MESO-Rx Sponsor PCT 24X7 "1 stop shop for all day healthcare"

Whats up guys, been using PCT for over a year, always comes through no problem. This debate about the HCG is interesting though because i have tried the eutrig and found to be absolutely bunk. he actually sent it to me by mistake because i never order it, although his other HCG is very good. It leads me to believe these tests are just simply not accurate, If i go without HCG for 3 days my balls start to intensely ache at an unignorable level. i mean walking around just hit in the balls by a football level pain, not just 'in my head', anyway
It leads me to believe the way HCG is tested just isn't accurate because of it being a peptide or something.

I'm waiting for a reship now with about 2 weeks of good HCG left, hopefully PCT comes though.
Whats up guys, been using PCT for over a year, always comes through no problem. This debate about the HCG is interesting though because i have tried the eutrig and found to be absolutely bunk. he actually sent it to me by mistake because i never order it, although his other HCG is very good. It leads me to believe these tests are just simply not accurate, If i go without HCG for 3 days my balls start to intensely ache at an unignorable level. i mean walking around just hit in the balls by a football level pain, not just 'in my head', anyway
It leads me to believe the way HCG is tested just isn't accurate because of it being a peptide or something.

I'm waiting for a reship now with about 2 weeks of good HCG left, hopefully PCT comes though.
Your anecdotal report does not prove anything about any brand of HCG. Send them in for testing. Eutrig is not bunk. I'm not able to at the moment but eventually I will share testing on Eutrig.
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Your anecdotal report does not prove anything about any brand of HCG. Send them in for testing. Eutrig is not bunk. I'm not able to at the moment but eventually I will share testing on Eutrig.
I think you did not read my post, i am asserting that the testing of HCG may not be accurate. My preffered testing method would be asking people who are sensitive to the LH suppressing effect of AAS with testicle pain, and asking them what HCG works. Why is this you ask? Because some people do not experience these testicular side effects when suppressing natural testicle function, they might not feel any pain or discomfort. That is why it is hard to get good ideas of HCG quality, because maybe even more than half of the people can't tell when it isn't working.
I think you did not read my post, i am asserting that the testing of HCG may not be accurate. My preffered testing method would be asking people who are sensitive to the LH suppressing effect of AAS with testicle pain, and asking them what HCG works. Why is this you ask? Because some people do not experience these testicular side effects when suppressing natural testicle function, they might not feel any pain or discomfort. That is why it is hard to get good ideas of HCG quality, because maybe even more than half of the people can't tell when it isn't working.
What is your level of knowledge about testing peptides and testing HCG? Would be fun to see you debate this with Jano.

Your feels report Is about as valuable is a jar of hot air. The way you get a good idea about the quality of the HCG is by testing it. If you think your feels report is better than an expert in peptide testing analyzing a sample, then I don't know what to tell you. Good luck.
Whats up guys, been using PCT for over a year, always comes through no problem. This debate about the HCG is interesting though because i have tried the eutrig and found to be absolutely bunk. he actually sent it to me by mistake because i never order it, although his other HCG is very good. It leads me to believe these tests are just simply not accurate, If i go without HCG for 3 days my balls start to intensely ache at an unignorable level. i mean walking around just hit in the balls by a football level pain, not just 'in my head', anyway
It leads me to believe the way HCG is tested just isn't accurate because of it being a peptide or something.

I'm waiting for a reship now with about 2 weeks of good HCG left, hopefully PCT comes though.
Do you happen to have a gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometor inside your balls? Or perhaps a High Performance Liquid Chromatography machiene? I assume your balls have evolved over centuries of AAS usage to have this characteristic?
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What is your level of knowledge about testing peptides and testing HCG? Would be fun to see you debate this with Jano.

