PCT for Anavar cycle


New Member
going to be doing Anavar cycle at 50mg ED for 8weeks.
I got tamoxifen for PCT (which is essentially nolva)
I was originally going to do 40/40/20/20
But only have enough for 20/20/20/20.
Will this be fine? or?
It's a prescription, pharma grade tamoxifen.
Also should I run some form of test booster or maybe Tribulus through PCT?
Nolva at 20/20/10/10 would be fine for such a light cycle. I highly suggest running testosterone as a base though, even if it's just a low TRT a dose

Ozzy is right, drop the test booster... It's all bullshit marketting and the studies ran on them are conducted by biased groups usually trying to promote the product itself or scientists hired by the company putting the product out
Okay cool thanks,
I know under normal circumstances they don't do anything, I thought it may be different when trying to bring t levels and everything back to a normal range.
Is there any other products or supplements I should implement PCT to help with recovery though?
I currently take vit d3, multi, creatine, fish oil(when i've got it) and will be using milk thistle during cycle for added safety. I will probably add in taurine if needed, if I start getting bad cramps or pumps during cardio or training

I would do test but I thought it's probably best to do 1 compound at once especially for my first one, my next cycle would most likely be test-e @ 500mg a week.
You woud be fine running var with test e for a first cycle, you would benefit from var while the test e kicks in. When youre on pct you dont want to mess with your natty test production, thats what a cycle is for, it would be counterproductive to raise test levels on pct. So drop the test boosting idea. Im not a firm believer in milk thistle, besides, var is pretty mild. Liv 52 would be a better choice for liver support.
Okay cool thanks,
I know under normal circumstances they don't do anything, I thought it may be different when trying to bring t levels and everything back to a normal range.
Is there any other products or supplements I should implement PCT to help with recovery though?
I currently take vit d3, multi, creatine, fish oil(when i've got it) and will be using milk thistle during cycle for added safety. I will probably add in taurine if needed, if I start getting bad cramps or pumps during cardio or training

I would do test but I thought it's probably best to do 1 compound at once especially for my first one, my next cycle would most likely be test-e @ 500mg a week.
It would be better to do test e only for this cycle. But if you are dead set on running anavar, run a low dose of test with it, at least 250 per week as a base. Anavar will still shut your your natural test production down and it would be wise to have something in place of it.

I also like NAC and UDCA for liver support, and co-q10 when cycling (it's expensive but you can buy bulk on amazon). Of your Supps though, the most important you mentioned IMO are fish oil and a multi, I would definitely not run out of fish oil. There is a lot of evidence to back up the use of fish oil. Hope this helps and good luck man!