recuperated some of the loses the increase can come back down. Thank God its Friday. Everyone have a great weekend.