Your feels report Is about as valuable is a jar of hot air. The way you get a good idea about the quality of the HCG is by testing it. If you think your feels report is better than an expert in peptide testing analyzing a sample, then I don't know what to tell you. Good luck.
Relax bro, he has magic balls of wisdom. You cant compete. His balls literally has "feelz brah". Thats end of discussion.
Relax bro, he has magic balls of wisdom. You cant compete. His balls literally has "feelz brah". Thats end of discussion.
There are 2 publicly available tests on Eutrig that PCT zone did. The tests show that Eutrig is WAY overdosed. Likely this guy is taking about two times as much HCG as he thinks he is, his balls are actually being stimulated much more than before causing a sensation, and somehow he decided that eutrig is bunk. Bro science at its finest.
Honestly though, being 2x overdosed enough for me not to use them. I’d rather use Chinese hcg which at least have accurate dosing even if not pharma quality
There are 2 publicly available tests on Eutrig that PCT zone did. The tests show that Eutrig is WAY overdosed. Likely this guy is taking about two times as much HCG as he thinks he is, his balls are actually being stimulated much more than before causing a sensation, and somehow he decided that eutrig is bunk. Bro science at its finest.
Well said. I hate bro-science. I dont know how he thinks his anecdotal testicle "feelz" is a replacement for scientific analysis...

Way too many people on these forums think the same way. Its about time that this changes
There are 2 publicly available tests on Eutrig that PCT zone did. The tests show that Eutrig is WAY overdosed. Likely this guy is taking about two times as much HCG as he thinks he is, his balls are actually being stimulated much more than before causing a sensation, and somehow he decided that eutrig is bunk. Bro science at its finest.
i couldn't seem to find the tests on eutrig hcg? I seem to be a "search bar flunky" lol but i got some from Axlelabs and have been using it (500 mcg 3x weekly) nothing noticeable for me been on it for 4 weeks
i couldn't seem to find the tests on eutrig hcg? I seem to be a "search bar flunky" lol but i got some from Axlelabs and have been using it (500 mcg 3x weekly) nothing noticeable for me been on it for 4 weeks
I don't want to bring up a competitor repeatedly in this thread. They're easy to find.
Well said. I hate bro-science. I dont know how he thinks his anecdotal testicle "feelz" is a replacement for scientific analysis...

Way too many people on these forums think the same way. Its about time that this changes

The problem is that people are relying on one persons lab for HCG testing (janoshik) and as a matter of fact Janoshik is a very smart man who i have a lot of respect for. You may be unaware of it but this same issue has come up with Janoshik before and he has had discourse with a European HCG manufacturer who outlined exactly why he believes Janoshik's method of testing HCG is not accurate, (many many vendors have their HCG results come back half dosed or severely underdosed.) Even QDS had his HCG come back half dosed from Janoshik.

So either there is a giant conspiracy on to underdose a peptide, or Janoshik's testing for HCG is flawed. I will link Janoshik's thread here HCG discourse
it is a long read but well worth it to hear from an actual manufacturer of HCG. Here is one quote for the people who won't read all of the thread.

I want to get back to you regarding your HCG testing, I spoke to other HCG producers who produce it using chinese HCG raw material, also to some other big sellers of HCG who import HCG vials, they all get same lower results than the expected 5000IU, and results range in 3000-3500IU which is a very low result.

As an example I sent vial from same batch, which you tested a bit above 3000IU to Analiza Bialek lab, and they showed correct results of nearly 6000IU. Check attachment.

You should really recheck how you test HCG and what standard you use, because this problem I see is not only with my production HCG but its mainstream problem which you have which affects HCG sales, with your current testing everyone has to add 10000IU so you would show 5000IU in your testing.

I am not pointing to your oils testing or your HGH testing, I am specifically saying about your HCG testing.''
''Regarding why no-one us using HPLC method in pharmacopeia you are not correct, as HPLC would be much cheaper and easier method to determine HCG bioactivity if it was possible, everyone would use it, if it would be possible to validate it for determination of HCG bioactivity in production or testing purposes, but no-one uses it because it is not suitable method for this particular protein, due to huge variation in glycolisation pattern and that pattern has big influence to bioactivity, so one protein with the same amount of mg/ml with one glycolisation pattern can have very different bioactivity with the same amount mg/ml with different glycolisation pattern.
I would not agree that no one is using hplc in pharmacopoeia, for lot's of proteins HPLC validation is the best and most important step in determination of protein characteristics, but not all proteins are the same. And in this regard you can not measure everything using the same scheme.''
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